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  • Original Article

    Influence of prolonged maternal stay in maternal and perinatal outcomes of two series of patients with placenta previa

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2012;34(1):34-39


    Original Article

    Influence of prolonged maternal stay in maternal and perinatal outcomes of two series of patients with placenta previa

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2012;34(1):34-39

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000100007


    PURPOSE: To compare the maternal and perinatal outcomes of patients with placenta previa, after the adoption of a prolonged maternal hospital stay, to those of a 1991 series. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study comparing 108 cases of placenta previa hospitalized in the Maternity School Assis Chateaubriand, Universidade Federal do Ceará, during the period from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2010, with those obtained in 1991, when 101 cases of the pathology were observed at our institution. The following maternal and perinatal data were collected: maternal age, parity, gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery, maternal stay length, Apgar scores at the 1st and 5th minutes, birth weight, adequacy of birth weight, neonatal length stay, maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rates (maternal, fetal, neonatal and perinatal). Statistical analysis was performed using the χ² and Fisher's exact tests. The results were considered significant when p<0.05. RESULTS: In 1991, placenta previa was found in 1.13% of cases (101/8900). In the present study, the prevalence was 0.43% (108/24726). No maternal death was observed in either series. Regarding the study of 1991, the current patients were significantly younger, with lower parity, were hospitalized longer, had better Apgar scores at 1st and 5th minutes, and had longer neonatal hospitalization. Also, we identified reduction of fetal, neonatal and perinatal mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Perinatal outcomes in patients with placenta previa were significantly improved between 1991 and the years 2006 and 2010. However, we can not say whether this improvement was due to the prolonged maternal hospital stay.

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