Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2023;45(6):333-336
Isthmocele is a discontinuation of the myometrium at the uterine scar site in a patient with a previous cesarian section (CS). The cause of isthmocele appears to be multifactorial. Poor surgical technique, low incision location, uterine retroflection, obesity, smoking, inadequate healing of scars, and maternal age are possible related factors. Most patients with this condition are asymptomatic. However, women can present with postmenstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, subfertility, dysmenorrhea, infertility, and scar abscess. Brazil has one of the world s highest cesarean section rates. One of the consequences of the rising rate of CS is the isthmocele, an emerging female health problem. Here we report a case of mucinous cystadenoma arising in a uterine isthmocele, a complication, as far as we could investigate, not yet described in the literature.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2019;41(1):44-52
The aim of the present study was to perform a comprehensive review of the literature to provide a complete and clear picture of isthmocele-a hypoechoic area within themyometriumat the site of the uterine scar of a previous cesarean section-by exploring in depth every aspect of this condition.
A comprehensive review of the literature was performed to identify the most relevant studies about this topic.
Every aspect of isthmocele has been studied and described: pathophysiology, clinical symptoms, classification, and diagnosis. Its treatment, both medical and surgical, has also been reported according to the actual literature data.
Cesarean section is the most common surgical procedure performed worldwide, and one of the consequences of this technique is isthmocele. A single and systematic classification of isthmocele is needed to improve its diagnosis and management. Further studies should be performed to better understand its pathogenesis.