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  • Original Article

    Early placental maturation evaluated by ultrasound and perinatal prognosis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(3):165-170


    Original Article

    Early placental maturation evaluated by ultrasound and perinatal prognosis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(3):165-170

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000300005


    PURPOSE: to describe perinatal and obstetric characteristics of pregnant women with ultrasonographic early placental aging. METHODS: using a retrospective, descriptive, series of cases, with group comparison, the authors analyzed the data of 146 pregnant women, whose diagnosis of placental early aging (presence of grade II placenta before 32 gestational weeks or grade III, before 35 gestational weeks), and maternal-fetal conditions had been recorded in the medical charts at the "Maternidade Prof. Monteiro de Moraes", Recife, Pernambuco Brazil, from January 2000 to December 2002, where they had been attended as inpatients. The exclusion criteria were diagnoses of: premature amniorrhexis, multiple pregnancies, acute premature detachment of a normally located placenta, and fetal malformation. The clinical and obstetric complications were: hypertensive diseases, intrauterine growth restriction, changes of amniotic fluid volume, infections, maternal diabetes, falciform anemia, HIV seropositivity, drug addiction, renal lithiasis, epilepsy and bronchial asthma. In the medical records, 106 pregnant women were identified as having clinical and obstetric complications (Gwith group) and 40 as not having any of these complications (Gwithout group). For group comparisons, chi2 and exact Fisher statistical tests were used, with significance level of 0.05. RESULTS: Gwith group was associated with higher incidence of oligoamnion (27.3%), intrauterine growth restriction (44.3%) and caesarean section prior to labor (36.8%). Compared to Gwithout, the Gwith group was characterized by high incidence of: fetal death, prematurity (58.8% versus 40%), lower 5th minute Apgar index, birth weight less than 2.500g (67.9% versus 40%); small body size for gestational age (39.2% versus 10%) and more severe intercurrents events. CONCLUSIONS: perinatal prognosis does not depend upon placental early aging, but on clinical and obstetric maternal complications.

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  • Original Article

    Analysis of the risk factors for cesarean section

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2005;27(4):189-196


    Original Article

    Analysis of the risk factors for cesarean section

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2005;27(4):189-196

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000400005


    PURPOSE: to create a predictive model for cesarean section at the "Professor Monteiro de Morais Maternity" after evaluation of antepartum risk factors of the pregnant women who delivered from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000, and then, to verify the efficacy of indication for cesarean section. METHODS: a longitudinal, case control study with 3.626 pregnant women was performed to identify the antepartum risk factors for cesarean section in the period from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000. Thereafter an ideal model able to quantify the risk for cesarean section for each patient in the presence of one or more risk factor was created. Then, the model was applied to the patients of the study in order to verify the efficacy of indication for cesarean section. RESULTS: the baseline risk for cesarean section was 15.2%. The concordance between the percentage estimated through logistic model and cesarean delivery was 86.6%. CONCLUSIONS: the logistic model was able to identify the baseline risk for cesarean section and to quantify the increase in risk for cesarean section in each patient when risk factors were introduced in the model. The model can be considered efficient and able to predict cesarean section because the agreemant between the prediction and the correct indication was 86.6%, and 53.6% of the patients who had vaginal delivery did not have any risk factor for cesarean section.

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  • Original Article

    Factors that Influence the Outcome of the Nonpharmacological Treatment of Cyclical Mastalgias

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(8):499-504


    Original Article

    Factors that Influence the Outcome of the Nonpharmacological Treatment of Cyclical Mastalgias

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(8):499-504

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032001000800004


    Purpose: to evaluate factors that might influence the results of nonphamacological treatment (verbal guidance) in women with clinical mastalgia. Methods: an uncontrolled study of the experimental type was conducted on a sample of 128 women with a clear history of clinical mastalgia treated with verbal guidance. A visual analogue scale for pain was used before and after treatment to evaluate pain intensity and mastalgia was classified into grade I (mild), grade II (moderate) and grade III (severe) according to pain intensity. The Cardiff Breast Score (CBS), modified, was also used to evaluate the clinical response to treatment. Data were analyzed statistically using the chi² test (Epi-Info 6.04). Results: we noted that factors such as parity, menarche, age at first term delivery and breast-feeding had no significant effect (p=0.19, p=0.31, p=0.80 and p=0.54, respectively) on the results of nonpharmacological treatment (verbal guidance). On the other hand, when age was taken into consideration, 26 patients (78.8%) aged 40 years or older were found to benefi more from verbal guidance, with a significant difference (p=0.01) when compared to younger women. Conclusion: reproductive factors such as parity, menarche, age at first term delivery and breast-feeding did not affect the results of nonpharmacological treatment (verbal guidance), whereas the age factor had a specific and significant effect on the results.

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  • Original Article

    Maternal age as a risk factor for pregnancy-induced hypertension: multivariate analysis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(9):631-635


    Original Article

    Maternal age as a risk factor for pregnancy-induced hypertension: multivariate analysis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(9):631-635

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000900003


    PURPOSE: to evaluate maternal age of 40 and older as an independent risk factor for pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). METHOD: we conducted a retrospective cohort study involving analysis of medical records of 2047 women in labor, divided into groups of 298 aged 40 and older and 1749 aged under 40. A multiple logistic regression was done to evaluate the association of maternal age with the occurrence of PIH adjusted by parity, chronic arterial hypertension, diabetes and twin pregnancy. RESULTS: the incidence of PIH in patients aged 40 and over was 22.1% (66/298), higher than in patients aged under 40 (16%, 286/1463). PIH was diagnosed in 27.2% of primiparous (174/640), 47.6% of chronic hypertensive (30/66) and 27.1% of diabetic patients (13/48). Advancing maternal age, primiparity and chronic arterial hypertension were associated with the occurrence of PIH in univariate analysis (OR = 1.46, 2.58 and 4.69, respectively). There was no significant association with diabetes. After the adjustment we observed an increase in the strength of the association between maternal age and PIH (adjusted OR = 1.69), as well as parity and chronic arterial hypertension. CONCLUSION: maternal age of 40 and older was a risk factor for the occurrence of PIH independent of parity, chronic arterial hypertension and diabetes.

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  • Original Article

    The influence of maternal age, parity, twin pregnancy, hypertensive syndrome and premature rupture of membranes on the indication for cesarean section

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(10):739-744


    Original Article

    The influence of maternal age, parity, twin pregnancy, hypertensive syndrome and premature rupture of membranes on the indication for cesarean section

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(10):739-744

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003001000007


    PURPOSE: to verify the contribution of maternal age, parity, twin pregnancy, hypertensive syndrome, and premature rupture of membranes as risk factors for cesarean section. METHODS: after approval by the Ethics in Research Committee of the "Maternidade Professor Monteiro de Morais" - Recife, PE - Brazil, for a case control study, the authors analyzed data from 3919 pregnant women, without two or more prior cesarean sections, who gave birth to alive newborns with gestational age equal to or more than 28 weeks, weighing at least 1,000 g, on cephalic presentation, from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000. The case group included women submitted to cesarean section and the control group included women submitted to vaginal delivery. With the data collected from obstetric and neonatal reports, the authors performed multivariate analysis by logistic regression to determine a mathematical equation that associates cesarean probability due to more than one independent variable acting as risk factor, determining odds ratio with a confidence interval of 95% (95% CI), for the variables: maternal age, parity, twin pregnancy, hypertensive syndrome, and premature rupture of membranes. RESULTS: the chances for cesarean section significantly increased 8.3 times in twin pregnancy (OR = 8.3; 95% CI: 3.7-19.1), 3.4 in hypertensive syndrome (OR = 3.4; 95% CI: 2.9-4.0), 1.9 in primiparity (OR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.8-2.0), 1.5 in maternal age over 34 years (OR = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.2-1.8), and 1.2 in the presence of premature rupture of membranes (OR = 1.2; 95 %CI: 1.0-1.4). CONCLUSIONS: the risk for cesarean section was greater in the presence of premature rupture of membranes, maternal age greater than 34 years, primiparity, hypertensive syndrome, and twin pregnancy.

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  • Original Article

    Cyclical mastalgias: a nonpharmacological treatment (reassurance)

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(2):77-82


    Original Article

    Cyclical mastalgias: a nonpharmacological treatment (reassurance)

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(2):77-82

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032001000200003


    Purpose: to evaluate the nonpharmacologic treatment (reassurance) as a first line therapy for women with cyclical mastalgia, and to observe if a prolonged course of pain alters the outcome. Methods: we conducted a noncontrolled experimental study with a sample of 128 eligible women with a clear history of cyclical mastalgia treated with reassurance. A visual linear analogical scale of the pain was used before and after treatment in order to assess its severity and the mastalgias were classified into degrees I (mild), II (moderate) and III (severe) according to the intensity of pain. We also used a modified Cardiff Breast Score (CBS) to assess the clinical response. The data analysis was performed using the chi² test (Epi-Info 6.04 software). Results: we verified a success rate of 59.4% with reassurance, but there was no significant statistical difference between the groups (p = 0.16) with different degrees of mastalgia. The less satisfactory response to the nonpharmacologic treatment in those pacients with a prolonged course of pain was only apparent, since there was no significant statistical difference (p = 0.14). Conclusion: reassurance should be always tried as the first choice treatment for women with cyclical mastalgia, independently of pain intensity. Prolonged course of pain did not alter the outcome.

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