Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(11):840-846
The present study aims to assess the feasibility and patient satisfaction of teleoncology orientation in a vulnerable population of breast cancer patients assessed in a government health system during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
Eligible patients received an invitation to receive remote care to minimize exposure to an environment in which the risk of respiratory infection was present. The means of communication was telephone through an application that allows free conversation with no charge. An anonymous-response questionnaire based on a Likert-type scale was sent through a cell phone application or e-mail directly to each patient or close relative of the patient immediately after teleconsultation. Responses to the questions, which addressed utility, facility, interface quality, interaction quality, reliability, satisfaction, and interest in future evaluation, were compiled and analyzed.
A total of 176 eligible patients scheduled for consultation were evaluated and 98 were included. Seventy (71.4%) successfully undertook the teleorientation. The questionnaire was submitted by 43 (61.4%) patients. The overall teleoncology orientation was classified as very positive by 41 (95.3%) patients. Specifically, regarding the questionnaire items, 43 (100%) patients scored 4 or 5 (agreed that the teleconsultation was beneficial) concerning the facility, followed by 42 (97.2%) for the interface quality, 41 (95.3%) for both utility and interaction quality, 40 (93%) for satisfaction and interest in future evaluation, and, finally, 39 (90.6%) for reliability.
Teleoncology orientation of low-income breast cancer patients is most feasible and leads to high patient satisfaction.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2019;41(6):371-378
The aim of this study was to determine the content and face validity of the Mackey Childbirth Satisfaction Rating Scale (MCSRS) questionnaire cross-culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese.
The MCSRS is a questionnaire with 34 items related to childbirth satisfaction. The forward- and back-translated versions were compared with the original material, and 10 experts analyzed each item according to the following criteria: clarity, semantic equivalence, appropriateness, and cultural relevance. The final version was presented to 10 mothers for face validation to ensure the questionnaire would suit the target population.
The total of 34 items assessed by experts for clarity, semantic equivalence, appropriateness, and relevance showed positive agreement of 0.85, 0.92, 0.97 and 0.97; negative agreement of 0.13, 0.09, 0.04 and 0.04; and total agreement of 0.75; 0.85, 0.94 and 0.94, respectively. Multilevel linear modeling was applied with crossed random effects and with nested random effects for each judge. The intercept of each criterion was as follows: clarity, 0.87; semantic equivalence, 0.92; appropriateness, 0.96; and cultural relevance, 0.96. The overall mean of agreement was 92.8%. The face validity measurement yielded 80% of agreement on the items, all of them clearly understood.
The final version of the Brazilian Portuguese MCSRS questionnaire had face and content validity confirmed. This instrument of evaluation of maternal satisfaction during childbirth was validated to be applied in the Brazilian female population.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2016;38(3):132-139
To evaluate the compliance and degree of satisfaction of nulligravida (has not given birth) and parous (had already given birth) women who are using intrauterine devices (IUDs).
A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted comparing nulligravida and parous women who had had an IUD inserted between July 2009 and November 2011. A total of 84 nulligravida women and 73 parous women were included. Interviews were conducted with women who agreed to participate through telephone contact. Statistical analysis was performed with Student s t-test and Mann-Whitney test for numeric variables; Pearson s chi-square test to test associations; and, whenever pertinent, Fisher s exact test for categorical variables. A survival curve was constructed to estimate the likelihood of each woman continuing the use of the IUD. A significance level of 5% was established.
When compared with parous women, nulligravida women had a higher education level (median: 12 vs. 10 years). No statistically significant differences were found between the nulligravida and parous women with respect to information on the use of the IUD, prior use of other contraceptive methods, the reason for having chosen the IUD as the current contraceptive method, reasons for discontinuing the use and adverse effects, compliance, and degree of satisfaction. The two groups did not show any difference in terms of continued use of the IUD (p = 0.4).
There was no difference in compliance or the degree of satisfaction or continued use of IUDs between nulligravida and parous women, suggesting that IUD use may be recommended for women who have never been pregnant.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2009;31(10):485-491
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009001000003
PURPOSE: to compare maternal and perinatal results, after the use of continuous peridural versus combined rachidian and peridural analgesia in primiparous parturients. METHODS: randomized clinical trial with 128 primiparous pregnant women in labor, divided into two groups: peridural analgesia (CPA) with 65 women, and combined continuous rachidian and peridural analgesia (CRPA) with 63, all of them admitted in the pre-labor period at two maternities in Jundiai, in the state of São Paulo. The variables studied were: latency of analgesia onset, pain intensity, total time until complete dilation, Apgar index at the first and fifth minutes, labor duration, degree of motor blockade, adverse effects such as vomiting, pruritus, arterial hypotension and degree of maternal fulfillment. Inclusion criteria were: primiparous, physical condition ASA 1 and 2, an only foetus, cephalic presentation, term delivery, 3 to 6 cm cervical dilation, and analgesia required by the obstetritian. Women with morbidity, membrane rupture, fetal abnormality and use of opioids up to four hours before were excluded. The Mann-Whitney test was used for the statistical analysis of non-parametric continuous variables, and Fisher's exact and Pearson's χ2 tests, for the categoric variables. RESULTS: there was no difference between the groups concerning the length of cervical dilation, labor duration, maternal hemodynamic parameters, newborn vitality, analgesic complementation during labor and type of delivery. Analgesia onset was quicker in the CRPA group, and the CPA group presented less motor blockade. Differences concerning adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, pruritus and hypotension have not been observed, but hypotension was more frequent in the CPA group (6.3 versus 3.1%). CONCLUSIONS: both techniques have proved to be safe and efficient, but CRP has provided an earlier onset, with quicker pain relief. The lesser motor blockade in the CPA group has allowed the parturients more active movements in bed and more effective collaboration during the expulsion period. Most women were pleased with the analgesia they got. The doses of local anesthetics and opioids used in both analgesic techniques and the complementary doses, equal in both groups, neither had any significant adverse effect nor affected newborn vitality.