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  • Relato de Caso

    Renal vein thrombosis in the puerperium: case report

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2015;37(12):593-597


    Relato de Caso

    Renal vein thrombosis in the puerperium: case report

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2015;37(12):593-597

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-720320150005455



    Pregnancy and puerperium are periods of blood hypercoagulability and, therefore, of risk for thromboembolic events. Renal vein thrombosis is a serious and infrequent condition of difficult diagnosis. This study reported a case of renal vein thrombosis in the puerperium, and described the clinical case, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and treatment instituted.

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    Renal vein thrombosis in the puerperium: case report
  • Relato de Caso

    Mastitis due to Paracoccidioidomycosis: a Case Report

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2000;22(9):593-596


    Relato de Caso

    Mastitis due to Paracoccidioidomycosis: a Case Report

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2000;22(9):593-596

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032000000900009


    Paracoccidioidomycosis is an important systemic endemic mycosis in Latin America. This infection is usually acquired via inhalation of mycelial particles. Most infected subjects develop an asymptomatic infection, which is associated with various host-related factors such as sex, age, genetic, as well as characteristics of the infecting agent, mainly its virulence. It is a systemic pathology. A case of mastitis due to paracoccidioidomycosis is presented with the objective to demonstrate that elderly patients with a breast abscess should be submitted to biopsy.

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    Mastitis due to Paracoccidioidomycosis: a Case Report
  • Editorial

    What the Transcriptome of the Eutopic Endometrium from Women with Endometriosis tells us about the Disease Pathophysiology: A Brief Reflection

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2020;42(10):593-596



    What the Transcriptome of the Eutopic Endometrium from Women with Endometriosis tells us about the Disease Pathophysiology: A Brief Reflection

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2020;42(10):593-596

    DOI 10.1055/s-0040-1713807

    Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity, usually represented by deep peritoneal, ovarian and/or infiltrative lesions, and, more rarely, in extrapelvic sites. The estimated prevalence is of 5 to 10%; of reproductive-age women,– despite the suggestion of an actual lower prevalence, of up to 1.8%;, in a recently published […]
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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Antepartum Nonstress Test and Perinatal Prognosis in Pregnancies Complicated by Diabetes: Influence of Maternal Metabolic Control

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(9):593-599


    Trabalhos Originais

    Antepartum Nonstress Test and Perinatal Prognosis in Pregnancies Complicated by Diabetes: Influence of Maternal Metabolic Control

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(9):593-599

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032002000900005


    Background: the antepartum nonstress test (NST) is the most commonly used test to evaluate fetal well-being in pregnancies complicated by diabetes, its results being related to the quality of maternal metabolic control and perinatal prognosis. Purpose: to relate the quality of metabolic control to the results of the NST and to evaluate its predictive capacity for the perinatal prognosis of pregnancies associated with diabetes. Patients and Methods: this is a retrospective study of 125 pregnant women with gestational or clinical diabetes in which the last NST (maximum interval of 48 h) was related to the quality of maternal metabolic control and perinatal results. Quality of metabolic control was defined by the glycemic mean on the test day (GMd), glycemic mean during pregnancy (GM), and behavior of insulin requirement (Insulin/R). For the perinatal results, the following parameters were evaluated: the 1st and 5th min Apgar scores, the gestational weight/age classification, the length of hospitalization, the use of neonatal ICU, and the occurrence of early neonatal death. Diagnostic capacity of the NST in relation to the perinatal results was evaluated by sensitivity and specificity values, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Results: the adequate GMd (<120 mg/dL) on the test day showed that 2.9% of the NST results were abnormal; for inadequate GM (³120 mg/dL), 26.1% (p<0.005). Maintained inadequate GM during pregnancy was related to 13.7% abnormal NST; that adequate to only 2.7% (p<0.005). Insulin requirement behavior did not interfere with the NST. The 1st and 5th min Apgar scores, use of ICU, and occurrence of neonatal death did not depend on the last NST result. This test influenced the length of newborn hospitalization: when normal, 46.4% were discharged on up to the 3rd day after birth; when abnormal, 62.5% were discharged after the 7th day of birth. Conclusions: the abnormal results of the last antepartum NST correlated with inadequate MG levels (daily and during pregnancy) and did not depend on insulin/R. Normal NST was effective to ensure neonatal health. In contrast, abnormal results were related to longer hospitalization and risk for complications in diabetic mothers’ newborns.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Perfuração da luva cirúrgica: freqüência e percepção do acidente

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(10):593-596


    Trabalhos Originais

    Perfuração da luva cirúrgica: freqüência e percepção do acidente

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(10):593-596

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031999001000005


    Objetivos: determinar a freqüência de perfuração da luva cirúrgica em procedimentos de obstetrícia e ginecologia e compará-la com a de outras especialidades. Avaliar também a percepção do fato pelo ginecologista-obstetra, comparando-se com os demais profissionais. Métodos: estudo longitudinal, no período de março a outubro de 1997. Foram analisadas para constatação de perfuração 1.525 pares de luvas utilizadas nos procedimentos médico-cirúrgicos em hospital privado. Ao final das cirurgias, as luvas eram testadas por meio do enchimento com água e suave compressão para verificação de vazamentos. Na ocasião, pessoal treinado entrevistava o cirurgião sobre o reconhecimento de furos na luva cirúrgica, no intra-operatório. Os procedimentos em ginecologia-obstetrícia (grupo de estudo) foram comparados com os das demais especialidades (grupo controle). A percepção do acidente pelo cirurgião foi comparada nos dois grupos. Resultados: nos 1.113 procedimentos em ginecologia-obstetrícia foram encontrados 19,3% de perfurações. Nos demais procedimentos agrupados a porcentagem foi de 18,7%. Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (p>0,10). A percepção do acidente com a luva pelo ginecologista-obstetra foi de 29,8%, ao passo que a dos demais especialistas agrupados foi de 31,2%. A diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (p>0,10). Conclusões: apesar da freqüência relativamente alta de perfuração da luva cirúrgica, o ginecologista-obstetra não apresenta maior risco de exposição a doenças infectocontagiosas que os demais profissionais. Do mesmo modo, a percepção do fato pelo ginecologista-obstetra não foi diferente, na média, da dos outros especialistas. Os resultados do presente estudo atestam a importância dos cuidados no intra-operatório com a perfuração da luva cirúrgica.

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  • Original Article

    Immobilization, Lymphedema, and Obesity are Predictive Factors in the Development of Adhesive Capsulitis in Breast Cancer Patients

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2023;45(10):594-602


    Original Article

    Immobilization, Lymphedema, and Obesity are Predictive Factors in the Development of Adhesive Capsulitis in Breast Cancer Patients

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2023;45(10):594-602

    DOI 10.1055/s-0043-1772479




    Adhesive capsulitis is a condition characterized by shoulder pain and stiffness. Breast cancer treatment has been linked to the development of this condition, but its mechanisms are still little known. This study's objective was to identify predictors factors associated with the development of adhesive capsulitis in breast cancer patients.


    A case control study was performed with women undergoing treatment for breast cancer in a single center. The sampling was nonprobabilistic and consecutive. Adhesive capsulitis was defined as constant pain associated with decreased active and passive shoulder movement in anterior elevation, external rotation at 0°/90° abduction, and internal rotation at 90° abduction. The study group consisted of patients with shoulder pain and range of motion limitations, while the control group consisted of women without any shoulder abnormalities. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected. A univariate logistic regression was used to assess the influence of variables on the studied outcome. For p< 0.20, a multivariate logistic regression was used. The probability of null hypothesis rejection was 5%.


    A total of 145 women were assessed, with 39 (26.9%) on the study group and 106 (73.1%) on the control group. The majority was under 60 years old. In the multivariate analysis, variables correlated to the outcome under study were shoulder immobilization (OR = 3.09; 95% CI: 1.33–7.18; p = 0.009), lymphedema (OR = 5.09; 95% CI: 1.81–14.35; p = 0.002), and obesity (OR = 3.91; 95% CI: 1.27–12.01; p = 0.017).


    Lymphedema, postsurgery immobilization, and obesity are predictive factors for the development of adhesive capsulitis in breast cancer patients.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Factors associated with women’s dyslipidemia in the post-menopause

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2008;30(12):594-601


    Artigos Originais

    Factors associated with women’s dyslipidemia in the post-menopause

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2008;30(12):594-601

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200002


    PURPOSE: to evaluate factors associated with women's dyslipidemia during menopause. METHODS: case-control study of prevalent cases and controls selected from a dedicated outpatient clinic. From recent biochemical parameters found in patients' files, women have been grouped in 'case' and 'control'. Women who presented any alteration in the blood levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and/or HDL-cholesterol were considered as case, and the ones who presented normal levels of them, as control. Data concerning socioeconomic situation, physical activity, etilism and tabagism, anthropometric measurements and food ingestion have been collected and then compared between the groups. Ratios have been compared by the χ2, Fisher's exact test and/or t-Student test, depending on the distribution type. The crude relationship between each factor and the presence of dyslipidemia has been estimated by logistic regression. RESULTS: data have been collected from 84 women aged from 42 to 59 years, as 45 of them were grouped as case (dyslipidemic) and 39 as control (non-dyslipidemic). Age average of cases and controls was 52.1±4.2 and 52.2±4.7 years old, respectively. The sample showed to be homogeneous for the socioeconomic characteristics (income, occupation and schooling), physical activity practice, etilism and tabagism, and food ingestion, with no significant correlation with dyslipidemia. The groups presented an income up to two minimal wages, low schooling level (up to the fourth grade of lower school), and the housewife occupation. Smoking and drinking alcohol was not very frequent. Practicing physical activity was non-existent, thus characterizing a sedentary population. Food ingestion was adequate for carbohydrates, protein, lipids, but not for cholesterol (excessive) and fibers (insufficient), in both groups. Concerning the anthropometric evaluation, there has been an association with dyslipidemia, as the body mass index (BMI) and the waist circumference (WC) were significantly larger in case than in control. The waist-hip ratio has been similar in both groups. Weight excess has been found in most of the cases (73.3%) as almost half of them (44%) presented WC >88 cm, which represents a very increased risk. CONCLUSIONS: it is possible to conclude that, in the studied sample, only the anthropometric measurements have been considered as risk factors associated with dyslipidemia, during post-menopause.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Pregnancy outcome in patients with diffuse and limited scleroderma

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(10):594-598


    Artigos Originais

    Pregnancy outcome in patients with diffuse and limited scleroderma

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(10):594-598

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005001000005


    PURPOSE: to verify if there is any difference in the number of miscarriages and newborns with low weight in patients with scleroderma (SSc) when compared with women without the disease, between the two clinical variants of the disease and when the expression of SSc occurred before or after the gestation. METHODS: twenty-six patients were analyzed regarding the number of pregnancies, miscarriages, sex, and birth weight of the children, studying the clinical variant of the disease and the temporal relationship between diagnosis and gestation. The patients had not used either medications that could interfere in gestation or had any other disease that could do it. For control, twenty-six healthy women, without diseases that might alter the gestation, of the same ages and socioeconomic status were studied. For the statistical analysis study, tables of frequency, tables of contingency, and Fisher, chi2 and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Statistical significance was considered when p<0.05. RESULTS: among the patients with SSc, there were 96 gestations with 13.5% (n=13) of miscarriages. In the control group, there were 94 gestations with 9.6% (n=9) of miscarriages. There were no differences in the number of newborns with low weight between the two groups (cases, n=8 and controls, n=6, with p=0.54), nor in the number of miscarriages (p=0.46). However, the number of newborn babies with low weight was significantly higher among the cases with the diffuse disease (diffuse form, n=4 and limited, n=4, with p=0.04) and among patients that became pregnant after the diagnosis of SSc (37.5% in women known to be sick and 6.7% in women who became pregnant before getting ill, with p=0.03). The number of male newborns was higher in the women with SSc (p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: the women with SSc showed a higher number of low-weight newborns in the group with diffuse disease and when pregnancy occurred after the clinical diagnosis of the disease.

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