Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(3):120-125
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000300002
PURPOSE: to present a surgical technique for patients submitted to caesarean section, which evolves to medicine refractory hemorrhage. METHODS: a case report study, of which the including criteria were failure in the pharmacological treatment to control post-partum hemorrhage, and the patients' request to preserve their uterus. Four patients submitted to caesarean section which evolved to immediate post-partum hemorrhage, refractory to the use of ocytocin, ergometrine and misoprostol, were treated with the suture technique described by B-Lynch, without modification. The uterus was transfixed in six points according to the standard procedure, with chrome catgut-2 or polyglactine-1thread. After the assistant's manual compression of the uterus, the thread was pulled by its extremities by the surgeon, and a double knot followed by two simple knots were applied before performing the hysterorraphy. RESULTS: needled chrome catgut-2 thread was used in three cases and needled poluglactine-1 in one case. In the four cases there was immediate discontinuity of the vaginal bleeding, after the suture. The four patients did not present any complication during the procedure or along the immediate and late puerperal period. CONCLUSION: this technique represents a surgical alternative to deal with post-partum hemorrhage and may represent a reduction in the maternal morbidity and mortality in our country.