sexual behavior Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Artigos Originais

    Reproductive and sexual history of women treated of breast cancer

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2013;35(2):78-83


    Artigos Originais

    Reproductive and sexual history of women treated of breast cancer

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2013;35(2):78-83

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013000200007


    PURPOSE: To understand the reproductive and sexual life of women treated for breast cancer. METHODS: A total of 139 women with a diagnosis made at least 6 months ago were interviewed after being randomly selected in a rehabilitation service. The interviews were carried out between 2006 and 2010. The inclusion criteria were: to have used a rehabilitation service between 2006 and 2010, to be a Unified Health System user, to have been a patient at a regional hospital and to be resident in the area of DRS XIII-Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo. The interviewees were visited at home where a face to face questionnaire regarding sociodemographic features and questions about the disease and reproductive and sexual life was administered. For the last one, the Female Sexual Function Index instrument was used. Data were analyzed statistically by the χ² test, Fisher exact test, Student's t test, multivariate analysis by logistic regression, factorial analysis and the Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: Most patients had between 2 to 3 children and 80% used some contraceptive. About half of them had had sexual intercourse in the last month, 45.3% had interrupted sexual intercourse during treatment and 25.9% did not. There were reports of decreasing sexual activity, although half of the interviewees had re-started sexual life during the first six months after treatment. About half presented sexual dissatisfaction. An active sexual life is associated with being younger than 40 years of age and to have a partner. No association was found between active sexual life and diagnosis and types of treatment. CONCLUSION: Sexual activity of women treated for breast cancer is not associated with the treatments, but with age and with the opportunity of having sex.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Sexual function and quality of life of low-risk pregnant women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2012;34(9):409-413


    Artigos Originais

    Sexual function and quality of life of low-risk pregnant women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2012;34(9):409-413

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000900004


    PURPOSE: To evaluate, in healthy women in the second trimester of pregnancy, a possible association between sexual function and quality of life, and between sexual function and sexual satisfaction. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved 51 pregnant women managed at a low-risk antenatal care clinic. Sexual function was evaluated through the Sexual Quotient - Female Version (QS-F) questionnaire. Quality of life and sexual satisfaction were evaluated though the brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL-bref). Inclusion criteria were pregnancy between 15-26 weeks, maternal age 20 or more years, at least five years of scholling, in a relationship with a single partner for the last 6 months, having sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration in the last 15 days. We excluded women with a history of sexual violence, previous or current depression, habitual abortion or obstetric complications in the index pregnancy (premature rupture of membranes, preterm labor or hemorrhage). The χ² and Fisher exact tests were used for statistical analyses and p<0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Most of the participants (64.8%) obtained "regular to excellent" grades on the QS-F and 58.8% classified their quality of life as "good". As to sexual satisfaction, 35.3 and 15.7% declared that they were "satisfied" and "very satisfied" with their sexual life, respectively. The study detected significant associations between "bad to poor" QS-F grades with a "poor" quality of life (p=0.002), and with "regular to good" and "good to excellent" QS-F grades with "satisfaction" or "high" sexual satisfaction" (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Sexual function is associated with quality of life and with sexual satisfaction in healthy women in the second trimester of pregnancy.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes: a prejudicial combination to female sexual function?

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(5):219-224


    Artigos Originais

    Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes: a prejudicial combination to female sexual function?

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(5):219-224

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011000500003


    To compare the sexual function of healthy adult pregnant women with that of gestational diabetes patients (GDM) in the third trimester. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled two groups of women managed antenatal care clinics. Inclusion criteria were: maternal age .20 years, gestational age at least 28 weeks, being in a heterosexual relationship with the same partner for at least 6 months, and being able to read. We excluded women with a medical recommendation for sexual abstinence due to clinical or obstetric disorders; hypertension controlled through medications; pregnancy resulting from rape; absent or sexually unavailable partner in the last month; hospital admission in the last month; use of vaginal creams in the last 30 days; multiple pregnancy, regular use of alcohol or illicit drugs or use of medications that can interfere with sexual function. Eighty-seven patients fulfilled the selection criteria and were included in the study. The Sexual Quotient . Feminine Version (QS-F) questionnaire was used to assess sexual function. Student's t and X² tests were used to compare differences between groups and p<0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: The mean gestational age of the participants was 34 weeks. There were no significant differences in the mean QS-F scores between groups (62.5 healthy vs 62.8 GDM women, p=0.9). Approximately half the participants (47 and 47.5% of the healthy and GDM women, respectively, p=0.9) had total scores up to 60, indicative of dysfunction in one of the assessed domains (desire, sexual satisfaction, arousal, orgasm, dyspareunia and vaginismus). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of sexual dysfunction was high among women in the third trimester of pregnancy and did not differ significantly between healthy women and women with GDM.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in two women groups of different socioeconomic status

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2010;32(3):139-143


    Artigos Originais

    Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in two women groups of different socioeconomic status

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2010;32(3):139-143

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032010000300007


    PURPOSE: to identify if there is a difference in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and in the sexual domain scores between a group of women attended at a public service and a group attended at a private service, and to investigate if there is an association between sexual dysfunction, family income and educational status. METHODS: transversal study including 201 sexually active women aged from 18 to 45 years, 90 of them from a public service and 111 from private services. We evaluated age, marital status, use of hormonal contraception, income and educational status, and all women were submitted to the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), an instrument for the evaluation of their sexuality. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 15.0, was used for statistical analysis. The χ2 test was applied for categorical variables and the Student's t-test to independent samples. RESULTS: there was no significant difference regarding the prevalence of sexual dysfunction between groups (public versus private) (20 and 23.4%, p=0.5), or concerning the domain scores, desire (3.9±1.3 and 3.8±1.0, p=0.6), sexual arousal (4.5±0.8 and 4.4±0.9, p=0.5), lubrication (5.2±1.2 and 5.0±0.9, p=0.1), orgasm (5.0±1.2 and 4.9±1.1, p=0.5), satisfaction (5.2±1.2 and 5.1±1.0, p=0.9), and pain (5.3±1.1 and 5.2±1.0, p=0.8). Sexual dysfunction was detected in 28% of the women with income between two and four minimum wages, in 17.5% of those with an income of five wages or more, and in 14.3% among those with an income of one wage or less (p=0,1). The dysfunction occurred in 30.2% of women with elementary education, in 24.2% of those with high school education and in 13.4% of those with higher education (p=0.09). CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant difference in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction or in the sexual domain scores between groups, nor was there an association with income or education status.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Sociocultural adaptation of the short personal experiences questionnaire (SPEQ) in Brazil

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2010;32(2):72-76


    Artigos Originais

    Sociocultural adaptation of the short personal experiences questionnaire (SPEQ) in Brazil

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2010;32(2):72-76

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032010000200004


    PURPOSE: to translate into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapt the Short Personal Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ) to climacteric women. METHODS: the original English version from the University of Melbourne, Australia, was initially translated into Portuguese and back-translated into English. A sociocultural adaptation of vocabulary and linguistic constructions was performed to facilitate comprehension. The questionnaire was then pretested in successive stages in 50 women, until no doubts remained. The final version of the adapted instrument was self-responded by 378 Brazilian-born women, between 40 to 65 years old, with 11 years or more of schooling in a population-based study. The reliability (internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's alpha), the construct validity (correlation coefficients between the items comprising the SPEQ and selected variables) and the criterion validity (correlation coefficient between sexual dysfunction score and overall score of sexual life classification) were analyzed. RESULTS: one hundred and eight women answered all the questions of the SPEQ and were included in the study. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) for all the nine SPEQ items ranged from 0.55 to 0.77 and the general alpha was 0.68. In the construct validity analysis, most of the correlation coefficients were significant (p<0.005). The criterion validity analysis showed significant correlation coefficients in most cases. CONCLUSIONS: following the adaptation process, the Portuguese version of the SPEQ was deemed useful and appropriate for collecting data on sexual function and dyspareunia in Brazilian women, aged 45 to 65 years, with at least 11 years of schooling.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Subsequent pregnancy among adolescents

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(10):480-484


    Artigos Originais

    Subsequent pregnancy among adolescents

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(10):480-484

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009001000002


    PURPOSE: to evaluate epidemiological aspects in recurrent adolescence pregnancy. METHODS: cohort study including 187 pregnant adolescents attended and followed-up for five years after delivery in an adolescent's attendance service in Ceará state. Age group, being or not at school, living with parents, schooling, marital status and the present partner's condition were analyzed. Data were processed by the EPI-INFO program. Statistical analysis of the independent variables (age, schooling, being at school, having a job, living with parents, marital status and switching partners) was done and compared to the dependent variable (being or not pregnant after five years). The Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the association among factors which could influence the pregnancy recurrence, the association being present when p<0.05. Risks related to schooling, marital status and multiple partners have been calculated, since these were significant factors for pregnancy recurrence. RESULTS: 61% of the adolescents got pregnant in the five years after the first delivery. Factors such as age, school, work or living with parents were not protective. Nevertheless, when the adolescents had eight or less years of schooling, the risk of getting pregnant has almost duplicated (relative risk (RR)=1.8 (CI95%=1.3-2.6)). New pregnancies were more frequent among the single adolescents without a stable partner (RR=1.3 (CI95%=1.1-1.6) and among the ones who had multiple partners (RR=1.4 (CI95%=1.1-1.7)). CONCLUSIONS: low schooling, multiple partners and non-stable bonds were risk factors for pregnancy recurrence.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the female sexual function in postmenopausal women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(6):293-299


    Artigos Originais

    Validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the female sexual function in postmenopausal women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(6):293-299

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000600005


    PURPOSE: to generate and validate a proper questionnaire to evaluate the sexual function in post-menopause women. METHODS: 251 women, within 2 to 15 years postmenopause, were included in the study. Questionnaire's reproductibility/reliability was evaluated by Pearson, intraclass and Lin's correlation coefficients. The internal consistance was examined by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Classical item theory guidelines were used for face, content and construct validation. RESULTS: an instrument with 57 items and nine domains was generated. Fourteen questions (24.5%) were eliminated by either poor correlation with the scale or low discriminative power. The final version with 43 items has shown good reproductibility (r=0.719, 95%CI=0.690-0.750; pc=0.887; 95%CI=0.850-0.930; p<0.001). Internal consistance was also adequate (α=0.951). About 60% of the reviewers have confirmed face and content validation. The construct validation was assessed by the Cronbach alpha 0.951. CONCLUSIONS: it was concluded that the new instrument is appropriate for evaluating the sexual function in post-menopause women.

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    Validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the female sexual function in postmenopausal women
  • Artigo de Revisão

    The assessment and management of female sexual dysfunction

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2008;30(6):312-321


    Artigo de Revisão

    The assessment and management of female sexual dysfunction

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2008;30(6):312-321

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008000600008


    Sexual dysfunction prevalence is high among women. However, doctors rarely ask about their patients' sexual life, because they feel uncomfortable or because their knowledge about investigation techniques is insufficient. The PLISSIT model, a useful tool to access human sexual function, is composed by four elements: permission, limited information, specific suggestions, and intensive therapy, that favor dialogue between the doctor and the patient allowing the access to the sexual complaints. The therapeutics consists of counseling measures, drug prescription, basic orientations about sexual function and interventions on anatomic and functional aspects of the sexual apparatus with positive impact in the woman's sexual life. The present review shows how to use it. In addition, many aspects of female sexual dysfunction are discussed, such as prevalence, diagnostic and treatment options for female sexual dysfunction.

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    The assessment and management of female sexual dysfunction


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