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You searched for:"Renato Monteiro Zucchi"

We found (1) results for your search.
  • Case Report

    Ectopic pregnancy after use of hormonal emergency contraception: a case report

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(9):741-743


    Case Report

    Ectopic pregnancy after use of hormonal emergency contraception: a case report

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(9):741-743

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004000900011


    Ectopic pregnancy is the implantation and development of the ovum outside the uterine cavity; it needs a quick diagnosis and an urgent treatment. The presence of the corpus luteum in the ovary that is contralateral to the ectopic pregnancy is presumptive evidence for ovum transmigration, which may be the cause of ectopic pregnancy. In 1994, a multinational clinical trial proved the superiority of levonorgestrel over the existing emergency contraceptive products. In the present study, we describe the case of a 27-year-old woman with ectopic pregnancy and a contralateral corpus luteum after use of hormonal emergency contraception (levonorgestrel), because of failure of the used contraception method (condom). The patient was treated with laparoscopic surgery that was successful.

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