Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2024;46:e-rbgo75
To identify the opinion of coordinators and members about the essential characteristics and to understand the research networks characteristics, to facilitate their implementation, sustainability and effectiveness so it can be replicated in low and middle-income countries.
A qualitative study using a semi-structured interview technique was conducted. We selected potential members, managers and participants of networks from publications identified in PubMed. After checking the FIGO congress program, we identified authors who were assigned as speakers at the event. An invitation was sent and interviews were scheduled.
In total, eleven interviews were performed. Coordinators and members of networks have the same goal when they decide to participate in a network. In general, they cited that these individuals had to be committed, responsible and enthusiastic people. The network should be composed also of postgraduate students. A network should allow multi-leadership, co-responsibility, autonomy and empowerment of its members. Effective communication was mentioned as an important pillar for network maintenance. Another motivation is being an author or coauthor in publications. One way to maintain a network running is social or governmental commitment, after resources expire, studies continue.
Networks are different due to the social context where they are inserted, however, some characteristics are common to all of them, such as having engaged leaders. For an effective and sustainable network, commitment and motivation in a leader and members are more in need than financial resources. Ideally, to ensure the operation of the network, the institution where the leader is linked should support this network.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2006;28(1):10-17
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000100003
PURPOSE: to describe to emotional process experienced with termination of pregnancy after the diagnosis of lethal fetal malformation. METHODS: thirty-five pregnant women who underwent termination of pregnancy for lethal fetal anomaly after judicial permission were interviewed. The most frequent fetal malformation was anencephaly (71.5%). The patients were submitted to an open interview as soon as the diagnosis of fetal malformation was confirmed, allowing them to express their feelings and stimulating them to think about asking for termination of pregnancy. The mean time spent until the judicial agreement was 16.6 days. The women who requested and were submitted to the procedure of abortion were invited to return for psychological evaluation after 30-60 days. At this moment, a semi-structured interview was performed to find the emotional aspects and feelings that existed. RESULTS: thirty-five patients were interviewed. The decision-making feelings about termination of pregnancy were negative for 60%, 51.4% declared that they had no doubts about the assumed decision and 65.7% declared that their own opinion was more important for decision than anyone else's. Most of the women (89%) affirmed to remember the facts about the procedure that they experienced, 91% affirmed that they would have the same attitude in the case of another similar situation in the future and 60% declared that they would advise someone to opt for termination of pregnancy if asked about the same situation. CONCLUSIONS: the anguish experienced showed that the process of thinking is very important for the decision-making process and posterior satisfaction with the assumed posture. The psychological follow-up allows to review the moral and cultural values in order to help the decision-making process with the aim of minimizing the suffering.