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Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 06-03-2024;46:e-rbgo40
To evaluate and compare the sexual function and pelvic floor muscles (PFM) function of women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) with and without Myofascial Pelvic Pain Syndrome (MPPS).
Cross-sectional study conducted between January 2018 and December 2020. Women with deep endometriosis underwent assessments for trigger points (TP) and PFM function using the PERFECT scale. Electromyographic activity (EMG) and sexual function through Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) were assessed. Statistical analyses included chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests.
There were 46 women. 47% had increased muscle tone and 67% related TP in levator ani muscle (LAM). Weakness in PFM, with P≤2 was noted in 82% and P≥3 in only 17%. Incomplete relaxation of PFM presented in 30%. EMG results were resting 6.0, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) 61.9 and Endurance 14.2; FSFI mean total score 24.7. We observed an association between increased muscle tone (P<.001), difficulty in relaxation (P=.019), and lower Endurance on EMG (P=.04) in women with TP in LAM. Participants with TP presented lower total FSFI score (P=.02). TP in the right OIM presented increased muscle tone (P=.01). TP in the left OIM presented lower values to function of PFM by PERFECT (P=.005), and in MVIC (P=.03) on EMG.
Trigger points (TP) in pelvic floor muscles (PFM) and obturator internus muscle (OIM) correlates with poorer PFM and sexual function, particularly in left OIM TP cases. Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain raise muscle tone, weaken muscles, hinder relaxation, elevate resting electrical activity, lower maximum voluntary isometric contraction, and reduce PFM endurance.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 12-11-2023;45(10):603-608
To evaluate the performance of residents in gynecology and obstetrics before and after practicing laparoscopic sutures, to establish when the training shows the best results, in addition to comparing whether being in different years of residency influences this progression.
A prospective cohort study involving 32 medical residents evaluated with a pretest to establish their previous knowledge in laparoscopic suture. This test consisted of knotting two wires, one made of polypropylene and the other of polyglactin, with a blocking sequence of five semi-knots. We set a 30-minute limit to complete the task. Then, the residents held four training meetings, focusing on suture, Gladiator rule, knot, and symmetries, in addition to executing blocking sequences. A second test to establish progress was performed.
Regarding the time spent to make the stiches using polyglactin wire, a statistically significant time improvement (p< 0.01) was observed, with a 10.67-minute pretraining median (mean 12.24 minutes) and a 2.53-minute posttraining median (mean 3.25 minutes). Regarding the stitches with polypropylene wire, a statistically significant time improvement (p< 0.05) was also observed, with a 9.38-minute pretraining median (mean 15.43 minutes) and a 3.65-minute posttraining median (mean 4.54 minutes). A total of 64.2% of the residents had been able to make the knot with polypropylene previously. One hundred percent were able to complete the task in the posttest.
Model training using the Gladiator rule for laparoscopic suture improves the knotting time with statistically similar performance, regardless of the year of residency, after systematic training.