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  • Original Article

    Prevalence and associated factors with hospitalization for treatment of urinary tract infection during pregnancy

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2013;35(5):199-204


    Original Article

    Prevalence and associated factors with hospitalization for treatment of urinary tract infection during pregnancy

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2013;35(5):199-204

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032013000500002


    PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence and associated factors of the hospitalization of pregnant women for treatment of urinary tract infection and the repercussions on the health of the newborn, and the absence of a urine exam during the prenatal period. METHODS: A cross-sectional design, where were eligible all mothers of newborns with births occurring between January 1st and December 31, 2010 in Rio Grande (RS). Mothers were interviewed in the two maternity hospitals in the city. Information was collected regarding hospitalization for urinary tract infection, the prenatal assistance and sociodemographic conditions. Statistical analyses were performed by levels and controlled for confounding using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Of the 2,288 women eligible for the study, 2.9% were hospitalized for treatment of urinary tract infection and was higher, after adjustment, in woman with lowest economic status (3.1% the lowest and 2.1% the highest), younger (4.0% in adolescents and 1.8% in those over 30 years), had less education (3.1% had seven years or less of studying and 1.2% had 12 years or more) and did not live with a partner (4.3% living without partner and 2.6% living with partner). Pathologies of the newborn associated with hospitalization, were preterm birth (4.1% in pre-term and 2.7% in those at term) and low birth weight (6.4% in low and 2.6% in those in normal). Of the women who underwent prenatal care, 23.6% had not done the urine test as recommended and, after adjustment, and the risk for not done the test was higher among those with lower socioeconomic status (34.4% in lower and 14.4% in the highest level), less educated (32.3% with seven years or less of studying and 11.0% with 12 years or more) and not living with a partner (32.7% living without partner and 22.0% living with partner). CONCLUSIONS: The high rate of hospitalization reflects the lack of effectiveness of screening for urinary tract infection during pregnancy. The socioeconomic profile of women who required hospitalization and who did not undergo adequate screening of urinary tract infection in prenatal care, demonstrate the need of more careful attention to pregnant women with the features found.

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