Uterine cavity Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Sonohysterography in the evaluation of the uterine cavity in postmenopausal women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;24(8):541-545


    Original Article

    Sonohysterography in the evaluation of the uterine cavity in postmenopausal women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;24(8):541-545

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032002000800007


    Purpose: to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography as a diagnostic method for the evaluation of the uterine cavity in postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine cavity at conventional endovaginal sonography. Methods: this study consisted of the evaluation of 99 postmenopausal patients with abnormal uterine cavity on conventional endovaginal sonography, that was defined as endometrial thickness equal to or larger than 5 mm in a postmenopausal patient not on hormone replacement therapy, or endometrial thickness equal to or larger than 8 mm in patients on hormone replacement therapy, with irregular bleeding. These patients were subjected to sonohysterography, and specimens were obtained for pathologic examination by biopsy guided by histeroscopy in 92 patients, endometrial biopsy in four patientes and hysterectomy in three patients. The results of sonohysterography were compared with the pathologic findings, considered "gold standard". Results: there were eight cases of normal uterine cavity and 20 cases of atrophic endometrium and sonohysterography had high levels of specificity (97.8 and 97.5%) and low sensitivity (35 and 25%). There were high levels of sensitivity (92.3 and 75.0%) and specificity (94.1 and 97.9%) for polyps (65 cases) and submucous myomas (four cases). There were three cases of endometrial carcinoma and the sonohysterography had a sensitivity and specificity of 100%. Conclusions: sonohysterography showed to be accurate in the diagnostic of focal diseases (endometrial polyps and submucous myomas). There were three cases of endometrial cancer, and sonohysterography correctly diagnosed all of them. This method was also accurate to exclude endometrial abnormality. However, in the cases of diffusely thickened endometrium, the accuracy was low, because atrophic and normal endometrium on histopathology frequently appears as diffusely thickened endometrium at endovaginal sonography and sonohysterography. Sonohysterography did not lead to complications during and after the procedure.

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