ovarian function tests Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Value of the Ultrasound in the Study of Ovarian Reserve for Prediction of Oocyte Recovery

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2016;38(10):499-505


    Original Article

    Value of the Ultrasound in the Study of Ovarian Reserve for Prediction of Oocyte Recovery

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2016;38(10):499-505

    DOI 10.1055/s-0036-1593969




    To identify which methods used in the assessment of the ovarian reserve are exclusive or complementary to identify the best response to follicle development.


    Retrospective cohort study, involving patients undergoing assisted reproduction treatment at the Instituto de Medicina Reprodutiva e Fetal, from April 2009 to July 2014. Age, biochemical tests, and ultrasound were assessed. The data were analyzed to predict the follicular development and the relation between them, using, for statistical analysis, Statistical Package for Social Sciences software.


    Out of the 293 couples included, 50.2% presented infertility by ovarian factor. Considering the age as the main variable, a significant negative correlation with the volume of both ovaries was observed (right ovary, r = 0.21; left ovary, r =0.22; both p< 0.0001), and with the antral follicle count (right ovary, r =0.38; left ovary, r =0.47; both p< 0.0001). Considering the antral follicle count as the main variable, a significant positive correlation with the total recruited oocytes was observed. When we correlated the antral follicle count with the recruited follicles larger than 18 mm, we observed that, with a cutoff of 12 antral follicles, there is a positive predictive value of 99%, and an area under the ROC curve of 0.76.


    We concluded from our study that age and antral follicle count are effective predictors of ovarian response in cycles of assisted reproduction. The ovarian volume, as well as the anti-Müllerian hormone dosage, seem to be adequate markers of the ovarian reserve.

    See more
    Value of the Ultrasound in the Study of Ovarian Reserve for Prediction of Oocyte Recovery


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