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  • Febrasgo Position Statement

    Outpatient care for pregnant and puerperal women during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2020;42(9):588-592


    Febrasgo Position Statement

    Outpatient care for pregnant and puerperal women during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2020;42(9):588-592

    DOI 10.1055/s-0040-1718473

    Key-points […]
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  • Original Article

    Contribution of Ultra-processed Food to the Daily Food Intake of HIV-positive and HIV-Negative Women during Pregnancy

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2019;41(10):588-596


    Original Article

    Contribution of Ultra-processed Food to the Daily Food Intake of HIV-positive and HIV-Negative Women during Pregnancy

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2019;41(10):588-596

    DOI 10.1055/s-0039-1695738




    To assess the daily dietary intake and energy contribution of ultraprocessed foods among women who are positive and negative for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) during pregnancy.


    This case-control study included 77 HIV-positive and 79 HIV-negative puerperal women between 2015 and 2016. The socioeconomic and maternal demographic data were assessed, and a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) adapted for pregnant women was applied. The Fisher exact test and the Mann-Whitney test were applied to detect differences between the groups. Linear regression was used to assess the associations between the intake of ultra-processed food and energy, macro- and micronutrients, with values of p < 0.05 considered significant.


    The HIV-positive group was older (p< 0.001) and had lower income (p= 0.016) and level of schooling (p< 0.001) than the HIV-negative group. Both groups presented similar average food intake: 4,082.99 Kcal/day and 4,369.24 Kcal/day for the HIV-positive and HIV-negative women respectively (p= 0.258).The HIV-positive group consumed less protein (p= 0.048), carbohydrates (p= 0.028) and calcium(p= 0.001), andmore total fats (p= 0.003). Ultra-processed foods accounted for 39.80% and 40.10% of the HIV-positive and HIV-negative groups’ caloric intake respectively (p= 0.893). The intake of these foods was associated with a higher consumption of carbohydrates (p < 0.001), trans fat (p= 0.013) and sodium (p< 0.001), as well as lower protein (p < 0.001) and fiber intake (p= 0.022).


    These findings demonstrate that the energy consumption and ultraprocessed food intake were similar in both groups, which reinforces the trend toward a high intake of ultra-processed food in the general population. The intake of ultraprocessed food was positively associated with the consumption of carbohydrates, trans fat and sodium, and negatively associated with the consumption of protein and fiber.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Prevalence of intrauterine adhesions after manual vacuum aspiration for the tratment of abortion

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(10):588-593


    Artigos Originais

    Prevalence of intrauterine adhesions after manual vacuum aspiration for the tratment of abortion

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(10):588-593

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005001000004


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the prevalence of intrauterine adhesions after manual vacuum aspiration for the treatment of abortion. METHODS: a prospective, descriptive study, with group comparison was carried out between November 2000 and August 2001 on 80 women between 15 and 48 years old, admitted to a public hospital for abortion care. Manual vacuum aspiration consisted of extracting the uterine content by suction using a Karman syringe connected to plastic cannulas. Intrauterine adhesions were screened by hysteroscopy, performed 40-60 days after the aspiration. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher exact test, ANOVA and estimation of prevalence risk, when indicated. RESULTS: hysteroscopy identified intrauterine adhesions in 13 patients (prevalence = 16.3%), most of them of the mucosal type (9 of 13), minimal severity (11 of 13) and lateral location in the uterus (5 of 13). Adhesions were more frequent at a gestational age more than 8 weeks (24.4 vs 3.7%; prevalence risk of 6.6) as well as in missed abortion (41.7 vs 12.1% ; prevalence risk of 3.54). CONCLUSIONS: prevalence of intrauterine adhesions after manual vacuum aspiration was 16.3%. Missed abortion and advanced gestational age seem to be associated with the occurrence of adhesions.

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  • Relato de Caso

    Septate uterus, cervical duplication and vaginal septum: a report of an uncommon malformation with normal term pregnancy

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(11):588-592


    Relato de Caso

    Septate uterus, cervical duplication and vaginal septum: a report of an uncommon malformation with normal term pregnancy

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2007;29(11):588-592

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007001100007


    This report describes an unusual case of spontaneous pregnancy in a patient with Müllerian anomaly. The patient was a 34-years old, white, nulligravida, with regular menstrual cycles, and suspected uterine septum observed during a routine ultrasonographic examination. The gynecological examination revealed a complete longitudinal vaginal septum and two uterine cervices. Three-dimensional pelvic ultrasonography showed cervix duplication, uterine septum from isthmus to endometrial cavity and absence of uterine body division, compatible with complete uterine septum and true dual cervices. She returned after one month and reported unprotected sexual intercourse and delayed menstrual period. She was pregnant, had a good pregnancy evolution, and delivered a healthy term baby girl, by cesarean section, at 37 weeks of pregnancy. This report describes a case of normal-term pregnancy in a patient with a rare anomaly (vaginal septum and two cervices) who became spontaneously pregnant without treatment.

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    Septate uterus, cervical duplication and vaginal septum: a report of an uncommon malformation with normal term pregnancy
  • Original Article

    Perineal Lacerations: A Retrospective Study in a Habitual-Risk Public Maternity

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(8):588-594


    Original Article

    Perineal Lacerations: A Retrospective Study in a Habitual-Risk Public Maternity

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(8):588-594

    DOI 10.1055/s-0041-1735227




    In around 85% of vaginal births, the parturients undergo perineal lacerations and/or episiotomy. The present study aimed to determine the incidence of lacerations and episiotomies among parturients in 2018 in a habitual-risk public maternity hospital in southern Brazil, and to determine the risk and protective factors for such events.


    A retrospective cross-sectional study. Data were obtained from medical records and analyzed using the Stata software. Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions were performed. Values of p<0.05 were considered significant.


    In 2018, there were 525 vaginal births, 27.8% of which were attended by obstetricians, 70.7% by obstetric nurses, and 1.5% evolved without assistance. Overall, 55.2% of the parturients had some degree of laceration. The professional who attended the birth was a significant variable: a greater number of first- and second-degree lacerations, as well as more severe cases, occurred in births attended by nurses (odds ratio [OR]: 2,95; 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 1,74 to 5,03). Positions at birth that did not enable perineal protection techniques (expulsive period with the “hands-off” method), when analyzed in isolation, determined the risk; however, in the final regression model, this relationship was not confirmed. Although reported in the literature, there were no associations between the occurrence of laceration and age, skin color, or birth weight. In 24% of the births, episiotomy was performed, and doctors performed 63.5% of them.


    Births attended by nurses resulted in an increased risk of perineal lacerations, of varying degrees. In turn, those assisted by physicians had a higher occurrence of episiotomy.

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  • Original Article

    Computerized Cardiotocography Analysis: Comparison among Several Parental Ethnic Origins

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2016;38(12):589-592


    Original Article

    Computerized Cardiotocography Analysis: Comparison among Several Parental Ethnic Origins

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2016;38(12):589-592

    DOI 10.1055/s-0036-1594288




    We speculate that genetic racial disparity exists in fetal life and can be detected by modern computerized cardiotocography (cCTG) .


    This is a retrospective study comparing the results of the cCTG of pregnant patients at 37-42 weeks according to the parental ethnicity (black versus white). A cCTG was performed to analyze the variables of fetal heart rate (FHR). The cCTG variables analyzed were: percentage of signal loss; number of contractions; basal FHR; number of accelerations; number of decelerations; length of high variation episodes; short-term variability (STV); total trace duration time; and number of fetal active movements. Non-stress test (NST) parameters in the two groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney test for continuous data, and the Chi-square test for categorical variables.


    We found a significantly lower number of active fetal movements (p 1/4 0.007) and longer periods of low variation (p 1/4 0.047) in the cCTG of black patients when compared with white patients.


    In conclusion, identifying the factors responsible for the variance in the objective analysis of CTG results is important to improve the outcomes of patients. Our study lends further evidence as to the importance of ethnicity in clinical cCTG interpretation.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Embryo Culture to Blastocyst Stage: Comparison Using Sequential Medium and Coculture

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2001;23(9):589-595


    Trabalhos Originais

    Embryo Culture to Blastocyst Stage: Comparison Using Sequential Medium and Coculture

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2001;23(9):589-595

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032001000900007


    Purpose: to compare the embryonic development obtained with two different culture methods (sequential medium or coculture in Vero cells). Methods: oocytes were recovered from 110 patients and submitted toin vitro fertilization. The embryos of half of the patients were co-cultured with Vero cells and the embryos of the other half were cultured in sequential G1:2/G2:2 medium for five days. The embryos were transferred on the 5th day after fertilization after morphological evaluation for the determination of blastula formation rate. Pregnancy was defined by ultrasonography and a fetal heartbeat was determined 13 weeks after transfer. Results: the expanded blastocyst rate found in our study was 15.9 and 14% with Vero cells and G1:2/G2:2, respectively. With Vero cells 36.0% of patients became pregnant and the implantation rate was 18.9%. When G1:2/G2:2 was used, the pregnancy and implantation rates were 28.9 and 14.9%, respectively. Only 17 patients had blastocysts after coculture in Vero cells, with a 76.5% pregnancy rate and a 63.5% implantation rate. When embryos were cultured in G1/G2, 21 patients presented blastocysts and the pregnancy and implantation rates were 57.1 and 76.0%, respectively. Conclusion: there was no significant difference in pregnancy or implantation rates between the 2 types of culture. When expanded blastocysts were transferred, the implantation and pregnancy rats increased with both culture types. In these patients, regardless of the type of culture used, a larger number of oocytes was obtained, suggesting that the implantation and pregnancy rates are affected not only by the culture conditions but also by the quality of the eggs, since "good responders" had better results.

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  • Original Articles

    Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 in the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil: 2006-2014

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2018;40(2):59-65


    Original Articles

    Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 in the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil: 2006-2014

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2018;40(2):59-65

    DOI 10.1055/s-0037-1613689




    To revise HIV-1 vertical transmission (VT) rates in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from January of 2006 to December of 2014.


    Descriptive study of a prospective cohort of HIV-1-infected pregnant women and their children, monitored by the Maternal and Child HIV/Aids Research Group of Research Group at Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.


    The VT general rate was 1.9% (13/673; confidence interval [CI] 95%: 1.0-3.3). The extensive use of combined highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) (89.7%; 583/650) strongly impacted the reduction of VT during this period. Maternal viral load (VL) higher than 1,000 copies/mL showed significant association with VT (OR:6.6; CI 95%:1.3-33.3). Maternal breastfeeding was described in 10 cases in this cohort (1.5%; CI 95%: 0.7-2.7), but it was not associated with VT.


    The present cohort data were coherent with the low VT rate described in other global populations, and it was considerably lower in comparison to the results of the same cohort during the period of 1998-2005, when the VT rate was 6.2%. These data confirm the efficiency of the National Guidelines, and emphasize the importance of adopting the international recommended procedures for prevention of mother-tochild transmission (MTCT) of HIV.

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    Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 in the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil: 2006-2014


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