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Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2018;40(9):501-506
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1999;21(10):587-591
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031999001000004
Objetivo: determinar se o não-fechamento dos folhetos peritoneais (visceral e parietal) na cesárea apresenta benefícios no intra e pós-operatório. Pacientes e Métodos: seiscentas e noventa e oito mulheres programadas para cesárea foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: com sutura dos peritônios visceral e parietal (n = 349) e sem sutura dos peritônios (n = 349), na Maternidade da Encruzilhada (CISAM) em Recife, entre novembro de 1997 e dezembro de 1998. A análise estatística comparou as variáveis do intra-operatório e do pós-operatório entre os dois grupos. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos em relação a idade, paridade, idade gestacional, antibiótico profilático, cefaléia pós-raquianestesia, cistite, amniorrexe prematura e indicações da cesárea. Resultados: o tempo cirúrgico, o número de fios categute simples e o uso de analgésico foram significativamente menores no grupo sem sutura do que no grupo com sutura. As incidências de febre, infecção de ferida operatória, endometrite foram similares nos dois grupos. Não houve diferenças quanto ao uso de antifisético, antiemético e óleo mineral. As médias de dias de permanência hospitalar foram similares nos dois grupos. Conclusões: o não-fechamento dos folhetos peritoneais não apresenta efeitos adversos no pós-operatório e, ao contrário, diminui o uso de analgésicos e no intra-operatório diminui o tempo e o número de fios categute simples.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(8):493-500
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000800010
The interest of modern obstetrics in labor induction can be demonstrated by the huge amount of scientific articles published during the last few years. The advances of medicine in general and particularly of obstetrics allowed that more risky pregnancies reach term or near term, with a maternal or fetal indication for pregnancy interruption before the spontaneous onset of labor and delivery. This leads the obstetrician to the situation of choosing between cesarean section and labor induction. With the aim of helping the obstetrician to make the choice for labor induction and thus collaborate with the reduction in cesarean section rates, it is necessary that an accessible, cheap, safe, effective, easy to be used method with good acceptability is available. Although several methods of labor induction reported in medical literature do exist, it is known that there is no ideal method. However, among them, two are highlighted. The first is oxytocin, which has the advantages of promoting physiologic uterine contractions of labor and reverting uterine hypercontractility when suspended. The other method is misoprostol, nowadays the most used, which ripens the uterine cervix and induces uterine contractions of labor. However, there are still some controversies regarding its ideal dose, route and safety.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(4):189-196
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000400005
PURPOSE: to create a predictive model for cesarean section at the "Professor Monteiro de Morais Maternity" after evaluation of antepartum risk factors of the pregnant women who delivered from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000, and then, to verify the efficacy of indication for cesarean section. METHODS: a longitudinal, case control study with 3.626 pregnant women was performed to identify the antepartum risk factors for cesarean section in the period from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000. Thereafter an ideal model able to quantify the risk for cesarean section for each patient in the presence of one or more risk factor was created. Then, the model was applied to the patients of the study in order to verify the efficacy of indication for cesarean section. RESULTS: the baseline risk for cesarean section was 15.2%. The concordance between the percentage estimated through logistic model and cesarean delivery was 86.6%. CONCLUSIONS: the logistic model was able to identify the baseline risk for cesarean section and to quantify the increase in risk for cesarean section in each patient when risk factors were introduced in the model. The model can be considered efficient and able to predict cesarean section because the agreemant between the prediction and the correct indication was 86.6%, and 53.6% of the patients who had vaginal delivery did not have any risk factor for cesarean section.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(1):24-31
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000100006
PURPOSE: to compare the effectiveness and safety of sublingual misoprostol (25 µg) versus vaginal misoprostol (25 µg) (Prostokos®) for labor induction with gestational age > 37 weeks and unripe cervices. METHODS: a randomized controlled clinical trial was performed at the Maternidade Monteiro de Morais (CISAM-UPE), in Recife - PE, Brazil, from October 2003 to February 2004. One hundred and twenty-three women with gestational age > 37 weeks, Bishop score <8, not in labor and with medical indication for interruption of pregnancy were included in this study. The women received randomly 25 µg sublingual misoprostol or 25 µg vaginal misoprostol every 6 h, not exceeding eight doses. In order to evaluate the differences between the groups, means, standard deviations, Student's t-test, c² trend and Mann-Whitney test were used. The statistical significance was considered to be 5%. RESULTS: there were no significant differences between the number of women with vaginal delivery in the sublingual group as compared with the vaginal group (65.5 vs 75.8%, p<0.22), or in the interval of time between the induction onset and delivery (24 h and 42 min vs 20 h and 37 min respectively, p=0.11). The two groups, sublingual and vaginal, also did not differ as to the hyperstimulation syndrome (1.7 vs 3.2%, p=0.95), meconium incidence (5.2 vs 4.8%, p=0.74), Apgar score <7 at 5 min (3.4 vs 4.8%, p=0.98) and other adverse effects. CONCLUSION: twenty-five micrograms of sublingual misoprostol every six h presented the same effectiveness and safety as an equal vaginally administered dose of this substance. Sublingual misoprostol seems to be acceptable and is another option to be considered for labor induction.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(10):685-685