Neovaginoplasty Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Electron microscope study of the epithelium of neovagina constructed with amniotic membrane: estrogen receptor evaluation

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 1999;21(5):291-295


    Original Article

    Electron microscope study of the epithelium of neovagina constructed with amniotic membrane: estrogen receptor evaluation

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 1999;21(5):291-295

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031999000500008


    Purpose: to verify changes in amnion epithelia after neovaginoplasty and the presence of estrogen receptor in this tissue using electron microscopy (TEM). Methods: a group consisting of 33 young patients with vaginal agenesy, most of them amenorreic, either incapable or having difficulty to adequately perform sexual activity, underwent surgical correction of the anomaly by the McIndoe-Banister technique. In each woman, a cavity was created through an opening of the vesicorectal space. A mold made of artificial sponge with a condom recovered by amniotic membrane was introduced into the cavity. After eight days, the mold was removed, leaving a developing neoepithelium from the amniotic membrane. Results: The TEM conducted in samples of tissue obtained from neovaginas showed similar results in all three layers of these epithelia, either in the cytoplasm or the cellular microstructures in comparison with normal women. The intensity of staining of the estrogen receptors on the vaginal neoepithelium of the group of women who underwent the surgical procedure was similar to that of normal women. The estrogen receptors were heterogeneously distributed in the three layers of the tissue in all women. The analysis of the vaginal neoepithelium obtained from amniotic membrane revealed, through the TEM, all the characteristics of a regular vaginal epithelium.

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