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Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2008;30(7):328-334
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008000700002
PURPOSE: to study the histochemical changes related to the uterine cervix glycosaminoglycan of the albino female rat, after local ministration of hyaluronidases at the end of pregnancy. METHODS: ten female rats with positive pregnancy tests were randomly distributed in two numerically equal groups. The control group (Cg) was built up with rats that received a single dose of 1 mL of distilled water in the uterine cervix, under anesthesia, at the 18th pregnancy day. In the experimental group (Exg), the rats received 0.02 mL of hyaluronidase, diluted in 0.98 mL of distilled water (1 mL as a total), under the same conditions as the Cg. At the 20th pregnancy day, the rats were anesthetized once again and submitted to dissection, and the cervix prepared for histochemical study with alcian blue dye and its blockades (pH=0.5, pH=2.5, methylation and saponification). RESULTS: strongly positive reaction in the lamina propria (+3) has been seen in the Cg, and negative reaction in the Exg, with pH=0.5 alcian blue staining. With pH=2.5, staining has also been strongly positive (+4) in the Cg, and weakly positive (+1) in the Exg slide. After methylation, both groups have shown negative reaction, with pH=2.5 alcian blue staining. The lamina propria staining became negative after methylation in both groups, followed by saponification and enzymatic digestion on slide. CONCLUSIONS: there is clear predominance of sulphated glycosaminoglycans in the Cg as compared to the Exg and a small amount of identified carboxylated glycosaminoglycans in the Exg. The changes evidenced in the extracellular matrix have suggested that the hyaluronidase injected in the uterine cervix has promoted biochemical changes compatible with cervix maturation.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2008;30(3):149-159
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008000300008
It is advisable to do the non-invasive diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy precociously, before there is the tube rupture, combining for that the transvaginal ultrasonography with the dosage of the b-fraction of the chorionic gonadotrophin. A range of treatment options may be used. Either a surgical intervention or a clinical treatment may be taken into consideration. Laparotomy is indicated in cases of hemodynamic instability. Laparoscopy is the preferential route for the treatment of tube pregnancy. Salpingectomy should be performed in patients having the desired number of children, while salpingostomy should be indicated in patients willing to have more children, when the b-hCG titers are under 5,000 mUI/mL and the surgical conditions are favorable. The use of methotrexate (MTX) is a consecrated clinical procedure and should be indicated as the first option of treatment. The main criteria for MTX indication are hemodynamic stability, b-hCG <5,000 mUI/mL, anexial mass <3,5 cm, and no alive embryo. It is preferable a single intramuscular dose of 50 mg/m², because it is easier, more practical and with less side effects. Protocol with multiple doses should be restricted for the cases with atypical localization (interstitial, cervical, caesarean section scar and ovarian) with values of b-hCG >5,000 mUI/mL and no alive embryo. Indication for local treatment with an injection of MTX (1 mg/kg) guided by transvaginal ultrasonography should occur in cases of alive embryos, but with an atypical localization. An expectant conduct should be indicated in cases of decrease in the b-hCG titers within 48 hous before the treatment, and when the initial titers are under 1,500 mUI/mL. There are controversies between salpingectomy and salpingostomy, concerning the reproductive future. Till we reach an agreement in the literature, the advice to patients who are looking forward to a future gestation, is to choose either surgical or clinical conservative conducts.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(12):633-638
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007001200006
PURPOSE: to compare macro and microscopically, surgical uterine sutures in female rabbits, after caesarean section utilizing separate, continuous and continuous anchored suture stitches. METHODS: three New Zealand female rabbits in their first pregnancy were used. The caesarean section was carried out at the 26th day of gestation and three incisions were performed in each uterus. The hysterorrhaphy was performed with a 00 Vicryl® thread, and a different suture technique was employed for each incision. Total hysterectomy and adnexectomy were done at the 60th day post-delivery with the preservation of eventual adhesions for the evaluation of the surgical scars. The extent of scar retraction, amount of fibrin deposit and the suture integrity were evaluated through macroscopy. For the evaluation through microscopy, hematoxylin eosin technique was used for cellular colorimetry, and Masson's trichrom to evidence collagen. The statistical non-parametric Friedman's test was employed for the matching hypothesis, and Fisher's exact test to verify the homogeneity of the techniques (level of significance: 5%). RESULTS: a total of 18 scars were obtained (six scars per suture). The following mean values were obtained for the longitudinal (0.5/0.4/0.5, p=0.069) and transversal retraction degrees (0.3/0.4/0.3, p=0.143) respectively for separate, continuous and continuous anchored suture techniques. All sutures presented regular fibrin deposit, no adhesions and integral absorption of the stitches. The mean value of the blood vessels (158.5/139.3/172.1; p=0.293), fibroblasts (351.6/345.8/354.3; p=0.311) and of collagen percentage (44.0/45.5/48.5; p=0.422) were calculated through microscopy, respectively for separate, continuous and continuous anchored suture techniques. CONCLUSIONS: the type of hysterorrhaphy technique of caesarean section in female rabbits did not generate any significant statistical difference in the macroscopic and microscopic parameters evaluated.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):470-477
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900006
PURPOSE: to assess the prevalence of the risk of post-partum depression in women in the post-natal ward of a hospital in São Paulo city, in the southeastern region of Brazil, and analyze the associated factors, including domestic violence (DV). METHODS: this was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The participants were 133 women with at least 20 weeks of gestation age, who delivered their babies from August to September 2005 in a tertiary maternity in the city of São Paulo (Brazil). They were interviewed using the Portuguese version of the Abuse Assessment Screen for the diagnosis of violence and filled out a self-evaluation questionnaire for post-partum depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale). Variables were presented as absolute and relative frequencies. The chi2 or Fisher exact tests were used to analyze possible associations between the variables of interest and post-partum depression. The value of 5% was considered significant. RESULTS: risk for post-partum depression was detected in 24 women (18%). A total of 38.3% of the participants interviewed had a history of abuse. There was an association between DV after they were 15 years old and risk of depression (p=0.036). The prevalence of abuse in the group of women at risk for post-partum depression was 58.3% and this was significantly higher than the 33.9% observed in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: the probability of presenting depression was high among the post-partum women attended at a tertiary maternity in the southeast of Brazil. The DV after they were 15 years old was significantly associated with risk of post-partum depression.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(8):396-401
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000800003
PURPOSE: to translate and to validate the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) for Brazilian pregnant women. METHODS: ninety-two pregnant women attended at a low risk prenatal clinic, with diagnosis of the pregnancy confirmed by precocious ultrasonography, participated in the research. Initially, we translated the FSFI questionnaire for Portuguese language (of Brazil) in agreement with the international criteria. Cultural, conceptual and semantics adaptations of FSFI were accomplished, because of the differences of the language, so that the pregnant women understood the subjects. All the patients answered FSFI twice, in the same day, with two different interviewers, with an hour interval from one to other interview. After 7 to 14 days, the questionnaire was applied again in a second interview. Reliability (internal intra and interobserver consistence) and the validity of the constructo (to demonstrate that questionnaire measures the sexual function) were appraised. RESULTS: Cultural adaptations were necessary for us to obtain the final version. The internal intra-observer (alpha of Chronbach) consistence of the several domains oscillated from moderate to strong (0,791 to 0,911) and the interobserver consistence varied from 0,791 to 0,914. In the validation of the constructo, were obtained moderate correlations to fort among the final scores (general) of FSFI and of Female Sexual Quotient (QS-F) that has the capacity to evaluate the feminine sexual function. CONCLUSIONS: FSFI was adapted to the Portuguese language and to the Brazilian culture, presenting significant reliability and validity; it could be included and used in future studies of the Brazilian pregnant sexual function.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(3):127-135
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031998000300002
A prospective study was performed with 42 patients with unruptured ectopic pregnancy, which intended to elaborate an index to orient the systemic treatment with the administration of a single intramuscular dose of methotrexate (50 mg/m²). Patients were monitored with beta-hCG titers on days 1, 4 and 7 after the methotrexate. When the titers of beta-hCG declined more than 15%, between days 4 and 7 after methotrexate, the patients were discharged and had an outpatient follow-up monitored with beta-hCG titers weekly until the titers were less than 5 mIU/ml, which represents success of the treatment. We prepared an index for the systemic treatment with methotrexate, with five parameters: (1) initial titers of beta-hCG; (2) aspects of the image at ultrasound (hematosalpinx, gestational sac, live embryo); (3) size of the mass; (4) free fluid in cul-de-sac; (5) collor doppler. Each parameter received a grade from 0 to 2. Grade 0 represented bad prognosis, favorable parameters received grade 2 and borderline parameters received grade one. The success rate with a single dose of methotrexate was 69.0% (29/42). The color doppler was performed in 20 of the 42 patients; in this group of 20 patients the success rate was 75.0% (15/20). In the 22 patients who were not submitted to the color doppler, the average grade of the score in the successful cases was 6.6, and in the unsuccessful it was 3.1. In the group who underwent the doppler (20 patients) the average was 7.9 in the successful cases and 4.2 in the cases that failed. In the present study the cut-off grade was 5, for most of the patients with grades above 5 had a successful treatment (15/16 - 93.75%), while grades equal or below 5 failed. The score will help to indicate the best cases for the medical treatment. We do not advise the treatment when the grade is equal or below 5. Therefore, we can predict a good evolution of the treatment when the grade is above five.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(3):153-157
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031999000300006
Purpose: to evaluate the efficacy of color Doppler in the prediction of results of the systemic treatment of unruptured ectopic pregnancy with a single dose of methotrexate. Methodology: twenty patients with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy were included in the study. The inclusion criteria were: hemodynamic stability, adnexal mass < 5.0 cm and decline of the titers of beta-hCG less than 15% in an interval of 24 h. The exclusion criteria were hepatic or renal disease and blood dyscrasias. Follow-up was by serial determinations of beta-hCG on days 4 and 7 after the beginning of the treatment, and weekly until the titers were negative. The patients were classified into 3 groups according to color Doppler: high risk (trophoblastic flow covering more than 2/3 of the mass), medium risk (when trophoblastic flow compromised 1/3 to 2/3 of tubal mass) and low risk (when trophoblastic flow covered less than 1/3 of the mass). Results: the success of the treatment with a single dose was 75% (15/20); when a second dose of MTX was used, the success rate was 85%. When comparing color Doppler with the results of the medical treatment, we had high risk in 4 patients and in all the treatment failed; medium and low risk in 16 patients, and in 15 the treatment was successful. Conclusion: color Doppler showing high risk indicated an unfavorable situation for the medical treatment with MTX, while medium and low risk in color doppler were favorable situations for the clinical treatment. However, these results should always be analyzed in association with the evolution curve of the beta-hCG titers.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(3):171-174
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031999000300009
In pregnant women with cervical incompetence in whom there is also dilatation of the cervix and prolapsed membranes there are technical difficulties in performing cerclage in order to prolongate pregnancy until sufficient fetal maturity assures survival of the newborn. We describe a case of cervical incompetence with prolapsed membranes at 21 weeks of gestation, in which we caused the decrease of intrauterine pressure with drainage of amniotic fluid by amniocentesis, until reintroduction of membranes into the uterine cavity was possible. This procedure allowed traction of cervical lips and cerclage with less mechanical trauma, warranting the evolution of pregnancy for 12 weeks and fetal survival