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10 articles
  • Editorial

    Risk factors and assistance to dyslipidemia in climacteric women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):591-593



    Risk factors and assistance to dyslipidemia in climacteric women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):591-593

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200001

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  • Original Article

    Factors associated with women’s dyslipidemia in the post-menopause

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):594-601


    Original Article

    Factors associated with women’s dyslipidemia in the post-menopause

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):594-601

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200002


    PURPOSE: to evaluate factors associated with women's dyslipidemia during menopause. METHODS: case-control study of prevalent cases and controls selected from a dedicated outpatient clinic. From recent biochemical parameters found in patients' files, women have been grouped in 'case' and 'control'. Women who presented any alteration in the blood levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and/or HDL-cholesterol were considered as case, and the ones who presented normal levels of them, as control. Data concerning socioeconomic situation, physical activity, etilism and tabagism, anthropometric measurements and food ingestion have been collected and then compared between the groups. Ratios have been compared by the χ2, Fisher's exact test and/or t-Student test, depending on the distribution type. The crude relationship between each factor and the presence of dyslipidemia has been estimated by logistic regression. RESULTS: data have been collected from 84 women aged from 42 to 59 years, as 45 of them were grouped as case (dyslipidemic) and 39 as control (non-dyslipidemic). Age average of cases and controls was 52.1±4.2 and 52.2±4.7 years old, respectively. The sample showed to be homogeneous for the socioeconomic characteristics (income, occupation and schooling), physical activity practice, etilism and tabagism, and food ingestion, with no significant correlation with dyslipidemia. The groups presented an income up to two minimal wages, low schooling level (up to the fourth grade of lower school), and the housewife occupation. Smoking and drinking alcohol was not very frequent. Practicing physical activity was non-existent, thus characterizing a sedentary population. Food ingestion was adequate for carbohydrates, protein, lipids, but not for cholesterol (excessive) and fibers (insufficient), in both groups. Concerning the anthropometric evaluation, there has been an association with dyslipidemia, as the body mass index (BMI) and the waist circumference (WC) were significantly larger in case than in control. The waist-hip ratio has been similar in both groups. Weight excess has been found in most of the cases (73.3%) as almost half of them (44%) presented WC >88 cm, which represents a very increased risk. CONCLUSIONS: it is possible to conclude that, in the studied sample, only the anthropometric measurements have been considered as risk factors associated with dyslipidemia, during post-menopause.

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  • Original Article

    Importance of a second opinion in breast surgical pathology and therapeutic implications

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):602-608


    Original Article

    Importance of a second opinion in breast surgical pathology and therapeutic implications

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):602-608

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200003


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the agreement between histopathologic diagnoses of breast lesions made by general pathologists and by a specialist in breast pathology. METHODS: a cohort retrospective study comparing histopathologic diagnoses of 329 cases of breast lesions received in consultation for a second opinion was carried out. The material received for consultation included slides (152 cases), paraffin blocks (59 cases) or slides and blocks (118 cases). Cases were reviewed and the original diagnoses and diagnoses from a specialist in breast pathology were compared. The main diagnoses, nuclear grade of ductal carcinoma in situ, and the histopathologic grade of invasive mammary carcinomas were evaluated. The kappa index and percentual concordance were used in the statistical analyses. RESULTS: a moderate agreement was observed between the original histopathologic diagnoses and the second opinion (kappa index=0.48; percentual concordance=59.9%). The diagnosis of malignancy was confirmed in 185/225 cases (82.2%) and diagnosis of benign lesions was confirmed in 89/104 cases (85.6%). The highest agreement was observed in the diagnosis of invasive mammary carcinomas (81%) and the highest disagreement was observed among diagnoses of ductal carcinoma in situ with microinvasion (74%), lobular carcinoma in situ (70%), and atypical epithelial hyperplasias (61%). There was a moderate agreement in the nuclear grade of ductal carcinoma in situ (kappa index=0.52; percentual concordance=68.8%), and good concordance in the histologic grade of invasive carcinomas (kappa index=0.61; percentual concordance=74.3). CONCLUSIONS: the results show higher concordance rate in the diagnosis of invasive carcinomas and lower concordance in the diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ with microinvasion and premalignant breast lesions, especially lobular neoplasia in situ, and atypical epithelial hyperplasias.

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    Importance of a second opinion in breast surgical pathology and therapeutic implications
  • Original Article

    Predictive factors for height gain in idiopathic central precocious puberty treated with GnRH analogues

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):609-613


    Original Article

    Predictive factors for height gain in idiopathic central precocious puberty treated with GnRH analogues

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):609-613

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200004


    PURPOSE: to evaluate predictive factors of response to GnRHa treatment in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty. METHODS: a retrospective cohort study was conducted involving 33 girls diagnosed with idiopathic central precocious puberty and treated with GnRHa. The following independent variables were assessed: age at the beginning of therapy and at the onset of symptoms, time elapsed since the appearance of pubertal characteristics and the beginning of treatment, bone age, bone age advance, duration of GnRHa treatment, actual height and Z-score, predicted height and Z-score and hormone measurements of FSH and LH after GnRH stimulation, which were correlated with gain in height as a dependent variable at treatment discontinuation, calculated by the difference between the predicted height at the end and beginning of treatment. For statistical analysis, Pearson's linear correlation was used, in addition to multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: the mean age at the beginning of treatment was 7.8±1.3 years, with a mean bone age of 10.1±1.6 years. Bone age advance was 2.3±1.1 years and was controlled during the treatment period. Gain in predicted height was 2.5±1.3cm. It was positively correlated with time elapsed since the beginning of symptoms and the beginning of treatment and with bone age advance, while negatively correlated with the Z-score of height at the beginning of treatment and predicted height at the beginning of treatment, and the latter was the main factor determining gain from treatment. CONCLUSIONS: girls who had the most significant compromise of predicted adult height, as detected by a larger deviation from the population (Z-score) and the most considerable advance in bone age, received benefit from GnRHa therapy, and they must not be excluded from the group to be treated.

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    Predictive factors for height gain in idiopathic central precocious puberty treated with GnRH analogues
  • Original Article

    Prevalence of Chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections in pregnant women in six Brazilian cities

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):614-619


    Original Article

    Prevalence of Chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections in pregnant women in six Brazilian cities

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):614-619

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200005


    PURPOSE: This paper has aimed at estimating the prevalence of infections by Chlamydia trachomatis and by Neisseria gonorrhoeae in pregnant women from six Brazilian cities, identifying its association with socio-economical and demographic variables. METHODS: This study has been part of a multicentric nationwide transversal research, with samples of pregnant women attended from 2004 to 2005 in basic attention pre-natal services from six Brazilian cities (Manaus, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre). Cervico-vaginal samples have been collected from all the pregnant women, and have afterwards been submitted to the hybrid capture technique in order to identify chlamydia and gonococcus. Socio-demographic, medical, sexual and obstetric information have been collected through specific questionnaires. The Odds Ratio (OR) has been used to evaluate risk factors associated to infection by gonorrhea and chlamydia. Statistical analysis has been done with the t-Student, χ2 and Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS: Three thousand and three pregnant women with an average age of 23.8 years old (±6.9) took part in the study. Infection prevalence by chlamydia and gonococcus were 9.4 and 1.5, respectively. Ten per cent of the pregnant women with chlamydia have presented gonococcus simultaneously. The risk of presenting one of those infections was two times higher for the women under 20. The infection main predictors have been: age under 20, race/black, single/separated and report of over one partner in the previous year. CONCLUSIONS: This study has observed high prevalence of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis and by Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Brazilian pregnant women. The main risk factor for the infection has been to be under 20 years old.

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  • Original Article

    Teenage pregnancy outcome

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):620-625


    Original Article

    Teenage pregnancy outcome

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):620-625

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200006


    PURPOSE: to compare delivery and pregnancy follow-up among adolescent and non-adolescent pregnant women whose delivery occurred in a tertiary hospital from Região de Lisboa (Portugal). METHODS: retrospective study with 10,656 deliveries. Pregnancy follow-up, delivery type, need of episiotomy and severe lacerations, Apgar index at the fifth minute and the delivery weight have been evaluated. The pregnant women were divided into two groups, over and under 20 years old. The group with women under 20 was further subdivided in pregnant women under or over 16. The χ2 test has been used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: adolescents presented worse follow-up: first appointment after 12 weeks (46.4 versus 26.3%) and less than four appointments (8.1 versus 3.1%), less dystocia (21.5 versus 35.1%), less caesarian sections (10.6 versus 20.7%), and lower need for inducing labor (16.5 versus 26.5%). There was no significant difference concerning gestational age at delivery and ratio of low weight newborns. Among adolescents, the ones under 16 had more low weight newborns (12 versus 7.4%) and more deliveries between 34 and 37 weeks (10.8 versus 4.2%). CONCLUSIONS: in a hospital attending adolescents with social and psychological support, the fact of them having had a worse follow-up in the pre-natal phase, their performance has not been worse. Nevertheless, special attention might be given to pregnant women under 16.

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  • Case Report

    Lymphoma of the uterine cervix: report of two cases and review of the literature

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):626-630


    Case Report

    Lymphoma of the uterine cervix: report of two cases and review of the literature

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):626-630

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200007


    The occurrence of primary lymphomas of the female genital tract is rare. The diagnosis is usually not possible by the cytological examination; a tissue biopsy is necessary. The present paper reports two patients referred to our service with a diagnosis of cervical lymphoma. In one of them, the diagnostic difficulties are demonstrated. Both patients were submitted to chemotherapy with satisfactory post-operatory period. There is no standard treatment for uterine lymphomas. Exclusive local treatment is supported by some reports in the literature in clinical stage IE, while others prefer systemic treatment irrespective of clinical stage.

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    Lymphoma of the uterine cervix: report of two cases and review of the literature
  • Review Article

    Sepsis and septic shock during pregnancy: clinical management

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):631-638


    Review Article

    Sepsis and septic shock during pregnancy: clinical management

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):631-638

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200008


    Sepsis is one of the main causes of maternal death, being related to infections from obstetric origin (infected abortion, chorioamnionitis, puerperal infection) or non-obstetric (resulting from infections which occur in other areas). This review aims at describing the mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of this entity and at updating the clinical approach to sepsis, recommended in international guidelines (early goal-directed therapy - precocious resuscitation, or precocious treatment guided by goals), as well as at calling attention to the influence of pregnancy both in the clinical manifestation and in the therapeutic management of septic conditions.

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    Sepsis and septic shock during pregnancy: clinical management


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