Artigos Originais Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Artigos Originais

    Comparative analysis of the double-circle incision and techniques with periareolar and transareolopapilar incision for the surgical correction of gynecomastia

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):465-469


    Artigos Originais

    Comparative analysis of the double-circle incision and techniques with periareolar and transareolopapilar incision for the surgical correction of gynecomastia

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):465-469

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900005


    PURPOSE: to compare the double-circle (DC) technique to other techniques, with periareolar (PA) and transverse nipple-areolar (TNA) incisions, for the surgical correction of gynecomastia. METHODS: we studied the medical files of 34 patients from the Federal University of Goiás, submitted to the surgical correction of gynecomastia, from 1999 to 2004. Patients were divided according to the surgical technique used. The parametric numeric variables were compared by Tukey test. The chi2 or the Fisher's exact test was used for nominal variables. It was considered significant a p value<0.05. RESULTS: the mean age of the patients was 27.9 (+12.5) years. There were 43 gynecomastias, 34 unilateral (79.1%) and nine (20.9%) bilateral. There were 19 breasts operated (44.2%) using DC, 14 (33.6%) using PA incision, and 10 (23.3%), TNA incision. The mean drain usage was five days for DC and one day for the others (p<0.01). The suction drain was used in 19 cases (100%) of DC and two (22%) in TNA. The other patients used drains of Penrose (p<0.01). The mean surgical time was significantly larger for DC (73 minutes) than for PA (45 minutes) and for TNA (48 minutes). DC was used mainly in voluminous gynecomastias (p=0.04). The complications consisted in three (33%) hematomas in TNA (p<0.01) and one (5%) in DC; one (11%) infection in TNA; two (10%) partial necrosis of the nipple in DC; four (21%) enlarged scars in DC (p=0.04); three (16%) hypertrofic scars (p=0.08) in DC; one (2%) inversion of nipple with TNA. CONCLUSIONS: The DC was used often in voluminous gynecomastias. It was a good and secure operation, although it required a more extensive surgical time and had a larger possibility of distended scars.

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    Comparative analysis of the double-circle incision and techniques with periareolar and transareolopapilar incision for the surgical correction of gynecomastia
  • Artigos Originais

    Oocyte reception: patients’ profile in a waiting list of the program of Hospital Regional da Asa Sul, Brasília, Distrito Federal

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):459-464


    Artigos Originais

    Oocyte reception: patients’ profile in a waiting list of the program of Hospital Regional da Asa Sul, Brasília, Distrito Federal

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):459-464

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900004


    PURPOSE: describe epidemiologic profile of patients enrolled in the oocyte reception program at Hospital Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS) in Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil, and its main indications. METHODS: prospective descriptive study, in which 330 patients enrolled in the waiting list program were studied. Sixty-seven women, irrespective of their infertility factor and that had not been contemplated by the treatment were included. Thirty women who lived in other cities, 50 patients over 50 years old, 24 patients that didn't want to take part in the study, nine patients that asked to be left out of the program and 150 women that couldn't be found by phone calls were excluded. The 67 patients included were interviewed in order to answer a questionnaire. Their medical handbook was recovered to confirm that the investigation required to establish the cause of infertility had been done. The data was registered and analyzed by SPSS version 12.0 software. RESULTS: the patients' epidemiologic profile is age range 40 to 49 years old (82%), non-white skinned (77,6%), catholic (71,6%), married (59,7%), in high school (76,1%), secondary infertility (53,6%) from which due to tubal sterilization (40,3%) and those ones who started trying to conceive before 35 years old (91%). The main indication to enroll in this oocyte reception program was age and low ovarian reserve. CONCLUSION: the results demonstrated the indiscriminate tubal sterilization. The oocyte reception program benefits women with reserved reproductive prognostic.

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    Oocyte reception: patients’ profile in a waiting list of the program of Hospital Regional da Asa Sul, Brasília, Distrito Federal
  • Artigos Originais

    Detrusor overactivity: comparative study among oxybutynin, functional electrostimulation and pelvic floor training. A randomized clinical trial

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):452-458


    Artigos Originais

    Detrusor overactivity: comparative study among oxybutynin, functional electrostimulation and pelvic floor training. A randomized clinical trial

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):452-458

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900003


    PURPOSE: to evaluate and to compare the effectiveness of oxybutynin, electrostimulation (ES) and pelvic floor training (PFT) in the management of women with detrusor overactivity. METHODS: a total of 64 women, 35 to 80 years old, were enrolled in this randomized prospective trial. Patients were randomized in three groups: Oxybutynin (n=22), ES (n=21) and PFT (n=21). There were no statistical differences between the three groups with regards to race (p=0.948), age (p=0.747), hormonal status (p=0.813), time of symptomatology (p=0.789), previous surgery for urinary incontinence (p=0.993), or body mass index (p=0.897). Patients were assessed before and after treatment by urodynamic test, a seven-day voiding diary, and subjective response. The duration of the treatment was twelve weeks. For statistical analyses, the Pearson chi2, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the paired t-test were used. RESULTS: there was a decrease in the urge-incontinence episodes and in the number of pads required in all groups (p<0.05). There was reduction in the frequency of micturition in the Oxybutynin Group (p=0.014). Oxybutynin and ES Groups had reduction in nocturia episodes (p=0.003 and p=0.036, respectively). There were no significant differences in improvement between the three groups (p>0.05). Urgency was resolved in 14 (63.6%), 11 (52.4%) and 12 (57.1%) patients of the Oxybutynin, ES and PFT Groups, respectively, without differences among the groups (p=0.754). Subjectively, 17 (77.3%), 11 (52.4%) and 16 (76.2%) women who had accomplished oxybutynin, ES and PFT, respectively, were satisfied, without differences among the groups (p = 0.142). Urodynamic was normal in 8 (36.4%), 12 (57.1%) and 11 (52.4%) patients of the Oxybutynin, ES and PFT Groups, respectively. This urodynamic analysis revealed no differences between the three groups (p=0.358). The reduction of urge-incontinence correlated with patient satisfaction (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: treatments were equally effective; reduction of urge-incontinence was correlated with patient satisfaction.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Phantom breast syndrome: clinical and epidemiological characteristics

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):446-451


    Artigos Originais

    Phantom breast syndrome: clinical and epidemiological characteristics

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):446-451

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900002


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with the diagnosis of phantom breast syndrome or with phantom phenomena lonely. METHODS: it was conducted an observational, descriptive and sectional study enrolling 98 patients treated for breast cancer at Hospital São Marcos, Teresina (PI), Brazil. A standardized questionnaire was applied. RESULTS: the phantom breast syndrome was observed in 11.2% of the patients and phantom sensation alone was observed in 30% of the patients. The mean age of the patients was 54 years. Fifty-nine patients were married (60%) and 79.5% were analphabetic or had not concluded the high school. Emotional alterations were present in 67.4%, even though in 66.7% the libido was not changed after surgical procedure. As a relief factor of phantom pain, resting was cited by 90.9% of the patients, while physical exercises were mentioned to exacerbate the symptoms in 63.6% of the cases. The mean grade attributed to the pain in a 0 to 10 scale was 3, ranging from 1 to 7. Only 3% of the patients knew about the existence of this syndrome before the interviews. CONCLUSIONS: phantom phenomena are frequent in mastectomized patients, being necessary more studies to know about its characteristics and effects in these women's quality of life.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Quantification of antithyroperoxidase and antithyroglobulin antibodies, and thyrotrophin and free thyroxine in normal pregnant women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):478-483


    Artigos Originais

    Quantification of antithyroperoxidase and antithyroglobulin antibodies, and thyrotrophin and free thyroxine in normal pregnant women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):478-483

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900007


    PURPOSE: to quantify the presence of antithyroperoxidase (anti-TPO) and antithyroglobulin (anti-TG) antibodies, and the plasmatic concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) in normal pregnant women. METHODS: a hundred twenty-seven pregnant women, residing in São Paulo, aged from 14 to 44 years old and gestational age > 16 weeks, determined by ultrasound performed before the 20th week of pregnancy were included in a transversal study performed in the prenatal clinic of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, from January 2003 to September 2004. Pregnant women using medicines or with thyroidopathy history were excluded. Antithyroperoxidase and antithyroglobulin antibodies were quantified by chemiluminescence immunoassay. The immunofluorimetry technique by time-resolved was used for determining the thyrotrophin and free thyroxine. The Student's t test, with significance of 5%, was used for analyzing the results. RESULTS: the frequency of antithyroid antibodies was 12.6% (8.6% of anti-TPO antibodies, and 4.6% of anti-TG antibodies). The average of TSH concentrations was 2.13±1.0 µU/ml, and the average of T4L was 0.9±0.5 ng/dl. It was observed alteration of the thyroid function in ten pregnant women (8%). Three of them had diagnosis of hypothyroidism: one in the clinical form of the disease, with increased TSH and decreased FT4; two in the subclinical form with increased TSH and normal FT4. Five presented decreased TSH and increased FT4, consistent with clinical hyperthyroidism and two were diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism, with decreased TSH concentrations only. CONCLUSIONS: the frequency of antithyroid antibodies was 12.6% in pregnant women, the antithyroperoxidase antibodies being predominant over the antithyroglobulin antibodies. It was observed some thyroid dysfunction in 8% of the cases with alterations of TSH and/or T4L.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Domestic violence as a risk factor in the screening of for post-partum depression

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):470-477


    Artigos Originais

    Domestic violence as a risk factor in the screening of for post-partum depression

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(9):470-477

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900006


    PURPOSE: to assess the prevalence of the risk of post-partum depression in women in the post-natal ward of a hospital in São Paulo city, in the southeastern region of Brazil, and analyze the associated factors, including domestic violence (DV). METHODS: this was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The participants were 133 women with at least 20 weeks of gestation age, who delivered their babies from August to September 2005 in a tertiary maternity in the city of São Paulo (Brazil). They were interviewed using the Portuguese version of the Abuse Assessment Screen for the diagnosis of violence and filled out a self-evaluation questionnaire for post-partum depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale). Variables were presented as absolute and relative frequencies. The chi2 or Fisher exact tests were used to analyze possible associations between the variables of interest and post-partum depression. The value of 5% was considered significant. RESULTS: risk for post-partum depression was detected in 24 women (18%). A total of 38.3% of the participants interviewed had a history of abuse. There was an association between DV after they were 15 years old and risk of depression (p=0.036). The prevalence of abuse in the group of women at risk for post-partum depression was 58.3% and this was significantly higher than the 33.9% observed in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: the probability of presenting depression was high among the post-partum women attended at a tertiary maternity in the southeast of Brazil. The DV after they were 15 years old was significantly associated with risk of post-partum depression.

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    Domestic violence as a risk factor in the screening of for post-partum depression
  • Artigos Originais

    Validation of the Female Sexual Function Index in Brazilian pregnant women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(8):396-401


    Artigos Originais

    Validation of the Female Sexual Function Index in Brazilian pregnant women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(8):396-401

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000800003


    PURPOSE: to translate and to validate the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) for Brazilian pregnant women. METHODS: ninety-two pregnant women attended at a low risk prenatal clinic, with diagnosis of the pregnancy confirmed by precocious ultrasonography, participated in the research. Initially, we translated the FSFI questionnaire for Portuguese language (of Brazil) in agreement with the international criteria. Cultural, conceptual and semantics adaptations of FSFI were accomplished, because of the differences of the language, so that the pregnant women understood the subjects. All the patients answered FSFI twice, in the same day, with two different interviewers, with an hour interval from one to other interview. After 7 to 14 days, the questionnaire was applied again in a second interview. Reliability (internal intra and interobserver consistence) and the validity of the constructo (to demonstrate that questionnaire measures the sexual function) were appraised. RESULTS: Cultural adaptations were necessary for us to obtain the final version. The internal intra-observer (alpha of Chronbach) consistence of the several domains oscillated from moderate to strong (0,791 to 0,911) and the interobserver consistence varied from 0,791 to 0,914. In the validation of the constructo, were obtained moderate correlations to fort among the final scores (general) of FSFI and of Female Sexual Quotient (QS-F) that has the capacity to evaluate the feminine sexual function. CONCLUSIONS: FSFI was adapted to the Portuguese language and to the Brazilian culture, presenting significant reliability and validity; it could be included and used in future studies of the Brazilian pregnant sexual function.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Scar endometriosis: a retrospective study of 72 patients

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(8):423-427


    Artigos Originais

    Scar endometriosis: a retrospective study of 72 patients

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(8):423-427

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000800007


    PURPOSE: to identify the incidence and associated factors of surgical scar endometriosis. METHODS: a retrospective cohort observational study performed from the medical records of female patients attended at the Clinical Hospital of Univesidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) with histopathological diagnosis of scar endometriosis from May 1978 to December 2003. RESULTS: a total of 72 patients were included in the study. The incidence of scar endometriosis after cesarean section was significantly higher than after episiotomy (0.2% and 0.06%, respectively; p<0.00001) with relative risk of 3.3. The women’s age, when diagnosed, ranged from 16 to 48 years old, (mean=30.8 years old). The scar location varied according to the previous surgery: 46 scars after cesarean sections, one after hysterectomy and one after abdominal surgery (48 lesions in the abdominal wall); 19 scars after episiotomy, one because of relapse and two after pelvic floor surgeries (22 pelvic wounds); two women had not been submitted to previous gynecological surgery (one umbilical endometrioma and one lesion in the posterior vaginal wall). Pain was the most frequent symptom (80%), followed by a node (79%) and, in more than 40%, the pain and the node suffered modification with menstruation. Other less frequent complaints were: dyspareunia, secondary infertility, pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea, scar secretion, menorrhagia pain when evacuating. The mean time observed between the surgery and the beginning of the symptoms was of 3.7 years. The average size of the endometriomas was 3.07 cm. The diagnosis based on clinic evaluation was correct in 71% of the cases. The choice of treatment in all the cases was the surgical excision. In only one incident there was relapse and new intervention. CONCLUSIONS: scar endometriosis is a rare situation originated, in most cases, after obstetrical surgical procedure, with higher risk after cesarean section. It is a highly suggestive clinical condition, with a rare necessity of complementary diagnostic procedures, and the best treatment choice is the surgical excision.

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