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  • Original Article

    Risk factors for genital prolapse in a Brazilian population

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2009;31(1):17-21


    Original Article

    Risk factors for genital prolapse in a Brazilian population

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2009;31(1):17-21

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032009000100004


    PURPOSE: to evaluate risk factors for the development of genital prolapse in the Brazilian population. METHODS: case-control study involving 316 patients submitted to prolapse staging, according to the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system. The patients were divided into two groups: in the Case Group there were 107 patients with prolapse at stage III or IV, and in the Control Group, 209 women at stage 0 or I. In the anamnesis, the selected women have been questioned about the presence of possible risk factors for genital prolapse, such as: age, menopause age, parturition, delivery type (vaginal, caesarean section or forceps), occurrence of fetal macrosomia, family history of genital dystopia in first degree relatives, chronic cough and intestinal constipation. RESULTS: The variables that were different between the groups were: age, body mass index, parturition, number of vaginal, caesarean section or forceps deliveries, newborn weight and positive family history for prolapse. Race, menopause age, chronic cough and intestinal constipation did not present differences between the groups. After logistic regression, only three variables have been shown to be independent risk factors: presence of at least one vaginal delivery, fetal macrosomia and positive family history for dystopia. Cesarean section was shown to be a protective factor. CONCLUSION: in the Brazilian population, the independent risk factor for genital prolapse were: personal antecedent of at least one vaginal delivery, fetal macrosomia and family history of dystopia.

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    Risk factors for genital prolapse in a Brazilian population


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