Glyburide Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Gestational diabetes mellitus management with glyburide: factors of success and perinatal outcomes

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(11):555-560


    Original Article

    Gestational diabetes mellitus management with glyburide: factors of success and perinatal outcomes

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(11):555-560

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007001100002


    PURPOSE: to identify the factors related to successful gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) management with glyburide and to evaluate perinatal outcomes. METHODS: prospective longitudinal study including 50 pregnant women with GDM who required complementary treatment to diet and physical activity, whose fetus presented normal abdominal circumference (AC) to ultrasound (pct<75). Study period was August 2005 to July 2006. Ultrasonography was carried out monthly. Glyburide was used until delivery, as long as glucose control was obtained and fetal AC was normal, being thus considered therapeutically successful. In case there was no glucose control or alteration in AC, management was switched to insulin therapy, being thus considered therapeutically unsuccessful. Pregnant women were divided into two groups: one therapeutically successful (n=29) and another therapeutically unsuccessful (n=21). The results evaluated were: therapeutic success, maternal characteristics and perinatal outcome. RESULTS: fifty-eight percent of the cases were successfully managed with glyburide. No difference was found (p>0.05) in either group, with regards to maternal age, glucose values at OGTT75g, maternal body mass index (BMI), number of pre-natal consultations, number of previous pregnancies. According to the logistic model of regression used, therapeutically successful pregnant patients had had a later diagnosis (p=0.02) and lower weight gain during gestation (p<0.01). Perinatal outcome did not differ in either group. CONCLUSIONS: patients with later diagnosis and lower weight gain are more likely to have successful GDM management with glyburide. Unsuccessful management with glyburide did not alter the perinatal outcome.

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