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  • Case Report

    Rupture of Vasa Previa: A Case Report

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(7):465-468


    Case Report

    Rupture of Vasa Previa: A Case Report

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2001;23(7):465-468

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032001000700009


    The differential diagnosis of hemorrhages during the third trimester of pregnancy due exclusively to obstetrical causes includes: abruptio placentae, low insertion of placenta (placenta previa with subtypes), rupture of the uterus, rupture of the marginal placental sinus and rupture of the vasa previa. The three first diagnoses occur more frequently, their epidemiological factors are better known and therefore, have an easier diagnosis. It is common for obstetricians with long practical experience, as well as for ultrasonographers specialized in fetal medicine and who thoroughly know their theory, not to have ever been exposed to practical obstetrical cases of vasa previa or their rupture. The reason to write this article was the fact that, during the past 32 years, we have been working constantly and uninterruptedly in obstetrical practice and we have seen only one case of rupture of vasa previa during labor, which killed the fetus. Initially, we investigated the issue in obstetrical textbooks having no luck whatsoever, except for a couple of lines on the subject. Carrying out our search in depth, we were able to learn that, even though a rarity, today's literature on the subject suggests that it is possible to have a diagnosis for this morbid entity during gestation, and to solve the problem by making the cesarian section mandatory in these cases, leading to a significant reduction in the actual fetal mortality figures which, according to experts, vary between 33 and 100%.

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    Rupture of Vasa Previa: A Case Report
  • Original Article

    Sacrospinous colpopexy: analysis of its use in patients with uterovaginal and vaginal vault prolapse after histerectomy

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(10):757-764


    Original Article

    Sacrospinous colpopexy: analysis of its use in patients with uterovaginal and vaginal vault prolapse after histerectomy

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(10):757-764

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004001000002


    PURPOSE: to analyze the results of a technical alternative to perform sacrospinous colpopexy for the treatment of vault prolapse after hysterectomy, and also as an additional facilitating procedure in cases of total uterovaginal prolapse. METHODS: forty-six patients underwent hysterectomy and were followed-up for 12 to 44 months, with an average of 32 months. Twenty-three of them presented vaginal vault prolapse (GVault), and 23 had total uterovaginal prolapse (GUterus). The inclusion criterion was the presence of symptomatic prolapse grade III or IV according to the classification proposed by the International Continence Society. Patients presenting lower grade prolapse were excluded. The average age of the patients was similar: 67.0 years in GVault and 67.5 years in GUterus. Average body mass index was also similar: 27.4 kg/m² in GVault and 25.6 kg/m² in GUterus. Deliveries varied from 0 to 13 in GVault (average: 4.4 deliveries), and from 1 to 13 in GUterus (average: 6.2 deliveries). Among the 23 patients in GVault, eight had undergone previous surgical repair without success. The results obtained in both groups were analyzed and compared. The used method takes into account well-known anatomical principles, and differs from the original technique by using a curved needle holder oriented upside down to place sutures through the right sacrospinous ligament under direct vision, approximately 2 cm medially to the ischial spine, thus minimizing the risk of injury to the pudendal vessels and nerve. RESULTS: average duration of the surgery was 90.0 min in GVault and 119.5 min in GUterus, a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Three blood transfusions were needed, one in GVault and two in GUterus. There was no bladder, rectal or ureteral injury nor death in any of the groups. The incidence and type of postoperative complications were similar in the two groups, and included urinary infection, granuloma, urinary retention, transient neuropathy, buttock pain and blood transfusion. Average vaginal length after the operation was 7.6 cm in GVault and 7.3 cm in GUterus (p>0.05). The anatomical result of the apical, anterior and posterior vaginal compartments was satisfactory in more than 90% of the patients of both groups. The functional result was also similar in both groups, and among the sexually active patients, only one (7.7%) in GVault and two (13.3%) in GUterus complained of dyspareunia after the surgery. There was no association between age, parity, obesity, and the anatomical and functional results. CONCLUSION: analysis of the obtained data demonstrates that this modification of sacrospinous colpopexy is technically simple, safe and effective, providing similar results in both groups of the studied patients.

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    Sacrospinous colpopexy: analysis of its use in patients with uterovaginal and vaginal vault prolapse after histerectomy
  • Original Article

    Urodynamic evaluation of leak point pressure under stress, in orthostatic and seating position, in women with urinary incontinency

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(2):91-95


    Original Article

    Urodynamic evaluation of leak point pressure under stress, in orthostatic and seating position, in women with urinary incontinency

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(2):91-95

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000200006


    PURPOSE: compare the outcomes verified during urodynamic investigation realized in two different positions related to urinary leak point pressure under stress and to discuss its clinical relevance. METHODS: sixty-four patients with stress urinary incontinency (SUI) aged 25-80 years old, attended, during June 2003 to September 2005 were included in this study. Patients were initially submitted to urodynamic investigation in accordance with International Continence Society (ICS) techniques in orthostatic position and just after were evaluated in seating position. RESULTS: statistical significance was obtained after evaluation of Vasalva leak point pressure (VLPP) obtained in two positions (99,8 ± 33,3 versus 102,9 ± 32,4; respectivamente, posição sentada e em pé, p<0,05). Linear regression test based on frequency analyses was applied with the purpose to verify the patient percentage allocated in confidence interval in terms of Valsalva leak point pressure in seating or orthostatic positions. A rate of 90.6% of compatibility was gotten in these results. When three unities were added to VLPP values after urodynamic investigation in seating position, it was noted that 92.2% of patients was included in this interval. CONCLUSIONS: these findings suggest that the urodynamic investigation can be realized in seating position without diagnostic a therapeutic impairment allowing higher comfort to the patients.

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