Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 07-26-2024;46:e-rbgo63
Management of suspect adnexal masses involves surgery to define the best treatment. Diagnostic choices include a two-stage procedure for histopathology examination (HPE) or intraoperative histological analysis – intraoperative frozen section (IFS) and formalin-fixed and paraffin-soaked tissues (FFPE). Preoperative assessment with ultrasound may also be useful to predict malignancy. We aimed at determining the accuracy of IFS to evaluate adnexal masses stratified by size and morphology having HPE as the diagnostic gold standard.
A retrospective chart review of 302 patients undergoing IFS of adnexal masses at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, between January2005 and September2011 was performed. Data were collected regarding sonographic size (≤10cm or >10cm), characteristics of the lesion, and diagnosis established in IFS and HPE. Eight groups were studied: unilocular lesions; septated/cystic lesions; heterogeneous (solid/cystic) lesions; and solid lesions, divided in two main groups according to the size of lesion, ≤10cm or >10cm. Kappa agreement between IFS and HPE was calculated for each group.
Overall agreement between IFS and HPE was 96.1% for benign tumors, 96.1% for malignant tumors, and 73.3% for borderline tumors. Considering the combination of tumor size and morphology, 100% agreement between IFS and HPE was recorded for unilocular and septated tumors ≤10cm and for solid tumors.
Stratification of adnexal masses according to size and morphology is a good method for preoperative assessment. We should wait for final HPE for staging decision, regardless of IFS results, in heterogeneous adnexal tumors of any size, solid tumors ≤10cm, and all non-solid tumors >10cm.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 12-09-2013;35(10):464-468
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013001000007
PURPOSE: To evaluate the sonographic parameters related to morphological characteristics of pelvic adnexal masses by obtaining two-dimensional images by an observer presence, forwarded electronically (via tele-ultrasound) in static and dynamic modes observers do not face (distance) for comparative analyzes inter intraobserver and to the validation of a second opinion. METHODS: From March to August 2010 were selected 50 patients with adnexal mass viewing of the pelvic ultrasound. They were subjected to ultrasound for abdominal and transvaginal routes. The images were captured in static and dynamic modes, electronically forwarded for evaluation of non-presence and two examiners evaluated according to morphological ultrasonographic parameters previously determined. RESULTS: The evaluators did not face in static and dynamic modes obtained almost perfect agreement for all morphological parameters with Kappa values between 0.6 and 0.8. There was no difference between the methods employed, except for the morphological parameter papillary projection in the static mode , in which the agreement was almost perfect ( 0.8 ) while in dynamic mode was substantial (0.6). CONCLUSIONS: The sonographic parameters of the features of adnexal masses pelvic sent by tele-ultrasound are capable of being validated for issuing a second opinion. There were no significant differences in the methodology used in the issue of tele-ultrasound images (static or dynamic) to characterize the composition of pelvic adnexal masses.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 09-28-2010;32(6):293-297
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032010000600007
The symptoms of ovarian tumor are not specific and a rare presentation of the tumor is as the content of an inguinal hernia. We reported a case of an 82-year-old woman, diagnosed with breast cancer and with a concomitant hypoecoic adnexal mass at the ecographic exam. The patient was treated with conservative breast surgery and laparotomy. A cystic-solid ovarian lesion was found inside the right inguinal canal. Frozen-section examination was negative for malignancy, and the anatomopathological analysis revealed a borderline ovarian tumor.