Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 08-13-2009;31(6):311-319
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000600008
Alloimmunization is the formation of antibodies when there is an exposition of the individual to non-self antigens, as it occurs, for example, in the transfusion of incompatible blood and pregnancies, in whom the fetus express in its sanguineous cells antigens exclusively of paternal origin. This article is restricted to the alloimmunization against erythrocytes antigens in obstetric patients. Almost all the anti-erythrocytes antibodies can be fit in one of the 29 systems of already recognized sanguineous groups, being more implied in the hemolytic disease of the newborn anti-D, anti-c and anti-Kell, followed by anti-C, anti-E, anti e, anti-Fyª and anti-Jkª. The research of irregular antibodies, to permit the diagnosis of alloimmunizated people, and the modern genetic techniques have better characterized these patients for the prophylaxis and prenatal segment. The traditional accompaniment of the gestations of risk for hemolytic disease of the newborn, with the spectral analysis of the amniotic liquid and the intraperitoneal transfusion, has being quickly substituted for the Doppler ultrasound evaluation in the middle cerebral artery, the intravascular transfusion guided for ultrasonography in real time, beyond improvements in the materials and the quality of the blood, that in set, have raised the survival of the attempting fetus. Doubtlessly, the correct application of the prophylaxis with use of anti-D is successful with potential to reduce the alloimmunization cases.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 07-29-2009;31(5):249-253
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000500008
PURPOSE: to compare the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in ovular membranes with premature rupture (MPR) and with opportune rupture; to verify the association between the expression of the TNF-α in ovular membranes and the degree of chorioamnionitis, correlating the expression of the TNF-α and the membranes' time of rupture. METHODS: ovular membranes from 31 parturients with MPR, with gestational ages over 34 weeks, and from parturients with opportune membranes' rupture, with gestational ages equal or over 37 weeks. Chorioamnionitis detection has been done by histopathological analysis. The evaluation of the TNF-α expression has been done by immune-histochemical technique, using the labile streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase (LSAB) method. RESULTS: the average rupture time was 16.6 hours. The ratio of the TNF-α expression in the Control and Study Groups did not show a significant difference (χ2=6.6; p=0.08). In the Study Group, there was no correlation between the degree of chorioamnionitis and the intensity of TNF-α expression (Spearman's coefficient (Rs)=0.4; p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: there was no significant difference between the TNF-α expression in ovular membranes with premature or opportune rupture; in the Study Group, there was significant association between TNF-α expression and the degree of chorioamnionitis, and there was no association between rupture time and the intensity of TNF-α expression.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 06-30-2009;31(4):171-176
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000400003
PURPOSE: to apply geoprocessing techniques for the spatial birth profile analysis of each municipality. METHODS: ecological and exploratory study, using data from the Health Information System about born alive babies in 2004, and using geoprocessing techniques. The spatial autocorrelations of the variables: cesarean section, mother's schooling, low birth weight, Apgar score at five minutes, prematurity, number of medical appointments and adolescent mothers, besides the map with the index of human development were estimated. For the detection of spatial events aggregates, Moran's I M statistics, through the program Terra View 3.13 (developed by INPE and available to the public) was used. Spatial maps with those variables were built, and Pearson's correlation coefficients, estimated. RESULTS: results have shown that the rate of born alive babies, from mothers with school level over primary school and from cesarean sections, presented a spatial pattern visually identifiable and significant spatial self-correlation. Low birth weight, prematurity, Apgar score, number of pre-natal appointments and adolescent mothers have presented a random spatial pattern, showing that, in this analysis scale, those markers have not discriminated the risk groups, despite their unquestionable predictive value for children's morbidity-mortality at individual level. There has been a positive correlation between cesarean section and schooling, and between cesarean section and human development index; and a negative correlation between adolescent mothers and human development index, with statistical significance (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: this methodology has allowed us to identify spatial clusters for the variables cesarean section and mother's schooling, besides deepening our knowledge on birth profile in the municipalities, presenting good potential on how to direct actions for specific areas.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 06-09-2009;31(3):148-155
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000300008
Good prenatal care is essential to guarantee maternal and perinatal health. Nowadays, with the constant progress on the diagnostic methods and changes in diseases panorama, like increased frequency of diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases, several diagnostic procedures have been studied. These challenges difficult the selection of prenatal exams by the clinicians, in order to improve maternal and perinatal outcome. This review aimed to evaluate the main prenatal routine exams, according to the best current scientific evidences.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 03-30-2009;31(1):10-16
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000100003
PURPOSE: to determine the prevalence of histopathological changes, in human placentas, related to hypertensive syndromes. METHODS: a transversal study that compares histopathological changes identified in 43 placentae from hypertensive pregnant women (HypPr), with the ones from 33 placentae from normotensive pregnant women (NorPr). The weight, volume and macroscopic and microscopic occurrence of infarctions, clots, hematomas, atherosis (partial obliteration, thickness of layers and presence of blood vessels hyalinization) and Tenney-Parker changes (absent, discreet and prominent), as well as the locating of infarctions and clots (central, peripheral or the association of both) have been analyzed. The χ2 and t Student tests have been used for the statistical analysis, as well as medians, standard deviations and ratios. It has been considered as significant, p<0.05. RESULTS: the macroscopic study of HypPr placentae have presented lower weight (461.1 versus 572.1 g) and volume (437.4 versus 542.0 cm³), higher infarction (51.2 versus 45.5%; p<0.05: OR=1.15) and clots (51.2 versus 15.1%; p<0.05; OR=5.4) ratios, as compared to the NorPr's. In the HypPr and NorPr, microscopic clots have occurred in 83.7 versus 45.5% (p<0.05; OR=4.3), respectively. Atherosis and Tenney-Parker changes have been statistically associated to the hypertensive syndromes (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: the obtained data allow us to associate lower placentary weight and volume, higher ratio of macro and microscopic infarction, clots, atherosis and Tenney-Parker changes to placentae of gestations occurring with hypertensive syndromes.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 02-06-2008;30(12):614-619
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200005
PURPOSE: This paper has aimed at estimating the prevalence of infections by Chlamydia trachomatis and by Neisseria gonorrhoeae in pregnant women from six Brazilian cities, identifying its association with socio-economical and demographic variables. METHODS: This study has been part of a multicentric nationwide transversal research, with samples of pregnant women attended from 2004 to 2005 in basic attention pre-natal services from six Brazilian cities (Manaus, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre). Cervico-vaginal samples have been collected from all the pregnant women, and have afterwards been submitted to the hybrid capture technique in order to identify chlamydia and gonococcus. Socio-demographic, medical, sexual and obstetric information have been collected through specific questionnaires. The Odds Ratio (OR) has been used to evaluate risk factors associated to infection by gonorrhea and chlamydia. Statistical analysis has been done with the t-Student, χ2 and Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS: Three thousand and three pregnant women with an average age of 23.8 years old (±6.9) took part in the study. Infection prevalence by chlamydia and gonococcus were 9.4 and 1.5, respectively. Ten per cent of the pregnant women with chlamydia have presented gonococcus simultaneously. The risk of presenting one of those infections was two times higher for the women under 20. The infection main predictors have been: age under 20, race/black, single/separated and report of over one partner in the previous year. CONCLUSIONS: This study has observed high prevalence of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis and by Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Brazilian pregnant women. The main risk factor for the infection has been to be under 20 years old.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 02-06-2008;30(12):620-625
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200006
PURPOSE: to compare delivery and pregnancy follow-up among adolescent and non-adolescent pregnant women whose delivery occurred in a tertiary hospital from Região de Lisboa (Portugal). METHODS: retrospective study with 10,656 deliveries. Pregnancy follow-up, delivery type, need of episiotomy and severe lacerations, Apgar index at the fifth minute and the delivery weight have been evaluated. The pregnant women were divided into two groups, over and under 20 years old. The group with women under 20 was further subdivided in pregnant women under or over 16. The χ2 test has been used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: adolescents presented worse follow-up: first appointment after 12 weeks (46.4 versus 26.3%) and less than four appointments (8.1 versus 3.1%), less dystocia (21.5 versus 35.1%), less caesarian sections (10.6 versus 20.7%), and lower need for inducing labor (16.5 versus 26.5%). There was no significant difference concerning gestational age at delivery and ratio of low weight newborns. Among adolescents, the ones under 16 had more low weight newborns (12 versus 7.4%) and more deliveries between 34 and 37 weeks (10.8 versus 4.2%). CONCLUSIONS: in a hospital attending adolescents with social and psychological support, the fact of them having had a worse follow-up in the pre-natal phase, their performance has not been worse. Nevertheless, special attention might be given to pregnant women under 16.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 11-27-2008;30(10):486-493
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001000002
PURPOSE: to investigate factors accountable for macrosomia incidence in a study with mothers and progeny attended at a Basic Unity of Health in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: a prospective study, with 195 pairs of mothers and progeny, in which the dependent variable was macrosomia (weight at delivery >4,000 g - independent of the gestational age or of other demographic variables), and socioeconomic, previous pregnancies/gestation course, biochemical, behavioral and anthropometric, the independent variables. Statistical analysis has been done by multiple logistic regression. Relative risk (RR) values have been estimated, based on the simple form: RR=OR/ (1 - I0) + (I0 versus OR), in which I0 is the macrosomia incidence in non-exposed people. RESULTS: Macrosomia incidence was 6.7%, the highest value being found in the progeny of women >30 years old (12.8%), white (10.4%), with two or more children (16.7%), with male newborns (9.6%), with height >1,6 m (12.5%), with overweight or obesity as a nutritional pre-gestational state (13.6%), and with excessive gestational gain of weight (12.7%). The final model has shown that having two or more children (RR=3.7; CI95%=1.1-9.9), and having a male newborn (RR=7.5; CI95%=1.0-37.6) were the variables linked to the macrosomia occurrence. CONCLUSIONS: macrosomia incidence was higher than the one observed in Brazil as a whole, but inferior to the one reported in studies from developed countries. Having two or more children and a newborn male were the factors accountable for the occurrence of macrosomia.