intrauterine transfusion Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Parameters Associated with Adverse Fetal Outcomes in Parvovirus B19 Congenital Infection

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2017;39(11):596-601


    Original Article

    Parameters Associated with Adverse Fetal Outcomes in Parvovirus B19 Congenital Infection

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2017;39(11):596-601

    DOI 10.1055/s-0037-1606859




    To investigate the clinical and sonographic parameters associated with adverse fetal outcomes in patients with congenital parvovirus B19 infection managed by intrauterine transfusion.


    This was a single-center retrospective study conducted from January 2005 to December 2016 that assessed patients with singleton pregnancies with fetal parvovirus infection confirmed by a polymerase chain reaction of the amniotic fluid or fetal blood samples who underwent at least one intrauterine transfusion. The maternal characteristics, sonographic findings and parameters related to intrauterine transfusion were compared between the two groups (recovery/non-recovery), who were categorized based on fetal response after in-utero transfusions. Progression to fetal death or delivery without fetal recovery after the transfusions was considered nonrecovery and categorized as an adverse outcome.


    The final analysis included ten singleton pregnancies: seven of which were categorized into the recovery group and three of which into the non-recovery group. The baseline characteristics were similar between the groups. All fetuses were hydropic at the time of diagnosis. No significant differences related to sonographic or intrauterine transfusion parameters were identified between the groups; however, the nonrecovery group tended to have an increased number of sonographic markers and lower fetal hemoglobin and platelet levels before the transfusion.


    We were unable to firmly establish the clinical or sonographic parameters associated with adverse fetal outcomes in patients with parvovirus infection managed with intrauterine transfusions; however, edema, placental thickening and oligohydramnios may indicate greater fetal compromise and, subsequently, adverse outcomes. However, further studies are necessary, mainly due to the small number of cases analyzed in the present study.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Intrauterine transfusion in fetuses affected by severe perinatal hemolytic disease: a descriptive study

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(3):137-144


    Trabalhos Originais

    Intrauterine transfusion in fetuses affected by severe perinatal hemolytic disease: a descriptive study

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(3):137-144

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031998000300003


    Objective: to report 54 intrauterine intravascular transfusions (IITs), describing procedure related complications and associated perinatal morbidity and mortality. Methods: fetuses undergoing IITs at Clínica Materno-Fetal and Maternidade Carmela Dutra, Florianópolis, SC, between January 1992 and August 1997 were included in the study. Patients demographics, procedure and newborn related data were tabulated for analysis and presented in descriptive form, using percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, range and relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence interval as appropriate. Results: fifty IITs and four exchange transfusions were performed in twenty-one fetuses. There were four deaths (20%), three of which occurred (75%) in hydropic fetuses. Mean gestational age at the time of the first IIT was 29.1 weeks, the mean hemoglobin concentration was 7.1 mg/dl and the mean rise in hemoglobin level per procedure was 5.69 mg/dl. Procedure related mortality rate was 7.4%. Mean gestational age at birth was 33.9 weeks and mean birth weight was 2,437 grams. Sixty-five percent of the newborns received complementary exchange transfusions. Conclusion: the procedure related mortality rate was 7.4%, similar to the mortality rate reported in the world literature. The perinatal mortality rate (20%) was higher than that reported in other countries but lower than the perinatal mortality rate reported in a study conducted in Brazil, with a similar prevalence of hydropic fetuses.

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    Intrauterine transfusion in fetuses affected by severe perinatal hemolytic disease: a descriptive study
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Fetal blood gas changes in red-cell transfusion in alloimmunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):599-603


    Trabalhos Originais

    Fetal blood gas changes in red-cell transfusion in alloimmunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):599-603

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800009


    PURPOSE: the aim was to study Rh-alloimmunized pregnant women and describe the gasometric abnormalities and the fetal acid-base changes before and after intrauterine transfusion. METHODS: between June 2001 and October 2001, before and after intrauterine transfusion in the alloimunized fetuses, gasometric data and acid-base parameters were prospectively studied in the umbilical vein blood. The measurements were performed in 8 samples of 5 fetuses. The fetal blood was obtained by cordocentesis before and after the intrauterine transfusion. The results were compared to the volemic expansion, the gestational age at procedure, the estimated fetal weight and the hemoglobin values (g/dL). RESULTS: all the cases showed pH value reduction, mean of 0.09 (SD=0.02). The fetal hemoglobin value showed a mean improvement of 8.4 g/dL (SD=2.9 g/dL). The pO2 and HCO3- concentrations showed negative variation (mean deltapO2 = -1.28 mmHg, mean deltaHCO3- = -2.25 mEq/L). pCO2 showed improvement (mean deltapCO2 = 3.2 mmHg) and reduced values of base excess occurred (mean = -3.75). CONCLUSION: the gasometric analysis allows to conclude that intrauterine transfusion is followed by pH reduction in the umbilical vein, with relative fetal acidemia after the procedure.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Intrauterine Transfusion in Maternal Rh Immunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2001;23(5):299-303


    Trabalhos Originais

    Intrauterine Transfusion in Maternal Rh Immunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2001;23(5):299-303

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032001000500005


    Purpose: to evaluate the intrauterine treatment of anemic fetuses that underwent intrauterine transfusions due to rhesus isoimmunization. Methods: the authors studied sixty-one fetuses undergoing intrauterine transfusions by the intravascular, intraperitoneal or both routes. The hydropic fetuses (19.7%) received only intravascular intrauterine transfusions. There was an overall number of 163 intrauterine transfusions with a mean of 2.7 procedures for each case. The indications for intrauterine transfusions were high values of bilirubin in amniotic fluid analyses by the Liley method or a hemoglobin concentration of cord blood below 10.0 g/mL. Results: the overall perinatal survival rate was 46% for hydropic fetuses and 84% for the nonhydropic ones. There were no maternal side effects related to the procedures. Half of the intrauterine transfusions were performed by the intravascular route. The mean gestational age at the delivery was 34.8 weeks. Conclusions: despite better perinatal results with intrauterine transfusions guided by ultrasound, especially using intravascular procedures, rhesus isoimmunization remains as an important cause of high rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality.

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