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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Assessment of proliferating cells of nuclear antigen and estrogen and progesterone receptor expression changes determined by primary chemotherapy in breast cancer

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):545-552


    Trabalhos Originais

    Assessment of proliferating cells of nuclear antigen and estrogen and progesterone receptor expression changes determined by primary chemotherapy in breast cancer

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):545-552

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800002


    ABSTRACT PURPOSE: to evaluate the changes in the cell phenotype determined by primary chemotherapy. METHODS: we evaluated the expression of proliferating cells of nuclear antigen (PCNA) and the estrogen (RE) and progesterone (RP) receptors in 17 stage II breast cancer patients before and after chemotherapy by immunohistochemistry. The values were compared with menopausal status, tumoral clinical response and with axillary lymph node status. RESULTS: there was a significant decrease in the average index of anti-PCNA-stained cells before (time A) and after (time B) chemotherapy (p=0.041). Responder patients displayed a significant decrease in PCNA levels [time A=53.1 and time B= 30.7 (p=0.011)]. A similar trend was observed in patients with histologic grade GII/GIII [time A=63.1 and time B=38.7 (p=0.049)]. There was no significant difference in PCNA expression regarding menopause status and axillary lymph node involvement. There was a significant decrease in RE after chemotherapy in the premenopausal patients [time A=60.3 and time B=24.1 (p=0.027)] and in those who showed a therapeutic response [time A=59.1 and time B=37.9 (p=0.030)]. We observed a significant increase in RP after chemotherapy in the postmenopausal patients [time A=35.3 and time B=58.3 (p=0.023)]. There was no relationship between hormone receptors and axillary lymph nodes. CONCLUSIONS: the decrease in PCNA levels in patients with high histologic grade, in RE in premenopausal patients, and both, PCNA and RE, in the tumors with clinical response after chemotherapy shows that the drugs acted on proliferating cells, and therefore PCNA can be used as a parameter of treatment response.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Langerhans’ cells: influence of the of oral contraceptives by women with negative hybrid capture for human papillomavirus

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(12):726-730


    Artigos Originais

    Langerhans’ cells: influence of the of oral contraceptives by women with negative hybrid capture for human papillomavirus

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(12):726-730

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005001200004


    PURPOSE: to study the influence of the use of oral contraceptives (OC) on the number of Langerhans' cells in women without cervical infection by human papillomavirus (HPV). METHODS: thirty women who presented abnormal cervical cytology and colposcopy-guided biopsy with samples of uterine cervix negative for HPV were selected. The absence of HPV DNA was confirmed by hybrid capture. Langerhans' cells were identified by immunohistochemistry using anti-S100 antigens. The cells visualized in light microscopy were counted using the Cytoviewer software. The nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum test was employed for statistical analysis. RESULTS: the average number of Langerhans' cells in OC users was 320.7/mm² and in non-users 190.7/mm², this difference being statistically nonsignificant. In the intermediary layer of the cervical epithelium a tendency towards the increase of these cells was observed, with the averages 192.1/mm² for OC users and 93.4/mm² for non-users (p=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: the present study reports a tendency towards the increase in the number of the Langerhans' cells among OC users. This result suggests the OC may induce alterations in the number of Langerhans' cells, but considering the limited number of cases, more studies should be developed for a definitive conclusion.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Association of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with CD4 T cell counts and viral load in HIV-infected women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2004;26(2):97-102


    Trabalhos Originais

    Association of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with CD4 T cell counts and viral load in HIV-infected women

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2004;26(2):97-102

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004000200003


    PURPOSE: to correlate the type of cervical lesion diagnosed by Pap smear with CD4 cell counts and HIV-RNA viral load in HIV-positive patients. METHODS: one hundred and fifteen HIV patients were evaluated retrospectively in the present study, during the period from January 2002 to April 2003, at a university hospital. Eighty-three patients presented cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in Pap smear, in comparison with thirty-two with no lesions. Patients were divided into three groups, according to CD4 counts: CD4 more than 500 cells/mm³, between 200 and 500 cells/mm³, and less than 200 cells/mm³, and other three groups, according to HIV viral load: less than 10,000 HIV-RNA copies/mL, between 10,000 and 100,000 HIV-RNA copies/mL, or more than 100,000 HIV-RNA copies/mL. Correlation was investigated by the Fisher test. RESULTS: of the eighty-three patients with CIN, 73% presented CD4 counts less than 500 cells/mm³. In all CD4 groups, more than 50% of the patients presented CIN. According to the viral load, 71.7% of the patients with less than 10,000 HIV-RNA copies/mL presented CIN I, compared with 11.3% that showed CIN III. In the group with higher viral load (>100.000 HIV-RNA copies/mL), 61.5% showed CIN I and 30.8% presented CIN III. CONCLUSION: association between viral load and CIN was established (p=0.013), which was not observed with CD4 cell counts and CIN. Concomitant cervicovaginal infection was considered a potential confounding factor.

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