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  • Original Article

    Maternal factors and perinatal results in placental abruption: a comparative study of two periods

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(6):324-330


    Original Article

    Maternal factors and perinatal results in placental abruption: a comparative study of two periods

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(6):324-330

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000600002


    PURPOSE: to compare the maternal factors, clinical aspects and perinatal results in placental abruption during two periods. METHODS: retrospective analysis of placental abruption cases that occurred from January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1997 (period 94-97), and from April 4, 2001 through March 3, 2005 (period 01-05), in singleton delivery with birthweight higher than 500 g and after 20 weeks of gestation. The following factors were analyzed: maternal age, previous obstetric history, prenatal care, premature rupture of membranes, obstetric and/or clinical intercurrent events, vaginal bleeding, uterine tonus, fetal anomaly, mode of delivery, hemoamnion and maternal complication (hysterectomy, uterine atony, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal failure, and maternal death), and the perinatal results. RESULTS: the rate of placental abruption was 0.78% (60 cases) in the period 94-97 (n=7692 deliveries), and 0.59% (51 cases) in the period 01-05 (n=8644 deliveries), without significant difference. A significant difference was observed between the periods 94-97 and 01-05 regarding mean number of previous gestations (3.5±2.4 and 2.6±1.8, p=0.04), patients without prenatal care (13.3 and 2.0%, p=0.03) and maternal intercurrences (38.3 and 64.7%, p=0.01). No significant difference was observed related to vaginal bleeding, tonus abnormalities and perinatal results, between the periods, but a higher proportion of hemoamnion in 94-97 was found when compared to 01-05 (28.3 and 11.8%, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: in spite of obstetrical advances, maternal complications and perinatal results were similar in the analyzed periods. The severity and the unexpected results emphasize the importance of prevention and adequate control of associated factors, when this pathology is approached.

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  • Original Article

    Fetal breathing movements in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(7):352-357


    Original Article

    Fetal breathing movements in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(7):352-357

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000700005


    PURPOSE: to analyze the pattern of fetal breathing movements (FBM) in diabetic pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: sixteen pregestational diabetic and 16 nondiabetic (control group) pregnant subjects were included fulfilling the following criteria: singleton, between 36-40 weeks of gestation, absence of other maternal diseases and absence of fetal anomalies. The fetal biophysical profile (FBP) was performed to evaluate the following parameters: fetal heart rate, FBM, fetal body movements, fetal tone and amniotic fluid index. The FBM was evaluated for 30 minutes, period when the examination was integrally recorded in VHS video for posterior analysis of the number of FBM episodes, the duration of each episode and the fetal breathing movements index (BMI). The BMI was calculated by the formula: (interval of time with FBM/total time of observation) x 100. At the beginning and in the end of the FBP maternal glucose levels were checked. The results were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U-test and the Fisher exact test, adopting a level of significance of 5%. RESULTS: the glucose levels demonstrated significantly superior average in the diabetic group (113.3±35.3 g/dL) in relation to the normal group (78.2±14.8 g/dL, p<0.001). The average of the amniotic fluid index was higher in the group of the diabetic cases (15.5±6.4 cm) when compared with controls (10.6±2.0 cm; p=0.01). The average of the number of FBM episodes was superior in the diabetic ones (22.6±4.4) in relation to controls (14.8±2.3; p<0.0001). The average of the BMI in the diabetic patients (54.6±14.8%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (30.5±7.4%, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: the elevated blood glucose levels can be associated with a different pattern in the FBM of diabetic mothers. The use of this parameter of the FBP, in the obstetric practice, must be considered with concern in diabetic pregnancies.

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    Fetal breathing movements in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus
  • Original Article

    Fetal heart rate and umbilical artery Dopplervelocimetry between the 18th and 20th weeks of gestation in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(8):453-459


    Original Article

    Fetal heart rate and umbilical artery Dopplervelocimetry between the 18th and 20th weeks of gestation in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(8):453-459

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000800003


    PURPOSE: to analyze the fetal heart rate (FHR) and umbilical artery Dopplervelocimetry between 18th and 20th weeks of gestation in pregnant women complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus. METHODS: twenty-eight pregnancies with pregestational diabetes and 27 normal pregnant women were analyzed prospectively, in a cross-sectional and case-control study. The inclusion criteria were the following: singleton pregnancy between 18 and 29 weeks, no other associated maternal diseases and no fetal abnormality. Ultrasonography was performed and FHR was calculated by the interval between the beginnings of two consecutive cardiac cycles, in the three umbilical artery Doppler sonograms, obtained in the umbilical cord near to the placental insertion, using color Doppler. Five consecutive FHR cycles from each sonogram were measured, to analyze mean FHR and its variation. The following Doppler indices were studied: systolic/diastolic ratio, pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI). Student's t test and Mann-Whitney Utest were applied to comparative study. p values were considered significant when p<0.05. Results: no significant difference was observed in mean FHR between the studied groups (diabetic group: 149.2 bpm, control group: 147.2 bpm; p = 0.12). FHR variation revealed similar results between the groups (diabetic group: 5.3 bpm; control group: 5.3 bpm; p=0.50). No significant difference was found in the Doppler indices S/D (p=0.79), PI (p=0.25) and RI (p=0.71) between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: the absence of differences in FHR characteristics between the 18th and 20th gestational weeks indicates similar neurological maturation of FHR regulatory systems in this period, between fetuses of diabetic mothers and controls. Abnormalities in the uteroplacental resistance were not identified in the studied period, in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes.

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