In vitro fertilization (IVF) Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve: Comparison Between Basal FSH Level and Clomiphene Test

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;24(5):323-327


    Original Article

    Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve: Comparison Between Basal FSH Level and Clomiphene Test

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;24(5):323-327

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032002000500006


    Purpose: to assess ovarian reserve by FSH determination on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle compared to the clomiphene test and to correlate the results with the ovarian response to controlled hyperstimulation with gonadotrophins for in vitro fertilization. Methods: a total of 49 patients older than 30 years who had been presenting a clinical picture of infertility for at least 1 year were selected. All patients were evaluated for ovarian reserve by the clomiphene citrate test and 26 of them were later submitted to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with gonadotrophins. Of these 26 patients, 18 showed a good response to ovarian hyperstimulation and 8 showed a poor response. Mean (+ SD) FSH values were calculated for the determinations on the 3rd and on the 10th day and for their sum in the group of patients who responded favorably to ovarian stimulation, and were later correlated with the ovarian response after gonadotrophin stimulation. Results: employing a FSH value > 16.1 IU/mL on the 10th day (mean plus 2 SD) for the prediction of a poor ovarian response in the clomiphene test, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of this parameter were 50, 100, 100 and 81.8%, respectively. Considering the clomiphene test to be positive when the sum of the FSH values determined on the 3rd and 10th day plus 2 SD was > 22.6 IU/mL, we obtained 62.5% sensitivity 100% specificity, 100% positive predictive value, and 85.7% negative predictive value. A single FSH determination of 10 IU/mL on the 3rd day of the cycle for the prediction of a poor ovarian response showed 87% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% positive predictive value and 94.7% negative predictive value. Conclusion: in the present study, a single FSH determination on the 3rd day of the cycle showed to be more sensitive than the clomiphene test for the evaluation of ovarian reserve.

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    Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve: Comparison Between Basal FSH Level and Clomiphene Test


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