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You searched for:"Nilka F. Donadio"

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  • Original Article

    Three-dimensional hysterosonography in infertility: preliminary study

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(10):773-780


    Original Article

    Three-dimensional hysterosonography in infertility: preliminary study

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(10):773-780

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004001000004


    PURPOSE: to compare the information obtained with pelvic and transvaginal ultrasonography (USG), hystero-salpingography (HSG), diagnostic hysteroscopy (HSC), pelvic nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (PNMR), three-dimensional hysterosonography (3D HSSNG), to optimize and simplify the investigation about cervical and corporeal uterine factors in conjugal infertility. METHODS: in the period between January and July 2003, fifty women reporting infertility for at least two years were submitted to USG, HSG, HSC, PNMR, and 3D HSSNG as tracking examinations for uterine factor diagnosis. The endocervical canal, as well as the endometrium, myometrium, and the presence of uterine malformations were investigated. The results of each examination were analyzed and compared. RESULTS: of the 50 women studied, 12 (24%) presented alteration in at least one of the examinations. When 3D HSSNG was compared to USG, 3D HSSNG provided additional information in 7 cases (58.3%); when compared to HSG, it provided additional information in 7 cases (58.3%); when compared to HSC, it provided additional information in 4 cases (32.1%), and when compared to PNMR, it provided additional information in 6 cases (50%). There were only two cases in which HSG detected alterations of the endocervical canal that were not visualized using 3D HSSNG. In the other cases 3D HSSNG imparted the same diagnosis; furthermore, it provided additional information in comparison to the other examinations. Statistical analysis using the kappa test demonstrated that the diagnoses obtained by 3D HSSNG were in agreement with those obtained with USG, HSG and PNMR (p<0,05). When the HSG and 3D HSSNG results were combined, all conditions associated with infertility could be precisely diagnosed, using only these examinations. CONCLUSION: the association of the HSG with 3D HSSNG may be sufficient for the diagnosis of cervical and corporeal uterine factors in infertility, reducing the number of examinations for each patient, the total cost, as well as the anxiety and the delay in treatment.

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