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You searched for:"Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues"

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  • Original Article

    Stress in pregnancy and puerperium: a correlation with postpartum depression

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2011;33(9):252-257


    Original Article

    Stress in pregnancy and puerperium: a correlation with postpartum depression

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2011;33(9):252-257

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011000900006


    PURPOSE: To describe and compare the phases of stress of primiparae in the third trimester of pregnancy and postpartum, associating them with the occurrence of postpartum depression. METHODS: The study consisted of two stages (Stage 1 and Stage 2), characterized as longitudinal research. Ninety-eight primiparae participated in Stage 1, and 64 of them participated in Stage 2. In Stage 1, data were collected in the third trimester of pregnancy, and in Stage 2, at least 45 days after delivery. The Stress Symptoms Inventory Lipp (ISSL) was applied in Stage 1 and an interview was held to characterize the sample. In Stage 2, we applied again the ISSL and also the EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale). Data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows®, version 17.0. The statistical analyses were performed using the Student’s t-test and the Spearman p. RESULTS: Seventy-eight percent of the participants showed significant signs of stress in the third quarter and 63% of them during the postpartum period, with a significant difference in the stress occurring in the third trimester and postpartum (t=2.20, p=0.03). There was also a correlation between the stress occurring during pregnancy and in the puerperium and the manifestation of postpartum depression (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: More than half of the women experience significant stress signs during both pregnancy and the postpartum period. However, the frequency of onset of significant symptoms of stress was higher during pregnancy than during the puerperium. These results seem to be closely related to the manifestation of postpartum depression, indicating the relationship between stress and postpartum depression.

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