pregnancy with hematologic complications Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Impact of Rare Bleeding Disorders during Pregnancy on Maternal and Fetal Outcomes: Review of 29 Pregnancies at a Single Center

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2017;39(1):4-8


    Original Article

    Impact of Rare Bleeding Disorders during Pregnancy on Maternal and Fetal Outcomes: Review of 29 Pregnancies at a Single Center

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2017;39(1):4-8

    DOI 10.1055/s-0036-1597927




    This study aims to give information about the relationship between different types of factor deficiencies and maternal/obstetric outcomes.


    We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of eight women with factor deficiency disorders. The demographic and clinical features of the patients after their last pregnancies were registered retrospectively.


    There were 29 pregnancies among the 8 patients. The spontaneous abortion rate was relatively high in two patients with factor XIII deficiency (80% and 57.1%) compared with the other factor deficiency groups. There were 16 births, which included 1 set of twins, and 2 deaths (1 stillbirth and 1 postpartum exitus occurred in the same patient). Intrauterine growth restriction was noted in five cases; four of these occurred in factor X deficiency cases. The mean decrease in hemoglobin level of all patients after birth was 1.7 g/dL (range, 0.2-3.6 g/dL). Red blood cell transfusion was required only in one case of factor XIII deficiency.


    There is currently no consensus on the pregnancy management of women with factor deficiencies because of the limited knowledge due to the rarity of such disorders. Labor should be managed in a dedicated unit with a team consisting of an obstetrician, a hematologist, an anesthesiologist, a midwife, and a pediatrician to minimalize the complications.

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