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  • Revisão

    Beneficial interventions during delivery for the prevention of maternal mortality

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(6):357-365



    Beneficial interventions during delivery for the prevention of maternal mortality

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(6):357-365

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000600011


    The multiple factors involved in maternal complications and maternal mortality make the task of their long-term control difficult and time-consuming. Professional care for pregnant women and/or those in labor certainly represents a key point for obtaining good outcomes, either maternal or perinatal. From the starting point that an adequate professional medical care for delivery has the capacity of decreasing the occurrence of complications associated with maternal morbidity and mortality, the evidence regarding some interventions included in this care is summarily presented. The evidence derived from studies performed with a strong methodological and scientific approach, mainly randomized controlled trials, on interventions to reduce complications and maternal mortality. These main interventions basically refer to: institutional care to is focused delivery, skilled professional care, use of traditional birth attendants in some contexts, use of appropriate technologies including partograph, place of birth, position for delivery, use of episiotomy, type of delivery, use of oxytocin during the active phase of labor, performance of push efforts during the second stage, active management of the third stage, and prophylaxis for post-partum hemorrhage. Although the effect of avoiding maternal death is difficult to be evaluated due to its low frequency, its rational and standardized use, through manuals and guidelines for intervention care, has a positive effect on the quality of care for childbirth. This is part of the human and technical context of the right that every woman has to the best possible care in this so special moment of her life.

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    Beneficial interventions during delivery for the prevention of maternal mortality


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