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You searched for:"Samira Maerrawi Haddad"

We found (2) results for your search.
  • Original Article

    The Burden of Indirect Causes of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the Processof Obstetric Transition: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2018;40(3):106-114


    Original Article

    The Burden of Indirect Causes of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the Processof Obstetric Transition: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2018;40(3):106-114

    DOI 10.1055/s-0038-1623511




    The aim of this study is to evaluate the burden of indirect causes of maternal morbidity/mortality in Brazil.


    Secondary analysis of a multicenter cross-sectional study conducted in 27 referral obstetric units within the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity.


    A total of 82,388 women were surveilled: 9,555 women with severe maternal morbidity were included, and 942 (9.9%) of them had indirect causes of morbidity/ mortality. There was an increased risk of higher severity among the indirect causes group, which presented 7.56 times increased risk of maternal death (prevalence ratio [PR]: 7.56; 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 4.99-11.45). The main indirect causes of maternal death were H1N1 influenza, sepsis, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Non-public antenatal care (PR: 2.52; 95%CI: 1.70-3.74), diabetes (PR: 1.90; 95%CI: 1.24-2.90), neoplasia (PR: 1.98; 95%CI: 1.25-3.14), kidney diseases (PR: 1.99; 95%CI: 1.14-3.49), sickle cell anemia (PR: 2.50; 95%CI: 1.16-5.41) and drug addiction (PR: 1.98; 95%CI: 1.03-3.80) were independentlyassociatedwithworseresultsintheindirectcausesgroup.Someprocedures for the management of severity were more common for the indirect causes group.


    Indirect causes were present in less than 10% of the overall cases, but they represented over 40% of maternal deaths in the current study. Indirect causes of maternal morbidity/mortality were also responsible for an increased risk of higher severity, and they were associated with worse maternal and perinatal outcomes. In middle-income countries there is a mix of indirect causes of maternal morbidity/ mortality that points to some advances in the scale of obstetric transition, but also reveals the fragility of health systems.

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  • Original Article

    Use of Intensive Care Unit in Women with Severe Maternal Morbidity and Maternal Death: Results from a National Multicenter Study

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2020;42(3):124-132


    Original Article

    Use of Intensive Care Unit in Women with Severe Maternal Morbidity and Maternal Death: Results from a National Multicenter Study

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2020;42(3):124-132

    DOI 10.1055/s-0040-1708095




    To assess the use of the intensive care unit (ICU) and its effect on maternal mortality (MM) among women with severe maternal morbidity (SMM).

    Materials and Methods

    A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study on surveillance of SMM in 27 Brazilian obstetric referral centers. The analysis focused on the association between ICU use and maternal death according to individual characteristics and disease severity. Two multivariate regressions considering use of the ICU, age, ethnicity, adequacy of care and the human development index were performed to identify the factors associated to maternal death and maternal near-miss.


    Out of 82,388 deliveries during the period, there were 9,555 (11.6%) women with SMM, and the MM ratio was of 170.4/100 thousand live births. In total, 8,135 (85.1%) patients were managed in facilities in which ICUs were available; however, only 2,059 (25.3%) had been admitted to the ICU. On the multivariate analysis, when the severity of the maternal disease was measured by the maternal severity score (MMS), the strength of the association between the use of the ICU and maternal death was greatly reduced, along with inadequate care and non-availability of the ICU at the facility. On the assessment of only the more critical cases (SMO, severe maternal outcome), the same pattern of association between ICU and MM was observed. In the models used, only inadequate care and MSS were significantly associated with MM.


    The current study indicates that the main variables associated with maternal death are the severity and adequacy of the case management, which is more frequent in ICU admissions. The use of the ICU without the stratification of the patients by severity may not produce the expected benefits for part of the women.

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