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Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 02-24-2022;44(5):489-496
Few studies analyzed the safety of salvage nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) for local relapse treatment. We evaluated the outcomes of patients with indications for mastectomy who chose to undergo NSM for ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR).
Between January 2001 and December 2018, we evaluated 24 women who underwent NSM for local relapse after conservative surgery.
Thepatientswere followedupfor amean time of132months since thefirst surgery. After the NSM, 5 (20.8%) patients were diagnosed with local recurrence and only 1 (4.2%) patient died. The patients presented 4.8% (2) of partial and 2.4% (1) of total nipple necrosis.
In this long-term follow-up since the first surgery, we observed low rates of complication and good survival, although associated with high local recurrence in patients diagnosed with IBTR undergoing NSM as salvage surgery.We demonstrated that NSMmay be considered after IBTR for patients who did not want to undergo total mastectomy.