Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 05-11-2012;34(4):153-157
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000400003
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of maternal complications, prematurity, fetal anthropometric parameters and conditions of the newborn on different degrees of chorioamnionitis. METHODS: We analyzed 90 placentas from deliveries performed at the General Hospital of Triângulo Mineiro Federal University with a diagnosis of inflammation in the anatomopathological exams. We reviewed the medical records to obtain relevant maternal and fetal information. The infections were classified as grade I - deciduitis; grade II - chorioamnionitis; grade III - chorioamnionitis and vasculitis; grade IV - neonatal sepsis and grade V - fetal death and pneumonitis. RESULTS: Among the pregnant women analyzed, 50.0% had no complications, 15.0% had ruptured membranes, 15.0% urinary tract infection, 7.5% hypertensive disorders, 7.5% transvaginal infection, 5.0% hematogenous infection, and 11.1% other complications. More than a half the neonates were males and 72.2% were born at term. Analysis of the degree of chorioamnionitis showed that 56.7% had grade I, 22.2% grade II, 4.4% grade III, 10.0% grade IV, and 6.7% grade V. Data were analyzed statistically by the Χ2 test for qualitative variables and by the Spearman test for correlation analysis. The higher grades of chorioamnionitis were observed in cases of maternal complications. We observed negative correlations between all parameters and the degree of fetal chorioamnionitis, which were significant regarding weight, length, thoracic circumference and Apgar score in the first and fifth minutes. CONCLUSIONS: The different patterns of chorioamnionitis were related to different maternal and fetal clinical features, affecting the life conditions of the newborn and the severity of morphological lesions found in stillbirths.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 05-11-2012;34(4):170-174
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000400006
PURPOSE: To assess the prevalence of lacrimal dysfunction during pregnancy comparing it to non-pregnant women and to correlate these findings with obstetric history. METHODS: We interviewed 150 pregnant and 150 non-pregnant women for symptoms of dry eyes and obstetric history. Both groups underwent Schirmer I testing and responded to a questionnaire on dry eye symptoms. Patients with collagen diseases, medications associated with dryness of mucous membranes, hepatitis C infection and AIDS, previous intraocular inflammation and eye surgery were excluded. Data were analyzed by the Χ2 and Fisher tests when the data were nominal and by the Student´s t-test and Mann-Whitney test when numerical. The level of significance was set at 5%. RESULTS: The two groups did not differ in symptoms of lacrimal dysfunction. The results of Schirmer's test were equal in both groups for the right eye (p=0.3) and left eye (p=0.3). However, pregnant women had a higher prevalence of at least one dry eye (p=0.004). The occurrence of dry eye in both groups (patients and controls) was associated with a greater number of full-term pregnancies/patient (p=0.04) but not with pregnancy time (p=0.5) or number of abortions (p=0.9). CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant women suffer more from lacrimal dysfunction than non pregnant women; in both groups the prevalence of tear dysfunction is more elevated in women with higher parity.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 04-04-2012;34(3):113-117
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000300004
PURPOSE: To determine the association between maternal complications and type of delivery in women with heart disease and to identify the possible clinical and obstetrical factors implicated in the determination of the route of delivery. METHODS: This was a retrospective and descriptive study of the medical records of pregnant women with heart disease admitted to a tertiary reference hospital in the municipality of Fortaleza, Ceará, from 2006 to 2007. The study population included all pregnant women with an antepartum diagnosis of heart disease admitted for delivery, while women who received a diagnosis of heart disease after delivery were excluded, regardless of age and gestational week. A semi-structured questionnaire regarding sociodemographic, clinical and obstetrical variables was used. A descriptive analysis was first performed based on simple frequencies and proportions of the sociodemographic variables. Next, possible associations between clinical and obstetrical aspects and type of delivery were analyzed, with the verification of association between maternal complications and type of delivery. The Fisher exact test was applied for this analysis, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. The collected data were processed and analyzed using the Epi-InfoTM software version 6.04 (Atlanta, USA). RESULTS: Seventy-three pregnant women with heart disease were included in the study. Interatrial communication was the condition most frequently observed among congenital diseases (11.0%) and mitral calcification among the acquired ones (24.6%). The proportion of cesarean deliveries was higher than the proportion of vaginal deliveries, except for women with acquired heart disease. An association was detected between type of heart disease and type of delivery (p=0.01). There were 13 cases of maternal complications (17.8%). Among them, ten (76.9%) occurred during cesarean section and three during vaginal delivery. No association mas detected between maternal complications and type of delivery in pregnant women with heart disease (p=0.74). CONCLUSIONS: There was no association between the occurrence of maternal complications and route of delivery among pregnant women with heart disease.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 01-23-2011;33(11):348-353
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011001100005
PURPOSE: To describe the obstetric outcome of women with overweight/obesity treated at the prenatal care clinic of a public maternity hospital in Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study which investigated 433 women (³20 years-old, without any chronic diseases) and their newborns treated at public hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. Information was collected from medical records and through interviews. The characteristics of mothers and newborns evaluated were divided into maternal (social habits, anthropometric measurements and clinical, obstetric, and prenatal care) and newborn groups (birth conditions). Data regarding the categories of nutritional status were analyzed using the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight/obesity in this sample was 24.5% (n=106). There was an association between inadequate weight gain and the prevalence of overweight/obesity (OR 2.7, 95%CI 1.5-4.9, p<0.05). Overweight/obese women had an increased risk for preeclampsia (OR 3.3, 95%CI 1.1--9.9, p=0.03). Regarding birth conditions, mean birth weight was 3291.3 g (±455.2), with rates of low birth weight of 4.7% (n=5) and rates of macrosomia of 2.8% (n=3). CONCLUSIONS: There was an alarming prevalence of inadequate nutritional status before and during pregnancy, which may be associated with increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality. This suggests the need for nutritional monitoring of these pregnant women.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 01-06-2011;33(10):280-285
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011001000002
PURPOSE: To analyze the results of assessment of fetal well-being in pregnancies complicated by moderate or severe maternal thrombocytopenia. METHODS: Data from April 2001 to July 2011 of 96 women with a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy were retrospectively analyzed. We analyzed the following tests performed during the antepartum period for fetal assessment: cardiotocography, fetal biophysical profile, amniotic fluid index and umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry. RESULTS: A total of 96 pregnancies with the following diagnoses were analyzed: gestational thrombocytopenia (n=37, 38.5%) hypersplenism (n=32, 33.3%), immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP, n=14, 14.6%), secondary immune thrombocytopenia (n=6, 6.3%), bone marrow aplasia (n=3, 3.1%), and others (n=4, 4.1%). Cardiotocography showed normal results in 94% of cases, a fetal biophysical profile with an index of 8 or 10 in 96.9% and an amniotic fluid index >5.0 cm in 89.6%. Doppler umbilical artery velocimetry showed normal results in 96.9% of cases. In the analysis of the major groups of thrombocytopenia, the diagnosis of oligohydramnios was found to be significantly more frequent in the group with ITP (28.6%) compared to the other groups (gestational thrombocytopenia: 5.4% and hypersplenism: 9.4%, p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that in pregnancies complicated by moderate or severe maternal thrombocytopenia, even though the fetal well-being remains preserved in most cases, fetal surveillance is important in pregnant women with ITP, with emphasis on amniotic fluid volume evaluation due to its association with oligohydramnios.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 12-08-2011;33(8):196-200
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011000800005
PURPOSE: To estimate the prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria among pregnant women attended at our university prenatal care clinic and to identify probable clinical predictors. METHODS: Across-sectional study was carried out from August 2008 to October 2009 at the Bahiana School of Medicine involving 260 pregnant women without symptoms of urinary tract infection. The following exclusion criteria were considered: presence of clinical signs such as fever, dysuria, vesical tenesmus, lumbar pain, history of active genital bleeding or loss of amniotic fluid, use of antimicrobial agents in the 30 days prior to sample collection, and refusal to participate in the project. The presence of single pathogen bacterial colonization ≥10(5) CFU/mL in the urine sample obtained from the middle jet was considered to be a dependent variable. The predictive factors evaluated were as follows: age, race, marital status, schooling, gestational age, hypertension, anemia, vaginal infection, sickle cell trait and previous history of urinary tract infection, urinary symptoms related to the lower urinary tract (frequency, urgency and nocturia) and data obtained from the urine summary (leukocyturia, increased bacterial flora, hematuria, proteinuria, and presence of nitrite). Statistical analysis was performed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 13.0 and the level of significance was set at p<0.05. Prevalences were expressed as percentage, and the confidence interval considered was 95% (95%CI). RESULTS: The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria was 12.3% (95%CI=8.3-16.3). E. coli was the most frequent etiologic agent (59.4%). Logistic regression indicated that urgency to void (OR=5.99; 95%CI=2.20-16.31; p<0.001); leukocyturia (OR=2.85; 95%CI=1.04-7.83; p=0.042) and increased bacterial flora (OR=10.62; 95%CI=3.95-28.56; p<0.001) were independent predictors of asymptomatic bacteriuria. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in the studied population was high. The prediction score created for the final logistic regression model has an accuracy of 91.9% for bacteriuria.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 02-01-2010;32(10):504-509
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032010001000006
PURPOSE: to investigate the application of a multidisciplinary educational program to high-risk pregnancies due to endocrine diseases. METHODS: we retrospectively evaluated the application of a multidisciplinary educational program to 185 pregnant women with endocrine diseases referred to a maternity specialized in high-risk pregnancy. All pregnant women received multidisciplinary prenatal care from a team consisting of endocrinologists, obstetricians, sonographers, nurses and dietitians. Oral and written information about healthy habits, diabetes care, use of artificial sweeteners and exercise during pregnancy was given to all patients at the first endocrine consultation. An individualized nutrition plan was prepared on the occasion of the first visit to the nutritionist. In bi-weekly and monthly endocrine and nutritional visits, respectively, information about healthy changes in lifestyle was emphasized and the weight was recorded. Adherence to physical activity and nutritional counseling was self-reported. We compared the weekly weight before and after the intervention, fetal weight at birth, rate of macrosomia and low birth weight, and frequency of cesarean delivery among the four categories of body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy (<18.5, from 18.5 to 24.9, from 25 to 29.9 and >30 kg/m²). RESULTS: the main disease of referral was diabetes (84.9%). One third of the pregnant women (31.2%) were overweight and 42.5% were obese before pregnancy. Most women was first seen by the multidisciplinary team in the third trimester of pregnancy (64.1%) and 50.5% exceeded the recommended weight gain at first evaluation. Obese women exceeded the recommended weight gain in 62.5% of cases. After the intervention, the percentage of women who exceeded the recommended weekly weight gain was reduced in all categories of pre-pregnancy BMI, although a statistically significant difference was found only in the group with normal pre-pregnancy BMI (40.6 versus 21.9%, p = 0.03). At birth, average fetal weight was similar among the various BMI categories (p=0.277). Macrosomia was more frequent in women who were overweight and obese before pregnancy. Cesarean delivery was the most frequent route of delivery, regardless of pre-pregnancy BMI. CONCLUSIONS: in high-risk pregnancies due to endocrine disorders, a multidisciplinary educational approach limits excessive weekly weight gain despite the advanced gestational age.