Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2024;46:e-rbgo32
To ascertain how screening for preterm birth is performed among obstetricians working in public and private practice in a middle-income country.
Cross-sectional study of 265 obstetrician-gynecologists employed at public and private facilities. An online questionnaire was administered, with items designed to collect data on prematurity screening and prevention practices.
The mean age of respondents was 44.5 years; 78.5% were female, and 97.7% had completed a medical residency program. Universal screening (i.e., by ultrasound measurement of cervical length) was carried out by only 11.3% of respondents in public practice; 43% request transvaginal ultrasound if the manual exam is abnormal, and 74.6% request it in pregnant women with risk factors for preterm birth. Conversely, 60.7% of respondents in private practice performed universal screening. This difference in screening practices between public and private practice was highly significant (p < 0.001). Nearly all respondents (90.6%) reported prescribing vaginal progesterone for short cervix.
In the setting of this study, universal ultrasound screening to prevent preterm birth was used by just over half of doctors in private practice. In public facilities, screening was even less common. Use of vaginal progesterone in cervical shortening was highly prevalent. There is an unmet need for formal protocols for screening and prevention of preterm birth in middle-income settings.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2015;37(9):428-433
DOI 10.1590/SO100-720320150005283
Evaluation of maternal, obstetrics e neonatal features in both spontaneous preterm births (PTB) with or without preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM).
Retrospective study of single fetus pregnancies with PTB between 2003 and 2012. Inclusion criteria: PTB associated with ou without PPROM. Exclusion criterias: PTB by medical indication due to fetal/maternal disease and all non accessible or incomplete clinical files. Different characteristics were compared between two groups of PTB: spontaneous PTB without PPROM (sPTB) versus PPROM. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Levene, χ2, t Student and Mann-Withney tests were used for statistical analysis.
From 2,393 PTB of single fetus, 1,432 files were analysed, from which 596 were sPTB and 836 PPROM. The socioeconomic conditions were similar in both groups. Multiparity (50.7versus 40.3%), personal history of previous PTB (20.8 versus 10.2%), cervical length (18.2 versus 27.2 mm), lower body index mass (23.4 versus 24.3 kg/m2) and higher infectious parameters (Protein C Reactive: 2.2 versus 1.2 mg/L; Leukocytes: 13.3 versus 12.4x109) were more frequent in PBTs (p<0,001). Neonatal outcomes, specially neurologic outcomes (4.7 versus 2.8%, p<0,001), were worst in PBTs.
PTB with or without PPROM has a complex etiology. From all evaluated features in our study, only maternal thinness, multiparity with a previous PTB, the cervical length and worst systemic infections parameters were significant in sPTB. This group also showed worst neonatal outcomes, specially on neurological outcomes.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2015;37(8):353-358
DOI 10.1590/SO100-720320150005338
To investigate the association between genetic, behavioral, biological and medical risk factors and the occurrence of preterm birth.
A retrospective case-control study was conducted. The real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze the influence of the rs12473815 polymorphism of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor gene (FSHR) and the rs1942836 polymorphism of the progesterone receptor gene (PGR). Other proposed risk factors were assessed using validated or specifically developed questionnaires and analysis of electronically recorded medical data. A total of 157 patients were included (45 cases who went into labor before 37 weeks of pregnancy and 112 controls who went into labor after 37 and before 42 weeks of pregnancy).
The genotypes CT of rs12473815 and CT and CC of rs1942836 were associated with a higher chance of premature delivery. There was an association between preterm birth and alcohol intake when consumption occurred 2 or more times per month. Low pre-pregnancy body mass index was a predictor of spontaneous preterm birth, while high body mass index reduced this likelihood.
The results suggest that excessive alcohol intake, a low level of pre-pregnancy body mass and the risk alleles of rs12473815 and rs1942836 polymorphisms of the FSHR and PGR genes, respectively, influence the occurrence of preterm birth.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2015;37(4):159-163
DOI 10.1590/SO100-720320150004973
To analyze the relationship between route of delivery and other aspects of pregnancy and the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage in newborns of very low weight at a teaching hospital in South Brazil.
A case-control study was conducted. Medical records of all patients who were born weighing ≤1,500 g and who were submitted to transfontanellar ultrasonography were analyzed from January 2011 to September 2014. The cases were newborns with diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage, while newborns with regular exams were used as controls. Differences between groups were analyzed by the Student t test and by χ2 or Fisher exact tests, and association was determined using the odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval and α=5%.
A total of 222 newborns with birth weight ≤1,500 g were recorded; of these, 113 were submitted to transfontanellar ultrasonography and were included in the study. Sixty-nine (61.1%) newborns were diagnosed with intracranial hemorrhage (cases) and 44 (38.9%) showed no abnormal results (controls). Most cases had grade I hemorrhage (96.8%) originating from the germinative matrix (95.7%). The predominant route of delivery was caesarean section (81.2% of the cases and 72.7% of the controls). Five deaths were recorded (3 cases and 2 controls). Gestational age ranged from 24 to 37 weeks. Median birth weight was 1,205 g (range: 675-1,500 g). The median time of hospitalization was 52 days, ranging from 5 to 163 days.
Grade I intracranial hemorrhage from the germinative matrix was the most frequent. No differences were found between cases and controls for the variables studied. The small number of infants submitted to transfontanellar ultrasonography limited the sample size and the results of the study.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2014;36(10):442-448
DOI 10.1590/SO100-720320140004941
To identify obstetric and perinatal factors associated with perinatal morbidity and mortality in pregnancies that progressed with ruptured membranes.
A cross-sectional hospital-based study with secondary data from records of patients (n=87) that evolved with the premature rupture of membranes between 24 and 42 weeks of gestation, admitted from January to April 2013 to a public hospital in Acre State, North of Brazil. Data were subjected to bivariate analysis for selection of variables to be used in a multiple regression model according to Poisson logistic regression with robust error.
The prevalence of perinatal morbidity-mortality was 51.4%, including a 2.3% death rate (2 cases) and a 9.2% fetal neonatal death rate (8 cases). The variables associated with mortality in the final multiple model were: number of prenatal consultations ≥6, with a prevalence ratio (PR) of 0.5 and a 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of 0.3-0.9, gestational age ≥30 weeks (PR=0.6; 95%CI 0.4-0.8), low birth weight (PR=2.9; 95%CI 1.5-5.4), and mechanical ventilation (PR=3.8; 95%CI 2.0-7.2).
Perinatal morbidity and mortality were high among cases of ruptured membranes. Morbidity and mortality were associated with factors such as fewer prenatal visits, extreme prematurity and low birth weight in this group.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2013;35(12):549-553
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013001200004
PURPOSE: To analyze the perinatal mortality rate in cases of gastroschisis and possible associated factors. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted between 1992 and 2012. All cases of gastroschisis born in Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) during that period were included. The diagnosis of gastroschisis was obtained by morphological ultrasound examination or clinical examination at birth in prenatally unknown cases. The variables of birth (birthweight, gestational age and Apgar score, mode of delivery, type of gastroschisis and associated anomalies) and the surgical ones (type of surgical closure, reintervention and sepsis) were compared between surviving cases and deaths. The results of this comparison were analyzed according to the type of variable using parametric and non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney or Student's t-test, χ² or Fisher's exact test), with the level of significance set at 5% (p=0.05). RESULTS: Sixty-four newborns with gastroschisis were included, 59 of them (92.2%) diagnosed during the prenatal period. Twenty-six patients (40.6%) had only exposed intestines, classified as simple gastroschisis, 22 had exposure of the intestines and stomach (34.4%) and 16 had exposure of the intestine and other organs (25%), for a total of 38 cases of complex gastroschisis. Primary surgical repair was performed in 44 cases (68.8%). The mortality rate was 23.4% (15 deaths). Babies who died had significantly lower birth weight (p=0.001), gestational age (p=0.03) and Apgar score (p=0.03) than survivors. There was no difference in mode of delivery (p=0.8) and, with respect to gut contents, there was no difference between the cases of simple and complex gastroschisis (p=0.06). Mortality was significantly higher in patients with sepsis (p=0.008) and reintervention (p=0.001). CONCLUSION: in the present study, perinatal mortality due to gastroschisis seemed to depend mainly on prematurity, low birth weight, and surgical complications.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2013;35(2):71-77
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013000200006
PURPOSE: To evaluate the anthropometric characteristics of morbidity and mortality of premature newborns (NB) of hypertensive mothers according to the presence or absence of flow (DZ) or reverse (DR) diastolic flow in the dopplervelocimetry of the umbilical artery. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted on preterm newborns of pregnant women with hypertension between 25 and 33 weeks of gestational age, submitted to umbilical artery Doppler study during the five days before delivery. Delivery occurred at Hospital Regional da Asa Sul, Brasília - Federal District, between November 1st, 2009 and October 31st, 2010. The infants were stratified into two groups according to the results of Doppler velocimetry: Gdz/dr=absent end-diastolic velocity waveform or reversed end-diastolic velocity waveform, and Gn=normal Doppler velocimetry. Anthropometric measurements at birth, neonatal morbidity, and mortality were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: We studied 92 infants, as follows: Gdz/dr=52 infants and Gn=40 infants. In Gdz/dr, the incidence of infants small for gestational age was significantly greater, with a relative risk of 2.5 (95%CI 1.7 - 3.7). In Gdz/dr, infants remained on mechanical ventilation for a longer time: median 2 (0‒28) and Gn median 0.5 (0‒25) p=0.03. The need for oxygen at 28 days was higher in G dz/dr comparing to Gn (33 versus 10%; p=0.01). Neonatal mortality was higher in Gdz/dr compared to Gn (36 versus 10%; p=0.03; relative risk of 1.6; 95%CI 1.2‒2.2). Logistic regression showed that, with each 100 grams lower birth weight, the chance of death increased 6.7 times in G dz/dr (95%CI 2.0 - 11.3; p<0.01). CONCLUSION: In preterm infants of mothers with hypertensive changes in Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical artery, intrauterine growth restriction and neonatal prognosis are often worse, with a high risk of death related to birth weight.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(8):387-395
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000800002
PURPOSE: to identify the main maternal risk factors involved in early-onset neonatal sepsis, evaluating the risk associations between bacterial vaginosis and isolated microorganisms found in the maternal urine culture and in the newborn blood culture in the delivery room. METHODS: randomized longitudinal cohort study involving 302 mothers and their newborns. All neonates were followed up for seven days in order to diagnose sepsis. RESULTS: the outcomes were the following: 16 (5.3%) early-onset neonatal sepsis cases (incidence of 53 cases per 1,000 live births). The average number of prenatal appointments with a doctor was 5.2 (SD=1.8). The number of women with prenatal follow-up was 269 (89.1%), but only 117 (43.4%) of them went to six or more medical appointments, 90 (29.8%) had premature rupture of membranes before delivery, but only 22 (7.3%) had it for more than 18 hours. A total of 123 women (40.7%) complained of vaginal discharge, but only 47 (15.6%) of them had bacterial vaginosis, 92 (30.4%) complained of urinary infection, but only 23 (7.6%) of them had bacteriuria, two (0.7%) had fever at home, 122 (40.4%) received intra-partum antibiotic prophylaxis, 40 (13.2%) had premature delivery and 37 (12.3%) had low-birth-weight babies. Gestational age was a significant risk factor (RR=92.9; IC95%:12.6-684.7), as well as the number of prenatal appointments (RR=10,8; IC95%:1,4-80,8), fever (RR=10,0; IC95%:2,3-43,5), low-birth-weight (RR=21,5; IC95%:7,3-63,2) and early neonatal death (RR=89,4; IC95%:11,16-720,6). A significant difference of 5% was found in the comparison of the averages of lower number of prenatal appointments, prematurity and lower birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: the major microorganism isolated in the newborns’ blood culture was the Streptococcus agalactiae. Prematurity, lack of prenatal follow up and low birth weight were the risk factors more associated with early neonatal sepsis.