Trabalhos Originais Archives - Page 2 of 50 - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Trabalhos Originais

    The placental bed in abruptio placentae

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):585-591


    Trabalhos Originais

    The placental bed in abruptio placentae

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):585-591

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800007


    PURPOSE: to analyze the histopathological patterns of the placental bed arteries in pregnancies complicated by abruptio placentae (AP) and compare them with the normal vascular histology of the placental bed. METHODS: placental bed biopsy was performed in 23 pregnant women with a diagnosis of abruptio placentae associated with high blood pressure (G/HBP) disorders, with gestational age of 28 weeks or more, submitted to cesarean section. The control group (CG) consisted of 30 patients without disease, submitted to cesarean section for obstetric reasons. The selected histological variables were: unaltered pattern, physiological changes, medial layer disorganization, hyperplastic changes, acute necrosis and atherosis. RESULTS: in patients with AP associated with HBP there was a significant predominance of medial layer disorganization and hyperplastic changes, compared to CG, while physiological changes in spiral arteries were statistically more common in CG. Findings of acute necrosis and atherosis were observed in a low number of G/HBP, with no statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: in pregnant women with AP associated with HBP the predominant vascular histological findings were medial layer disorganization and hyperplastic changes. The presence of histopathological features was significantly higher in G/HBP, with prevalence of medial layer disorganization. Normal histological pattern, i.e., physiological changes, were more prevalent in CG.

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    The placental bed in abruptio placentae
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Prevalence of hepatitis B in parturients and perinatal serologic profile

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):571-576


    Trabalhos Originais

    Prevalence of hepatitis B in parturients and perinatal serologic profile

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):571-576

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800005


    PURPOSE: to estimate the prevalence of the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in parturients admitted to the "Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP)", Recife-PE, and to determine the serologic profile of the positive ones. METHODS: this is a prospective cross-sectional study where the VIDAS and VIDAS HBs systems were used for detection and confirmation of HBsAg, respectively. The parturients were randomly selected. In HBsAg+ patients, the other serologic markers were tested by the use of the AxSYM automated system. The newborn babies of HBsAg+ mothers were vaccinated with the Engerix B vaccine. RESULTS: among 1584 parturients, there were 9 (0.6%) HBsAg positive. None of them had anti-HBc IgM, thus they were all prevalent cases. In 1/9 (11.1%) of the HBsAg+ mothers, HBeAg was isolated and in 4/9 (44.4%), this antigen circulated along with its antibody, hence the importance of establishing the different magnitudes of risk of vertical transmission. Except for two newborn babies from a twin pregnancy (one with low birth weight), all presented seroconversion to anti-HBs with 3 doses of the vaccine. The premature twin babies showed seroconvertion only after the fourth dose of the vaccine. CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence of hepatitis B among parturients at IMIP is relatively low and all patients diagnosed had the chronic form of the infection.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Correlation between the Doppler indices of inferior vena cava and ductus venosus and fetal umbilical cord blood concentration of hemoglobin in pregnant women with isoimmunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):577-583


    Trabalhos Originais

    Correlation between the Doppler indices of inferior vena cava and ductus venosus and fetal umbilical cord blood concentration of hemoglobin in pregnant women with isoimmunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):577-583

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800006


    PURPOSE: to determine the relationship between the Doppler indices of inferior vena cava and ductus venosus and the fetal hemoglobin concentration. METHODS: a cross-sectional prospective study was performed at the "Centro de Medicina Fetal HC UFMG" from January 1998 to July 2001. Thirty-one pregnant women with isoimmunization, detected by an indirect Coombs test >1:8, underwent a protocol for the identification of fetal hemolysis. When intrauterine transfusions were indicated, the umbilical cord hemoglobin concentration was measured at the begining of the procedure. In the other cases, it was measured at delivery. Every single intrauterine transfusion preceded by Doppler flow velocity waveforms from inferior vena cava and ductus venosus was defined as one case. Hemocue® (B-Hemoglobin Photometer Hemocue AB; Angelholm, Sweden) was used to measure the fetal hemoglobin concentration. In all cases, inferior vena cava and ductus venosus Doppler examinations were performed before the collection of fetal blood samples. For the inferior vena cava Doppler, the studied indices were pulsatility index for veins (PVI), peak velocity index for veins (PVIV) and atrial/systole ratio (CA/SV ratio or preload index); for ductus venosus, PVI, PVIV and systole/atrial ratio (SV/CA ratio). The relationship between inferior vena cava and ductus venosus Doppler indices and cord blood hemoglobin concentration was obtained by simple linear regression analysis. Moreover, an association between those indices and the finding of fetal hemoglobin <10 g/dL was shown by the c² test, significant at p<0.05. RESULTS: seventy-four procedures were studied. In twenty-three cases fetal hemoglobin was below 7 g/dL. A significant negative correlation between all studied Doppler indices and fetal concentration of hemoglobin was observed (p<0.05). The highest Doppler index values were observed in severe anemic fetuses. Fetuses with cord blood hemoglobin below 10 g/dL presented inferior vena cava and ductus venosus Doppler indices over the 95 percentile for gestational age. CONCLUSIONS: Doppler flow velocity waveforms from inferior vena cava and ductus venosus may be used as a noninvasive marker of severe fetal anemia.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Viability and in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes after vitrification

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):553-559


    Trabalhos Originais

    Viability and in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes after vitrification

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):553-559

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800003


    PURPOSE: to verify vitrification techniques using 6 M DMSO to cryopreserve in vitro matured bovine oocytes, and to assess the effects of the time of exposure to vitrification solutions (VS). METHODS: dilutions of VS were prepared from the stock VS (VS 100%) consisting of 6 M DMSO to give 25 and 65% DMSO solutions. Bovine oocytes were in vitro matured for 18-22 h. Matured oocytes were placed first into 25% VS, at room temperature for 5 min, then transferred to 65% VS, before being pipetted into the 100% VS in plastic straws. Three experimental groups were formed: in the first group, time of pipetting through 65% VS and loading the straw took up to 60 s, in the second group it did not exceed 30 s. For thawing, straws were held in air for 10 s and then in a water bath for 10 s. The contents of each straw were expelled in sucrose solution and held for 5 min. In the third experimental group, oocytes went through all VS, but were not vitrified. All retrieved oocytes were inseminated. For control, fresh, in vitro matured oocytes were inseminated. RESULTS: after vitrification, 69.1 and 59.8% of the oocytes were retrieved from the 30 s and 60 s groups, respectively, and 93 and 89% of these oocytes appeared morphologically normal 24 h after insemination, respectively. In the group of oocytes exposed without vitrification, 75.6% were retrieved and 84.7% were morphologically viable, 24 h after insemination. No fertilization was observed in the experimental groups. Among controls, 65.4% were fertilized. CONCLUSIONS: the vitrification technique using 6 M DMSO is not a feasible approach to cryopreserve in vitro matured bovine oocytes. Decreasing the time of exposure to VS did not overcome deleterious effects of the procedure on the fertilizability of oocytes. Improvements in the technique are needed to protect the zona pellucida and oolemma.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Assessment of proliferating cells of nuclear antigen and estrogen and progesterone receptor expression changes determined by primary chemotherapy in breast cancer

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):545-552


    Trabalhos Originais

    Assessment of proliferating cells of nuclear antigen and estrogen and progesterone receptor expression changes determined by primary chemotherapy in breast cancer

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):545-552

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800002


    ABSTRACT PURPOSE: to evaluate the changes in the cell phenotype determined by primary chemotherapy. METHODS: we evaluated the expression of proliferating cells of nuclear antigen (PCNA) and the estrogen (RE) and progesterone (RP) receptors in 17 stage II breast cancer patients before and after chemotherapy by immunohistochemistry. The values were compared with menopausal status, tumoral clinical response and with axillary lymph node status. RESULTS: there was a significant decrease in the average index of anti-PCNA-stained cells before (time A) and after (time B) chemotherapy (p=0.041). Responder patients displayed a significant decrease in PCNA levels [time A=53.1 and time B= 30.7 (p=0.011)]. A similar trend was observed in patients with histologic grade GII/GIII [time A=63.1 and time B=38.7 (p=0.049)]. There was no significant difference in PCNA expression regarding menopause status and axillary lymph node involvement. There was a significant decrease in RE after chemotherapy in the premenopausal patients [time A=60.3 and time B=24.1 (p=0.027)] and in those who showed a therapeutic response [time A=59.1 and time B=37.9 (p=0.030)]. We observed a significant increase in RP after chemotherapy in the postmenopausal patients [time A=35.3 and time B=58.3 (p=0.023)]. There was no relationship between hormone receptors and axillary lymph nodes. CONCLUSIONS: the decrease in PCNA levels in patients with high histologic grade, in RE in premenopausal patients, and both, PCNA and RE, in the tumors with clinical response after chemotherapy shows that the drugs acted on proliferating cells, and therefore PCNA can be used as a parameter of treatment response.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    The use of bovine pericardium in the pubovaginal sling for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(7):525-528


    Trabalhos Originais

    The use of bovine pericardium in the pubovaginal sling for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(7):525-528

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000700010


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the results of the use of bovine pericardium in the pubovaginal sling procedure for treatment of stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: a prospective analysis of five patients who underwent pubovaginal sling with the use of bovine pericardium strip for stress urinary incontinence in the "Hospital das Clínicas of UFMG" from October/2001 to December/2001. The mean age was 48.2±11.5 years (33 to 69 years). RESULTS: the mean surgical time was 45±35.3 min and the mean hospital stay was 36±12.4 h (24 to 48 h). Complications in the periperative or immediate postoperative period did not occur. All patients initially presented satisfactory results with normal voiding and without stress incontinence. Postoperative complications occurred in the 5 patients (100%), with dehiscence of the vaginal wound and total expulsion of the strip in 2 patients (40%) and partial expulsion in 3 patients (60%). All patients presented stress urinary incontinence and were submitted to a new sling procedure using the rectus fascia. The patients then progressed without complications and with improvement of urinary continence in 4 patients (80%). CONCLUSIONS: pubovaginal sling with the use of bovine pericardium was associated with high rates of complications. Therefore, its use is not recommended in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Evaluation of the uterine cavity by sonohysterography in patients with implantation failure after in vitro fertilization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(7):519-523


    Trabalhos Originais

    Evaluation of the uterine cavity by sonohysterography in patients with implantation failure after in vitro fertilization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(7):519-523

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000700009


    PURPOSE: to analyze the accuracy of sonohysterography for the evaluation of the uterine cavity in patients with an implantation failure, at the first attempt of an in vitro fertilization cycle. METHODS: in a prospective double blind study, the authors analyzed patients previously submitted to at least one embryo transfer, who presented implantation failures. The patients were submitted to a sonohysterographic examination followed by a diagnostic hysteroscopic examination, carried out by different professionals each of whom was not aware of the results of the other. The results were recorded and only interpreted after the end of the trial. Sonohysterography was performed by the introduction of a urethral catheter 8 into the uterine cervix followed by infusion of physiological saline. The anechoic interface shown by the physiological saline can reveal abnormalities, like uterine polyps or submucosal myomas. Hysteroscopy was performed with a Karl Storz equipment, 4 mm 30º rigid telescope, and infusion of physiological saline for uterine cavity distention. RESULTS: twenty-eight of the 33 originally selected patients for this study were analyzed. Sonohysterography detected abnormalities in 8 patients, five with endometrial polyps (62.5%), two with endocervical polyps (25.0%), and one with submucosal myoma (12.5%). Hysteroscopy (gold standard) detected abnormalities in 7 patients, two with endometrial polyps (28.6%), two with cervical polyps (28.6%) and one with submucosal myoma (14.2%). Sonohysterography, when compared with diagnostic hysteroscopy, presented 71.4% sensibility, 85.7% specificity, 62.5% positive predictive value, and 90% negative predictive value of. CONCLUSION: due to its low positive predictive value, the authors suggest confirmation of the sonohysterography result by diagnostic hysteroscopy. Because sonohysterography presents a good level of specificity and a favorable low negative predictive value, the authors suggest that after a normal sonohysterography diagnostic hysteroscopy to evaluate the uterine cavity before in vitro fertlization is not necessary. This study leads to the conclusion that sonohysterography is a good screening method for the detection of polypoid lesions of the uterine cavity, which could be responsible for implantation failures in in vitro fertilization cycles.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Evaluation of the usefulness of the in vitro maturation technique of human oocyte and subsequent fertilization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(7):513-516


    Trabalhos Originais

    Evaluation of the usefulness of the in vitro maturation technique of human oocyte and subsequent fertilization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(7):513-516

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000700008


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the usefulness of the in vitro maturation technique of human oocyte and subsequent fertilization. METHODS: this is a prospective nonrandomized, descriptive study, carried out during the period of November 1999 to March 2001, with 20 cycles of in vitro fertilization of 15 patients with tubal infertility. All signed the written informed consent before the beginning of the study. The selected patients were at least 18 and at most 32 years of age, with only tubal infertility, and body mass index less than 25 kg/m². The patients received 300 UI of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by intramuscular injection at the second day of the cycle and additional doses of 150 IU at the fourth and sixth days of cycle. The oocyte retrieval was performed at the seventh day of the cycle. Those oocytes classified as immature were cultured in tissue culture medium 199 (TCM-199) with antibiotics, pyruvate, FSH, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and serum (serum substitute supplement - Irvine Scientific®). After 48 h of culture, the oocytes that achieved metaphase II stage were inseminated, and the fertilized ones were transferred. RESULTS: one hundred and forty-four follicles were aspirated. There were 67 (46.5%) immature retrieved oocytes and 43 (64.2%) reached the metaphase II stage and were inseminated. Thirty fertilized oocytes and 25 embryos were transferred to 10 patients. There was one pregnancy with a baby born. CONCLUSION: we conclude that to mature human oocytes in vitro before in vitro fertilization is a procedure able to achieve pregnancy.

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