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  • Original Article

    Impact of Plasmatic Progesterone on the Day of Frozen Embryo Transfer in Hormone-induced Cycles

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2021;43(8):608-615


    Original Article

    Impact of Plasmatic Progesterone on the Day of Frozen Embryo Transfer in Hormone-induced Cycles

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2021;43(8):608-615

    DOI 10.1055/s-0041-1735229




    To establish a relationship between serum progesterone values on the day of frozen blastocyst transfer in hormone-replaced cycles with the probability of pregnancy, miscarriage or delivery.


    This was an ambispective observational study including all frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles performed at our department following in vitro fecundation from May 2018 to June 2019. The outcomes evaluated were β human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG)-positive pregnancy and delivery. Groups were compared according to the level of serum progesterone on the day of embryo transfer: the 1st quartile of progesterone was compared against the other quartiles and then the 2nd and 3rd quartiles against the 4th quartile.


    A total of 140 transfers were included in the analysis: 87 with β-HCG>10 IU/L (62%), of which 50 (36%) delivered and 37 had a miscarriage (42%).Women with lower progesterone levels (< 10.7ng/mL) had a trend toward higher β-HCG-positive (72 versus 59%; p>0.05), lower delivery (26 versus 39%; p>0.05) and higher miscarriage rates (64 versus 33%; p<0.01). Comparing the middle quartiles (P25-50) with those above percentiles 75, the rate of pregnancy was similar (60 versus 57%; p>0.05), although there was a trend toward a higher number of deliveries (43 versus 31%; p>0.05) and a lower number of miscarriages (28 versus 45%; p>0.05). These differences were not statistically significant.


    There were no differences in pregnancy and delivery rates related with the progesterone level when measured in the transfer day. The miscarriage rate was higher in the 1st quartile group.

    See more
    Impact of Plasmatic Progesterone on the Day of Frozen Embryo Transfer in Hormone-induced Cycles
  • Original Article

    Teenage pregnancy outcome

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):620-625


    Original Article

    Teenage pregnancy outcome

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(12):620-625

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008001200006


    PURPOSE: to compare delivery and pregnancy follow-up among adolescent and non-adolescent pregnant women whose delivery occurred in a tertiary hospital from Região de Lisboa (Portugal). METHODS: retrospective study with 10,656 deliveries. Pregnancy follow-up, delivery type, need of episiotomy and severe lacerations, Apgar index at the fifth minute and the delivery weight have been evaluated. The pregnant women were divided into two groups, over and under 20 years old. The group with women under 20 was further subdivided in pregnant women under or over 16. The χ2 test has been used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: adolescents presented worse follow-up: first appointment after 12 weeks (46.4 versus 26.3%) and less than four appointments (8.1 versus 3.1%), less dystocia (21.5 versus 35.1%), less caesarian sections (10.6 versus 20.7%), and lower need for inducing labor (16.5 versus 26.5%). There was no significant difference concerning gestational age at delivery and ratio of low weight newborns. Among adolescents, the ones under 16 had more low weight newborns (12 versus 7.4%) and more deliveries between 34 and 37 weeks (10.8 versus 4.2%). CONCLUSIONS: in a hospital attending adolescents with social and psychological support, the fact of them having had a worse follow-up in the pre-natal phase, their performance has not been worse. Nevertheless, special attention might be given to pregnant women under 16.

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  • Original Article

    The Addition of Dydrogesterone after Frozen Embryo Transfer in Hormonal Substituted Cycles with Low Progesterone Levels

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2022;44(10):930-937


    Original Article

    The Addition of Dydrogesterone after Frozen Embryo Transfer in Hormonal Substituted Cycles with Low Progesterone Levels

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2022;44(10):930-937

    DOI 10.1055/s-0042-1751058




    To determine whether a rescue strategy using dydrogesterone (DYD) could improve the outcomes of frozen embryo transfer cycles (FET) with low progesterone (P4) levels on the day of a blastocyst transfer.


    Retrospective cohort study including FET cycles performed between July 2019 and October 2020 following an artificial endometrial preparation cycle using estradiol valerate and micronized vaginal P4 (400 mg twice daily). Whenever the serum P4 value was below 10 ng/mL on the morning of the planned transfer, DYD 10 mg three times a day was added as supplementation. The primary endpoint was ongoing pregnancy beyond 10 weeks. The sample was subdivided into two groups according to serum P4 on the day of FET: low (< 10 ng/mL, with DYD supplementation) or normal (above 10 ng/mL). We performed linear or logistic generalized estimating equations (GEE), as appropriate.


    We analyzed 304 FET cycles from 241 couples, 11.8% (n = 36) of which had serum P4 below 10 ng/mL on the FET day. Baseline clinical data of patients was comparable between the study groups.


    Our results indicate that DYD 10 mg three times a day administered in women who perform FET with P4 serum levels < 10 ng/mL, allows this group to have pregnancy rates beyond 12 weeks at least as good as those with serum levels above 10 ng/mL.

    See more
    The Addition of Dydrogesterone after Frozen Embryo Transfer in Hormonal Substituted Cycles with Low Progesterone Levels


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