Color Doppler flow analysis Archives - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

  • Original Article

    Color doppler flow analysis of the uterine arteries before and after DIU insertion

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(5):399-404


    Original Article

    Color doppler flow analysis of the uterine arteries before and after DIU insertion

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(5):399-404

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004000500009


    OBJECTIVE: to observe if there is any alteration in the Dopplervelocimetry of the uterine arteries of nursing and not nursing women after the insertion of the copper T 380 intrauterine device (IUD). METHODS: prospective, analytical, self-paired clinical assay, with 100 patients in whom we evaluated the color doppler flow: resistance index (RI), pulsative index (PI) and systole/diastole (SD) ratio. Nursing and not nursing women were assessed before IUD insertion as well as 30 days (one cycle) and 90 days (three cycles) after the insertion. RESULTS: the values obtained in the uterine arteries before insertion were: RI: 0.9, PI: 2.4, and SD ratio: 10.0. The values 30 days after insertion were: RI: 0.9, PI: 2.5 and SD ratio: 10.7. After three cycles we found a value of 0.9 for RI, 2.5 for PI and 10.7 for SD ratio. The comparison of the results before and after the IUD insertion showed a p value of 0.51 for RI, of 0.37 for PI and of 0.51 for SD ratio, demonstrating that after the insertion of the IUD, there were no significant changes in Dopplervelocimetry. Also, there were not significant differences between nursing and not nursing women, concerning these parameters. CONCLUSIONS: the use of copper T 380 IUD has no effect on the Doppler indices of the uterine arteries of both nursing and not nursing women.

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