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You searched for:"Noeli Aparecida Faria Duarte Ferreira"

We found (1) results for your search.
  • Original Article

    Glove Perforation during Gynecologic Surgeries

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2000;22(4):225-228


    Original Article

    Glove Perforation during Gynecologic Surgeries

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2000;22(4):225-228

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032000000400006


    Purpose: to analyze the frequency of glove perforation during gynecologic surgeries. Methods: a prospective study of 454 gloves used in 65 surgeries by the water pressure method. Results: of a total of 454 gloves, 54 (11.9%) had perforations. Comparison with the control group showed p<0.05 (chi² test), 1 (1.7%) perforation in 60 gloves tested. Of the total of gloves used in 65 surgeries, 29 (44.6%) had perforations, 44 (81%) had one perforation and 10 (19%) had more than one perforation. The two most common sites of perforations were the index finger, 20 (29.5%) and the thumb, 14 (25.9%). Perforation was predominant in the left hand (72.1%). The surgeons were the members of the team with the greatest number of glove perforations. Total hysterectomy was the most frequent surgery in which glove perforations occurred (50% of the cases). Conclusion: the glove perforations occurred with relatively high frequency during gynecologic surgeries. The index finger of the left hand proved to be the most affected region. Among the members of the team, the highest percentage of glove perforations occurred in those of the surgeons. Total hysterectomy had the highest perforation rate.

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