Placenta Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Artigos Originais

    The macrophages in the placenta during labor

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(2):90-93


    Artigos Originais

    The macrophages in the placenta during labor

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(2):90-93

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000200007


    PURPOSE: to verify the amount of CD68+ cells in chorionic villosities in placentae from gestations submitted or not to labor. METHODS: transversal study with healthy near-term pregnant women, among whose placentae, 31 have been examined by immunohistochemical technique. Twenty placentae were obtained after vaginal delivery (VAGG) and eleven after elective cesarean sections (CESG). Slides were prepared with chorionic villosities samples and labeled with anti-CD68 antibody, specific for macrophages. Labeled and nonlabeled cells were counted inside the villosities. Non-parametric statistical tests were used for the analysis. RESULTS: among the 6,424 cells counted in the villosities' stroma from the 31 placentae, 1,135 cells (17.6%) were stained by the CD68+. The mean of cells labeled by the anti-CD68 was 22±18 for the VAGG group and 20±16 for the CESG, in each placentary sample. CONCLUSIONS: there were no significant differences in the percentage of macrophages (CD68+) in association with labor.

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    The macrophages in the placenta during labor
  • Artigos Originais

    Histopathological changes in human placentas related to hypertensive disorders

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(1):10-16


    Artigos Originais

    Histopathological changes in human placentas related to hypertensive disorders

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(1):10-16

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000100003


    PURPOSE: to determine the prevalence of histopathological changes, in human placentas, related to hypertensive syndromes. METHODS: a transversal study that compares histopathological changes identified in 43 placentae from hypertensive pregnant women (HypPr), with the ones from 33 placentae from normotensive pregnant women (NorPr). The weight, volume and macroscopic and microscopic occurrence of infarctions, clots, hematomas, atherosis (partial obliteration, thickness of layers and presence of blood vessels hyalinization) and Tenney-Parker changes (absent, discreet and prominent), as well as the locating of infarctions and clots (central, peripheral or the association of both) have been analyzed. The χ2 and t Student tests have been used for the statistical analysis, as well as medians, standard deviations and ratios. It has been considered as significant, p<0.05. RESULTS: the macroscopic study of HypPr placentae have presented lower weight (461.1 versus 572.1 g) and volume (437.4 versus 542.0 cm³), higher infarction (51.2 versus 45.5%; p<0.05: OR=1.15) and clots (51.2 versus 15.1%; p<0.05; OR=5.4) ratios, as compared to the NorPr's. In the HypPr and NorPr, microscopic clots have occurred in 83.7 versus 45.5% (p<0.05; OR=4.3), respectively. Atherosis and Tenney-Parker changes have been statistically associated to the hypertensive syndromes (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: the obtained data allow us to associate lower placentary weight and volume, higher ratio of macro and microscopic infarction, clots, atherosis and Tenney-Parker changes to placentae of gestations occurring with hypertensive syndromes.

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    Histopathological changes in human placentas related to hypertensive disorders
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Effect of insulin therapy in on pregnancy of diabetic rats: fetal and placental repercussions

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(1):19-24


    Trabalhos Originais

    Effect of insulin therapy in on pregnancy of diabetic rats: fetal and placental repercussions

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(1):19-24

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031998000100004


    Fetal and placental effects of insulin therapy on pregnancy of diabetic rats were studied. Alloxan was administered intravenously at the dose of 42 mg/kg of body weight. Five experimental groups were formed: control (G1, n=12), non-treated rats with moderate diabetes (G2, n=10), insulin-treated rats with moderate diabetes (G3, n=11),non-treated rats with severe diabetes (G4, n=12) and insulin-treated rats with severe diabetes (G5, n=10). Six hundred and thirty-four newborn rats and placentas wereprocured. The perinatal result of insulin therapy was directly related to the quality of glycemia control. Thus, inadequate control of moderate diabetes produced levels of moderate hyperglycemia, did not interfere with the newborn rats' body weight and decreased the proportion of LGA newborn rats. Adequate control of severe diabetes brought the newborn rat glycemia to normal levels, increased the newborn rats' body weight and decreased the proportion of SGA newborn rats. Adequate insulin therapy for severe diabetes diminished the weight of the placentas, but did not change the placental index.

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    Effect of insulin therapy in on pregnancy of diabetic rats: fetal and placental repercussions
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Chronic effects of propoxyphene napsylate on pregnant rats

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(2):67-70


    Trabalhos Originais

    Chronic effects of propoxyphene napsylate on pregnant rats

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(2):67-70

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031998000200002


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of propoxyphene napsylate on the pregnancy of the rat. We used fifty pregnant rats divided into five groups. All the animals received daily 1 ml of the solution by gavage from day 0 to the 20th day of pregnancy. Group I - only distilled water (control); group II - aqueous solution of acacia 2% (vehicle); groups III, IV and V - respectively, 5, 15 and 45 mg/kg of weight of propoxyphene napsylate diluted in 2% acacia solution. The animals were weighed on days 0, 7, 14 and 20 of pregnancy. All animals were sacrificed on the 20th day of pregnancy. Our results showed that the animals treated with 45 mg/kg of propoxyphene napsylate presented reduction of the individual weights of the fetuses, as well as of the weights of the newborns and placentas. The difference betewwn number of resorptions, implantations and placentas of the treated groups was shown to be non significant cohen compered with the control groups.

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    Chronic effects of propoxyphene napsylate on pregnant rats
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Chronic effects of acetylsacylic acid on pregnant rats

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(5):245-249


    Trabalhos Originais

    Chronic effects of acetylsacylic acid on pregnant rats

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(5):245-249

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031998000500003


    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on the pregnancy of female albino rats. We used 60 pregnant female rats which were divided into six groups of ten cache. All the animals received daily by gavage, from the 5th (day zero) until the 20th day of pregnancy, 1 ml of the following: Group I - only distilled water (control); Group II - 0.2% aqueous solution of carboxymethylcellulose (vehicle); Groups III, IV, V and VI - 1, 10, 100 and 400 mg/kg body weight respectively, of ASA diluted in 0.2% carboxymethylcellulose solution. The animals were weighed on days 0, 7, 14 and 20 of pregnancy. Our results showed that the animals treated with 100 mg of ASA presented a reduction in the number of live newborns. The animals treated with 400 mg/kg/day presented not only a reduction in the number of live newborns but also decrease in maternal, newborn and placental weight.

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    Chronic effects of acetylsacylic acid on pregnant rats
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Effects of the Chronic Use of Acetaminophen on Pregnant Rats

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(2):105-108


    Trabalhos Originais

    Effects of the Chronic Use of Acetaminophen on Pregnant Rats

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(2):105-108

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031999000200008


    Purpose: to evaluate the effects of acetaminophen on the pregnancy of female albino rats. Methods: forty pregnant rats were separated into four groups. All the animals received daily by gavage 1 ml of acetaminophen solution from the first day (day zero) until the 20th day of pregnancy: group I - only distilled water (control); groups II, III and IV, respectively, 125, 500 and 1,500 mg/kg body weight of acetaminophen dissolved in distilled water. The animals were weighed on days 0, 7, 15 and 20 of pregnancy. Results: our results showed that the rats that received the medication presented a reduction in weight when compared to the control group. The incidence of reabsorption of the embryos was 2.0, 3.5 and 7.0 times higher than in the control, in groups II, III and IV, respectively. Groups GII and GIV showed a clear reduction in the weight of the concepts. In GIV there was a 50% reduction in weight increase of fetuses and placentas when compared to the control, and 15.7% of external malformations were also found. Conclusions: the continuous use of acetaminophen should be avoided at doses higher than 70 mg/kg per during pregnancy.

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    Effects of the Chronic Use of Acetaminophen on Pregnant Rats
  • Artigos Originais

    Maternal factors and perinatal results in placental abruption: a comparative study of two periods

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2006;28(6):324-330


    Artigos Originais

    Maternal factors and perinatal results in placental abruption: a comparative study of two periods

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2006;28(6):324-330

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000600002


    PURPOSE: to compare the maternal factors, clinical aspects and perinatal results in placental abruption during two periods. METHODS: retrospective analysis of placental abruption cases that occurred from January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1997 (period 94-97), and from April 4, 2001 through March 3, 2005 (period 01-05), in singleton delivery with birthweight higher than 500 g and after 20 weeks of gestation. The following factors were analyzed: maternal age, previous obstetric history, prenatal care, premature rupture of membranes, obstetric and/or clinical intercurrent events, vaginal bleeding, uterine tonus, fetal anomaly, mode of delivery, hemoamnion and maternal complication (hysterectomy, uterine atony, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal failure, and maternal death), and the perinatal results. RESULTS: the rate of placental abruption was 0.78% (60 cases) in the period 94-97 (n=7692 deliveries), and 0.59% (51 cases) in the period 01-05 (n=8644 deliveries), without significant difference. A significant difference was observed between the periods 94-97 and 01-05 regarding mean number of previous gestations (3.5±2.4 and 2.6±1.8, p=0.04), patients without prenatal care (13.3 and 2.0%, p=0.03) and maternal intercurrences (38.3 and 64.7%, p=0.01). No significant difference was observed related to vaginal bleeding, tonus abnormalities and perinatal results, between the periods, but a higher proportion of hemoamnion in 94-97 was found when compared to 01-05 (28.3 and 11.8%, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: in spite of obstetrical advances, maternal complications and perinatal results were similar in the analyzed periods. The severity and the unexpected results emphasize the importance of prevention and adequate control of associated factors, when this pathology is approached.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Effects of maternal smoking on placental ultrasound and uterine-placental Doppler

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2006;28(6):340-344


    Artigos Originais

    Effects of maternal smoking on placental ultrasound and uterine-placental Doppler

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2006;28(6):340-344

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000600004


    PURPOSE: the study the effects of maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy on placental maturation (calcifications) and the placental-uterine circulation, evaluated through umbilical and uterine Doppler. METHODS: prospective cohort study involving 244 pregnant women, 210 of them non-smokers and 34 smokers. Participants were submitted to four serial sonograms. The first was performed up to the 16th week of pregnancy to determine gestational age, and the other three at 28, 32 and 36 weeks for fetal biometry, evaluation of placental texture and Doppler studies of the uterine and umbilical arteries. Premature placental calcification was defined as grade III before 36 weeks. The chi2 and Fisher exact tests were used to compare placental grading, and the Mann-Whitney test to evaluate the resistance index of uterine and umbilical arteries. RESULTS: the frequency of grade III placenta and the resistance of the uterine arteries did not differ significantly between smokers and non-smokers, at all gestational ages. Umbilical artery Doppler was significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers at 32 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: no association was found between cigarette smoking and premature placental calcification. Smoking was associated with increased umbilical artery resistance at 32 weeks.

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