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  • Original Article

    Characterization of yeasts isolated from the vagina and their association with vulvovaginal candidíasis in two cities of the South of Brazil

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2005;27(2):58-63


    Original Article

    Characterization of yeasts isolated from the vagina and their association with vulvovaginal candidíasis in two cities of the South of Brazil

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2005;27(2):58-63

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000200003


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the distribution of yeast species isolated from the vagina in two cities of the South of Brazil and compare the in vitro susceptibility profile of these yeasts against some antifungals, which are used in clinical routine. METHODS: all women attended from January to June 2004 for vaginal routine examinations, independent of being symptomatic or not were included in the study. Only those who presented immunodeficiency like AIDS or any other genital infection were excluded. Samples of vaginal discharge from the women (Jaraguá do Sul - SC (n=130) and Maringá - PR (n=97)) were cultivated. The yeasts were identified and submitted to the susceptibility test against the antifungals fluconazole, nystatin and amphotericin B. RESULTS: the frequency of positive cultures for yeasts was the same in both cities; C. albicans was the most prevalent species (about 24%), but its frequency was different: in SC it corresponded to 77.4% of the yeasts both in symptomatic and asymptomatic women and in PR it was 50.0% with predominance in symptomatic women. We observed high rates of susceptibility to fluconazole and amphotericin B, but 51.1% of the yeasts presented dose-dependent susceptibility (DDS) to nystatin. C. albicans showed a higher tendency to be nystatin resistant (52.8% DDS) than non-albicans species (44.4%). CONCLUSIONS: our data showed geographic differences among the species of yeasts isolated from the vagina and suggest that this fact has clinical relevance considering the differences in susceptibility, especially regarding nystatin, which could be important for the management of vulvovaginal candidiasis.

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