Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 07-01-2014;36(7):303-309
DOI 10.1590/SO100-720320140005012
To identify spatial patterns of neonatal mortality distribution in the micro regions of São Paulo State and verify the role of avoidable causes in the composition of this health indicator.
This ecological exploratory study used neonatal mortality information obtained from Information System and Information Technology Department of the Brazilian National Healthcare System (DATASUS) in the period between the years 2007 and 2011. The digital set of micro regions of São Paulo State was obtained from Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Moran Indexes were calculated for the neonatal mortality total rate and rate from avoidable causes; thematic maps were constructed with these rates, as well as the difference between them; and the Box Map was built.
The overall neonatal mortality rate was 8.42/1,000 live births and neonatal mortality rate from avoidable causes of 6.19/1,000 live births. Moran coefficients (I) for these rates were significant (p-value<0.05) - for the total rate of neonatal mortality I=0.11 and for mortality from preventable causes I=0.19 -, and neonatal deaths were concentrated in southwest region and the Vale do Paraíba. If preventable causes were abolished, there would be a significant reduction in the average rate of overall neonatal mortality, from 8.42 to 2.23 deaths/1,000 live births, representing a decline of 73%.
This study demonstrated that neonatal mortality rate would be close to the rates of developed countries if avoidable causes were abolished.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 01-01-2014;36(1):23-28
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032014000100006
To evaluate changes in body and internal organ weight of autopsied children in the perinatal period and their relationship with the cause of death.
One hundred and fifty three cases of perinatal autopsies performed at a university hospital in Southeastern Brazil ere included. Information about cause of perinatal death, date of autopsy, gestational age, perinatal weight and organ weight was obtained from the autopsy protocols and medical records of the mother and/or the newborn. Four groups of causes of death were defined: congenital malformations, perinatal hypoxia/anoxia, ascending infection and hyaline membrane. Brain, liver, lungs, heart, spleen, thymus and adrenals were analyzed.
The weight of children with perinatal hypoxia/anoxi (1,834.6±1,090.1 g versus 1,488 g), hyaline membranes (1,607.2±820.1 g versus 1,125 g) and ascending infection (1,567.4±1,018.9 g versus 1,230 g) was higher than expected for the population. Lung weight was higher in cases with ascending infection (36.6±22.6 g versus 11 g) and lower in cases with congenital malformations (22.0±9.5 g versus 40 g). Spleen weight was higher in children with ascending infection (8.6±8.9 g versus 3.75 g ) and adrenal weight was lower in cases with congenital malformations (3.9±2.1 g versus 5.5 g). Thymus weight was lower in cases with miscellaneous causes (3.7±1.2 g versus 7.5 g) and spleen weight was lower in patients with lung immaturity (0.4±0.1 g versus 1.7 g). All results showed significant differences.
This study demonstrates that variations in the weight of children and the weight of their organs are related to the types of cause of perinatal death. These data may contribute to a better interpretation of autopsy findings and their anatomical and clinical relationship.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 11-26-2012;34(9):403-408
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000900003
PURPOSE: To identify the causes of fetal death in the studied population and to measure their contribution in identifying the cause of this outcome. To propose the use of the system Relevant Condition of Death (ReCoDe) in elucidating the causes of fetal death to minimize the number of unknown causes. METHODS: Cross-sectional study related to fetal deaths seen at a specialized academic hospital in the South of Brazil, from January 2000 to December 2009. The data were collected in the death certificates, maternal medical records and the reports of study of fetuses and attachments, and the findings were compared. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 17.0. RESULTS: Were included 111 fetuses and their respective mothers in this study. The comparison between the diagnostic causes in the pathology and clinical evaluation showed 74 (66.7%) and 73 (65.8%), respectively. Together, they found a potential cause in 48.7% of cases, while 16.2% remained unknown. When analyzing both together with the ReCoDe system, only 9.9% of stillbirths remained as "unclassified." CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of diagnoses in the cause of death among the pathological and clinical evaluation showed no significant difference. When comparing the results of the cause of death suggested by the clinic/pathology with the use of the ReCoDe system, it appears that this tool has helped to clarify the cause by reducing the amount of those that remained without a possible etiology.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 05-11-2012;34(4):153-157
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000400003
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of maternal complications, prematurity, fetal anthropometric parameters and conditions of the newborn on different degrees of chorioamnionitis. METHODS: We analyzed 90 placentas from deliveries performed at the General Hospital of Triângulo Mineiro Federal University with a diagnosis of inflammation in the anatomopathological exams. We reviewed the medical records to obtain relevant maternal and fetal information. The infections were classified as grade I - deciduitis; grade II - chorioamnionitis; grade III - chorioamnionitis and vasculitis; grade IV - neonatal sepsis and grade V - fetal death and pneumonitis. RESULTS: Among the pregnant women analyzed, 50.0% had no complications, 15.0% had ruptured membranes, 15.0% urinary tract infection, 7.5% hypertensive disorders, 7.5% transvaginal infection, 5.0% hematogenous infection, and 11.1% other complications. More than a half the neonates were males and 72.2% were born at term. Analysis of the degree of chorioamnionitis showed that 56.7% had grade I, 22.2% grade II, 4.4% grade III, 10.0% grade IV, and 6.7% grade V. Data were analyzed statistically by the Χ2 test for qualitative variables and by the Spearman test for correlation analysis. The higher grades of chorioamnionitis were observed in cases of maternal complications. We observed negative correlations between all parameters and the degree of fetal chorioamnionitis, which were significant regarding weight, length, thoracic circumference and Apgar score in the first and fifth minutes. CONCLUSIONS: The different patterns of chorioamnionitis were related to different maternal and fetal clinical features, affecting the life conditions of the newborn and the severity of morphological lesions found in stillbirths.