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  • Original Article

    Surgical and non-surgical treatment of vaginal agenesis: analysis of a series of cases

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2012;34(6):274-277


    Original Article

    Surgical and non-surgical treatment of vaginal agenesis: analysis of a series of cases

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2012;34(6):274-277

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000600006


    PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the results of neovaginoplasty by a modified McIndoe-Bannister technique and by the non-surgical Frank technique. METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted on a convenience sample of 25 women with vaginal agenesis undergoing surgical or conservative treatment at an Infant-Pubertal Gynecology Outpatient Clinic. Data were obtained from the medical records. Fifteen women underwent the surgical McIndoe-Bannister modified technique Surgical Group, and 10 women underwent the non-surgical Frank technique Frank Group. The following parameters were considered for comparative analysis between the two samples: vaginometry, surgical and non-surgical complications, and sexual satisfaction after treatment. Sexual satisfaction was assessed by a simple question: How is your sex life? RESULTS: There were differences related to vaginal length before and after performing exercises in both Frank Group (initial vaginal length 2.4±2.0 cm versus 6.9±1.1 cm after treatment, p<0.0001) and Surgical Group (initial vaginal length 0.9±1.4 cm versus 8.0±0.8 cm after treatment, p<0.0001). Increased vaginal length was observed in Surgical Group compared to Frank Group (Frank Group=7.0±0.9 cm versus Surgical Group=8.0±0.8 cm, p=0.0005). Forty percent of Surgical Group women had surgical complications versus no complications with the Frank technique. All women reported to be satisfied with their sexual life. CONCLUSION: The present data indicate that both the surgical and Frank techniques are effective for the treatment of vaginal agenesis, resulting in the construction of a vagina that pewrmits sexual intercourse and sexual satisfaction. The favorable aspects of the Frank technique are related to its low cost and to the low rates of major complications.

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