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You searched for:"Fernando Calabresi"

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  • Original Article

    Importance of seminal parameters for intrauterine insemination outcomes

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(4):243-248


    Original Article

    Importance of seminal parameters for intrauterine insemination outcomes

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(4):243-248

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000400004


    PURPOSE: to analyze the influence of seminal parameters on intrauterine insemination (IUI) outcomes in patients with male factor and to emphasize the predictive value of each parameter for the successful result. METHODS: two hundred and thirty-nine IUI cycles (155 couples) were analyzed for 15 months. Female patients were submitted to ovary hyperstimulation according to the "I Consenso Brasileiro de Indução de Ovulação". Seminal analysis based on the World Health Organization (WHO) for sperm concentration and motility was used and sperm morphology was evaluated according to Kruger's criterion. Samples to be used in IUI were prepared by colloidal discontinued gradient (ISolate®). After IUI two patient groups were formed: group G - positive for pregnancy and group NG - negative for pregnancy. RESULTS: there was no statistical difference in total sperm concentration per mL, total motility and progressive motility before and after the ISolate® procedure. When sperm morphology was compared between the two groups, a statistical difference was observed (group G=10.6% normal morphology; group NG=6.4% normal morphology; p<0.05). Better pregnancy results were obtained when the number of inseminated spermatozoa was more than 15 x 10(6)/mL. CONCLUSIONS: sperm morphology and the number of inseminated sperm seem to be positive parameters for pregnancy and should be emphasized during male infertility propaedeutics.

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