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  • Original Article

    Maternal Serum Level of C-reactive Protein in Gestations Complicated by Preeclampsia

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;24(1):09-13


    Original Article

    Maternal Serum Level of C-reactive Protein in Gestations Complicated by Preeclampsia

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;24(1):09-13

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032002000100002


    Purpose: to investigate the association between serum C-reactive protein concentration and preeclampsia occurrence, as well as its relation to the disease severity. Patients and Methods: twenty-seven preeclamptic pregnant women and 27 pregnant women with no clinical intercurrences, in the third trimester of pregnancy, were evaluated in a transversal case-control study. Serum C-reactive protein dosage, besides clinical examination and laboratory tests for the diagnosis of the disease, were performed in the antenatal period. The association between C-reactive protein and the presence of preeclampsia, and the correlation between plasma protein values and blood pressure values were investigated. The chi² significance test and regression analysis through the square minimum technique were used, and the results were considered to be statistically significant when p<0.05. Results: the preeclamptic pregnant women presented mean blood pressure levels higher than their controls (129.9±12.1 and 87.2±6.5 mmHg, respectively) and significantly higher C-reactive protein mean values than the normotensive women (18.9±4.9 and 1.56±0.8 mg/L, respectively). There was a significant association between the C-reactive protein concentration increase and preeclampsia occurrence (p<0.0001, odds ratio: 20.1). It was also observed that the mean arterial pressure and proteinuria presented a direct correlation with the circulating C-reactive protein in maternal blood (p=0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: C-reactive protein is an effective marker of preeclampsia occurrence and significantly correlates with the disease severity. The use of this test for the differential diagnosis of pregnant women in several hypertensive situations and its utilization as a marker of preeclampsia prognosis deserve further studies.

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    Maternal Serum Level of C-reactive Protein in Gestations Complicated by Preeclampsia
  • Original Article

    Fetal Karyotyping of Pleural Fluid Obtained by Thoracocentesis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(4):243-246


    Original Article

    Fetal Karyotyping of Pleural Fluid Obtained by Thoracocentesis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(4):243-246

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032001000400007


    Purpose: to evaluate the possibility and accuracy of fetal karyotyping in pleural effusions. Methods: we studied fifteen fetuses with unilateral or bilateral pleural effusions. All of these fetuses underwent intrauterine thoracocentesis guided by ultrasound examinations. The gestational age varied from 19 to 34 weeks. A morphogenetic ultrasound examination was performed in each case by the authors in order to identify associated structural anomalies. When the cellular cultures of pleural effusion samples were negative, an alternative karyotype was obtained by cordocentesis. A fetal lymphocyte culture was made of pleural effusion samples for karyotype in a similar technique as for fetal blood. Results: the fetal karyotype was successful in 12 cases. There were 4 abnormal results, all of them were Down syndromes, and in the other 8 cases the chromosomal analyses were normal. The fetal karyotype was confirmed and compared by newborn blood chromosomal analysis, genetic evaluation or necropsy. There were no maternal or fetal side effects related to the procedure. Conclusions: the fetal karyotyping performed in pleural effusions obtained by intrauterine thoracocentesis proved to be highly efficient and safe. It must be the method of choice for rapid karyotyping in fetuses with pleural edema.

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  • Original Article

    Correlation between echographic cardiac measurements and hemoglobin deficit in fetus of red cell alloimmunized pregnancies

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(7):341-348


    Original Article

    Correlation between echographic cardiac measurements and hemoglobin deficit in fetus of red cell alloimmunized pregnancies

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(7):341-348

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008000700004


    PURPOSE: to verify the correlation between ultrasonography heart measures and hemoglobin deficit in fetuses of alloimmunized pregnant women. METHODS: a transversal study, including 60 fetuses, with 21 to 35 weeks of gestational age, from 56 isoimmunized pregnant women. A number of 139 procedures were performed. Before cordocentesis for the collection of fetal blood, cardiac measures and femur length (FL) were assessed by ultrasonography. The external biventricular diameter (EBVD) was obtained by measuring the distance between the epicardic external parts at the end of the diastole, with the M-mode cursor perpendicular to the interventricular septum, in the atrioventricular valves. The measure of the atrioventricular diameter (AVD) was obtained by positioning the same cursor along the interventricular septum, evaluating the distance between the heart basis and apex. The FL was determined from the trochanter major to the distal metaphysis. The cardiac circumference (CC) was also calculated. To adjust the cardiac measure to the gestational age, each of these measures were divided by the FL measure. Hemoglobin concentration has been determined by spectrophotometry with the Hemocue® system. Hemoglobin deficit calculation was based in the Nicolaides's normality curve. RESULTS: direct and significant correlations were observed between the cardiac measures evaluated and the hemoglobin deficit. To predict moderate and severe anemia, the sensitivity and specificity found were 71.7 and 66.3% for EBVD and FL, 65.8 and 62.4% for AVD and FL, and 73.7 and 60.4% for CC and FL, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: ultrasonography cardiac measures assessed from fetuses of isoimmunized pregnant women correlate directly with hemoglobin deficit.

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    Correlation between echographic cardiac measurements and hemoglobin deficit in fetus of red cell alloimmunized pregnancies


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