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  • Original Article

    Influence of frequency of vaginal intercourses and the use of doushing on vaginal microbiota

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2005;27(5):257-262


    Original Article

    Influence of frequency of vaginal intercourses and the use of doushing on vaginal microbiota

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2005;27(5):257-262

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000500005


    PURPOSE: to verify if the high frequency of vaginal intercourses and the use of doushing interferes with vaginal microbiota. METHODS: ninety-seven women were examined at a health center located in the prostitution area of the city of Campinas, and evaluated in a prospective cross-sectional study. Anamnesis determined the frequency of vaginal intercourse and the use of douching in the 44 sex professionals and 53 non-professionals studied. The vaginal content was collected with a sterile Dacron swab, from the right vaginal wall, and placed on to two glass laminas. The vaginal microbiota smear stained by the Gram technique was studied with light microcopy using immersion lens and the data were analyzed. The sex professionals and non-professionals presented mean age of 24.9±6.4 and 31.5±9.7, habit of smoking in 52.2 and 24.5%, the use of vaginal lubricants in 56.8 and 0%, and the use of condoms in 100 and 41.5% of the cases, respectively. RESULTS: only 1.8% of the women in the control group had seven or more sexual intercourses per week, contrasting evidently with the sex professionals (97.7%). There were no significant differences regarding race, educational level and number of pregnancies. Bacterial vaginosis and abnormal vaginal flora were more observed in sex professionals (p=0.02 and 0.001) and were associated with the high frequency (seven times or more) of weekly vaginal intercourses (p=0.04 and 0.001). Cytolytic vaginosis was more related to non-professionals (p=0.04) and to a lower frequency of sexual intercourses (p=0.04). The use of doushing was more common in the sex professionals (p=0.002). However, this practice was not associated either with the vaginal microbiota problems or with the presence of vulvovaginitis. CONCLUSIONS: sex professionals with seven or more sexual intercourses per week presented a higher frequency of bacterial vaginosis and abnormal vaginal flora. The doushing habit did not interfere with the vaginal environment ecosystem of the studied women.

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