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You searched for:"Mara Cristina Souza de Lucia"

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  • Original Article

    Termination of pregnancy after the diagnosis of lethal fetal malformation: emotional aspects

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(1):10-17


    Original Article

    Termination of pregnancy after the diagnosis of lethal fetal malformation: emotional aspects

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(1):10-17

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000100003


    PURPOSE: to describe to emotional process experienced with termination of pregnancy after the diagnosis of lethal fetal malformation. METHODS: thirty-five pregnant women who underwent termination of pregnancy for lethal fetal anomaly after judicial permission were interviewed. The most frequent fetal malformation was anencephaly (71.5%). The patients were submitted to an open interview as soon as the diagnosis of fetal malformation was confirmed, allowing them to express their feelings and stimulating them to think about asking for termination of pregnancy. The mean time spent until the judicial agreement was 16.6 days. The women who requested and were submitted to the procedure of abortion were invited to return for psychological evaluation after 30-60 days. At this moment, a semi-structured interview was performed to find the emotional aspects and feelings that existed. RESULTS: thirty-five patients were interviewed. The decision-making feelings about termination of pregnancy were negative for 60%, 51.4% declared that they had no doubts about the assumed decision and 65.7% declared that their own opinion was more important for decision than anyone else's. Most of the women (89%) affirmed to remember the facts about the procedure that they experienced, 91% affirmed that they would have the same attitude in the case of another similar situation in the future and 60% declared that they would advise someone to opt for termination of pregnancy if asked about the same situation. CONCLUSIONS: the anguish experienced showed that the process of thinking is very important for the decision-making process and posterior satisfaction with the assumed posture. The psychological follow-up allows to review the moral and cultural values in order to help the decision-making process with the aim of minimizing the suffering.

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  • Original Article

    Abortion in women living in the outskirts of Sao Paulo: experience and socioeconomic aspects

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2013;35(1):27-32


    Original Article

    Abortion in women living in the outskirts of Sao Paulo: experience and socioeconomic aspects

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2013;35(1):27-32

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013000100006


    PURPOSE: To compare and analyze socioeconomic aspects and the emotional experience of women with spontaneous or induced abortion and in women living in the outskirts of São Paulo. METHODS: A prospective case-control study carried out from July 2008 to March 2010, involving semi-structured interviews with women who presented a previous diagnosis of abortion and who had been admitted to two public hospitals in the outskirts of São Paulo. The study included 100 women with diagnosis of abortion and were hospitalized for curettage. Eleven women who reported induced abortion (11%) represented the case group. The control group (n=22) was selected at a 2:1 ratio according to the following procedure: for every case of induced abortion, the next two cases of spontaneous abortion at the same hospital. A semistructured interview was conducted with questions regarding emotional aspects and family, social and economic context. RESULTS: The women with induced abortion compared to the group with spontaneous abortion had lower educational level, with more frequent elementary level (82 versus 36%, p=0.04), lower income (median, R$ 1,000.00 versus R$ 1,400.00, p=0.04), lower personal income (median, R$ 200.00 versus R$ 333.00, p=0.04), higher frequency of negative feelings upon suspicion (82 versus 22%, p=0.004) and confirmation (72 versus 22%, p=0.03) of pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Among women looking for health care in hospitals in the outskirts of São Paulo, induced abortion is related to unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, which affects the emotional experiences of suspicion and confirmation of pregnancy.

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  • Original Article

    Preference in the process of parturition: a comparison between primiparous and nulliparous women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2013;35(6):281-285


    Original Article

    Preference in the process of parturition: a comparison between primiparous and nulliparous women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2013;35(6):281-285

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013000600008


    PURPOSE: It was to describe and compare the preference of nulliparous and primiparous women for a particular mode of delivery and to determine whether the previous experience of childbirth influences the delivery process. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study. One-hundred interviews were held with 56 nulliparous and 44 primiparous women using previously prepared questionnaires. The quantitative and categorical data were evaluated by the chi-square or Fisher's Exact Test. RESULTS: 60.7% of nulliparous women and 70.5% of primiparous women reported to prefer vaginal delivery. When analyzing the answers about receiving sufficient information about the type of delivery, the presence or absence of influence on the choice of route of delivery and the preferred route of delivery by the partner, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups. The level of significance used for the tests was 0.05. CONCLUSIONS: This study permitted us to conclude that the previous experience of delivery does not influence the expectation of the delivery process or the choice for a specific mode of delivery. When choosing the route of delivery, women seek to ensure the health of mother and neonate, as well as to avoid the process of pain and suffering.

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  • Perception influence of professionals regarding unsafe in attention to women’s health

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2012;34(2):69-73


    Perception influence of professionals regarding unsafe in attention to women’s health

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2012;34(2):69-73

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000200005


    PURPOSE: To identify the knowledge and awareness of health professionals regarding the Brazilian legislation on induced abortion. METHODS: Unidentified sealed envelopes containing the questionnaires were sent to all professionals (n=149) working in the Obstetrics Department of a university hospital and public hospital at the periphery of São Paulo (SP), Brazil. A total of 119 professionals responded to the questionnaire. The 0.05 confidence interval and the Fisher exact test and χ² test were used for data analysis. RESULTS: Of the respondents, 48.7% were physicians, 33.6% were nursing professionals and 17.6% were professionals from other fields (psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, laboratory technicians and administrators). There was a significant difference (p=0.01) in the proportion of professionals who believe that abortion for non-lethal fetal malformation and due to unplanned pregnancies should be included in the Brazilian legislation. It was observed that the knowledge about the law and the description of the circumstances allowed by law on abortion was significantly different when comparing health professionals (p=0.01). When asked about the situations in which Brazilian law allows abortion, 32.7% of physicians, 97.5% of nursing professionals and 90.5% of other professionals were unaware of the law. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the lack of of knowledge of Brazilian law among health professionals, to a lesser extent among obstetricians and a to a greater extent among nursing professionals. Attitudes of discrimination and prejudice were observed regarding the care provided to women who induce an abortion.

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