Urethral obstruction Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Artigos Originais

    Vesicoamniotic shunt in the intrauterine treatment of obstructive uropathies: a review and critical analysis of the experience of the Fetal Medicine Center

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(3):149-154


    Artigos Originais

    Vesicoamniotic shunt in the intrauterine treatment of obstructive uropathies: a review and critical analysis of the experience of the Fetal Medicine Center

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(3):149-154

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000300009


    PURPOSE: to analyze the efficacy, safety and real advantage of vesicoamniotic shunt catheter in the intrauterine treatment of obstructive uropathy. METHODS: a retrospective and descriptive study, in which the evolution of 35 fetuses with obstructive uropathy, submitted to vesicoamniotic shunt from 1990 to 2004 in a Fetal Medical Center was evaluated. All these fetuses fitted the selection criteria defined by a protocol of this service, and had the parents' consent for the procedure. The Pediatric Nephrology Sector of the Hospital das Clínicas of UFMG assessed all of them after delivery to confirm the prenatal diagnosis and outcome. The dead neonates were studied by the Pathological Anatomy Sector of UFMG. Descriptive analysis of the following parameters was performed: prenatal diagnosis of the uropathy, gestational age at shunt insertion, time of catheter utilization, post-surgery complications, perinatal mortality and neonatal survival. RESULTS: posterior urethral valve was the most common uropathy (62.8%). The mean gestational age at the vesicoamniotic shunt placement was 26.1weeks and the mean time of its presence was 46 days (1-119 days). There were four intrauterine fetal deaths and 17 in the neonatal period (60% perinatal mortality). The main cause of death was pulmonary hypoplasia. Olygohidramnios was present in 33/35 fetuses (94.3%) and it was reversed in 23 of them (70%); fourteen fetuses survived the neonatal period. At present, there are 4 children followed up by the Pediatric Sector of Nephrology of Hospital das Clínicas. Two of them have been treated with peritoneal dialysis, awaiting renal transplantation. The other two have normal renal function. Their age varies from 2 months to 4 years. CONCLUSION: the vesicoamniotic shunt may be a viable intrauterine treatment for severe obstructive uropathy, with 40% of survival rate of fetuses that might have progressed to death. However, the procedure's success was directly related to the adequate selection, and to the early intervention in the uterus, performed before 32 weeks of gestation in fetuses with bilateral obstruction, without any associated malformation and with still preserved renal function. Olygohidramnios reversion did not guarantee a good prognosis. It remains controversial if the vesicoamniotic shunt can really ensure long-term renal function.

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