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You searched for:"Cristiane Cadore Hagemann"

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  • Original Article

    Use of microalbuminuria in random urine samples to screen diabetic pregnant women for preeclampsia

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(4):277-281


    Original Article

    Use of microalbuminuria in random urine samples to screen diabetic pregnant women for preeclampsia

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(4):277-281

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000400009


    PURPOSE: the aim of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy of microalbuminuria to predict preeclampsia. METHODS: a prospective study of 45 consecutive diabetic gestations that were tested for microalbuminuria before the 18th week, between the 18th and 24th week and between the 32nd and 36th week of gestation. All patients had their prenatal care done from January 2000 to December 2001. The DCA 2000 microalbumin/creatinine assay is a quantitative method for measuring low concentrations of albumin, creatinine and the albumin/creatinine ratio in urine. According to laboratory standards, an albumin/creatinine ratio >16 mg/g (1.8 mg/mmol) indicates incipient renal damage and risk for preeclampsia. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of the albumin/creatinine ratio were determined to predict the occurrence or the absence of preeclampsia, diagnosed through clinical criteria. RESULTS: of all patients, 17% developed preeclampsia. The sensitivity of albumin/creatinine ratio increased from 12.5% at 18 weeks to 25% between the 18th and 24th week and to 87% after the 32nd week. On the other hand, specificity presented a decreasing value from 97 to 89 and 83%, respectively). The positive predictive value was relatively low in the three different periods of evaluation (50, 33 and 53%, respectively. The negative predictive value was increased in the three stages of gestational age (83, 84 and 96%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: quantification of microalbuminuria could correctly predict the absence of preeclampsia but was less accurate to predict the occurrence of the disease in diabetic pregnancies.

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